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-¡Al suelo!- uno de los jefes de seguridad del hotel le dió el aviso por el auricular.

James tiró con facilidad, y sin dañar, a Regulus al piso.  Protegiendo la cabeza de Black con su propia cabeza y brazos.


Sentía como latía el corazón de Potter, quien estaba pegado a él.

Sentía... muchas partes de Potter.

-Amenaza neutralizada, era un arma de juguete-avisó por el auricular.

James suspiró, intentando calmarse.

-Un arma de juguete- explicó James.

-¿Solo eso?- sonrió divertido.

-Mi trabajo es cuidarlo, señor Black.

-Llevo desde que apareciste diciéndote que no me digas señor. Me siento un anciano, ¡Ni siquiera tengo 30!

Se mordió la lengua, suprimiendo su pregunta sobre la edad de Regulus y asintió.




-¿Por qué mi guardaespaldas ni siquiera me mira?

-Fue lo que pediste.

-Sí, pero no imaginé que fuese un chico sexi.

-¿Entonces tienes preferencia porque es lindo?

-Con razón te trata mal- molestó Pandora a Barty.


-Ya, basta.

-¿Te gusta tu guardaespaldas, Regulus?

-¡No!- suspiró molesto.


-Buenos días- saludó Potter.

Regulus ni se volteó a mirarlo.

-¿Que me toca hoy?- pregunta a Evan, su mejor amigo y asistente personal.

-Entrevistas, almuerzo con una de tus coestrellas, ir al estudio a grabar y  cena con tus padres.

-Mierda, viven en el centro.

-¿Te puedes quedar hasta tarde, Potter?- preguntó Rosier.

-Sí, señor.

-Genial, resuelto, Regulus. Al auto, que llegamos tarde.

James caminó detrás de ellos, sentándose en el asiento del copiloto, mientras el conductor los llevaba.

Regulus lo miró, James hablaba divertido con su conductor. Parecía una persona muy amable y charlatana. ¿Por qué no era así con él?

Ante la atenta mirada de Evan, puso cara de asco y se sentó mejor.


- One of the hotel's security chiefs gave him the warning through the earpiece.

James easily, and harmlessly, knocked Regulus to the ground.  Protecting Black's head with his own head and arms.


He felt Potter's heart beating, who was attached to him.

He felt...many parts of Potter.

"Threat neutralized, it was a toy weapon," he announced through the receiver.

James sighed, trying to calm himself.

"A toy gun," James explained.

"Just that?" He smiled, amused.

-My job is to take care of you, Mr. Black.

-I've been telling you since you showed up not to call me sir.  I feel like an old man, I'm not even 30!

He bit his tongue, suppressing his question about Regulus' age and nodded.




-Why doesn't my bodyguard even look at me?

-It was what you asked for.

-Yes, but I didn't imagine he was a sexy boy.

-So you have preference because he is cute?

"No wonder he treats you badly," Pandora annoyed Barty.



-Do you like your bodyguard, Regulus?

"No!" He sighed, annoyed.


"Good morning," Potter greeted.

Regulus didn't even turn to look at him.

"What's my turn today?" he asks Evan, his best friend and his personal assistant.

-Interviews, lunch with one of your co-stars, go to the studio to record and have dinner with your parents.

-Shit, they live downtown.

"Can you stay late, Potter?" Rosier asked.

-Yes sir.

-Great, determined, Regulus.  To the car, we're late.

James walked behind them, sitting in the passenger seat, while the driver gave them a ride.

Regulus looked at him, James was talking amusedly with his driver.  He seemed like a very kind and chatty person.  Why wasn't it like that with him?

Under Evan's attentive gaze, he made a disgusted face and sat up better.

Bodyguard//JegulusWhere stories live. Discover now