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James llevó a Regulus a su casa, bajándose de su auto y acompañándolo hasta que entrase.

Potter tenía un trabajo difícil, porque si Regulus lo llama a mitad de la noche, debía salir rápidamente.


Black se cansó de ser amable, así que imitaba a James y simplemente no hablaba.

James realmente no hablaba porque se ponía nervioso a su lado.

Además era su trabajo mantenerse firme.

A Regulus no se le ocurrió mejor idea que hacerlo quedar hasta tarde desde ese día.

Volvió a salir de fiesta, a eventos, donde tenía que tener cerca a Potter.

Regulus caminaba entre la multitud, tranquilo por tener a su gran guardaespaldas a su lado, defendiendolo.

Le encantaba verlo mientras se besaba a cualquiera. Podía ver sus celos detrás de los lentes negros y su impecable postura.

Pero ese día las cosas se pusieron feas.

El hombre a su lado, un par de años mayor, intentó llevárselo al cuarto, Regulus se negó rotundamente.

Lo intentó obligar, pero se encontró con James, empujándolo fuertemente.

Y ahí comenzó la pelea.

Regulus se asustó cuando vió la nariz de su guardaespaldas sangrar.

-¡PARA JAMES!- gritó Black, James, como si su palabra lo único quw le importaba, se paró, posicionándose a su lado.

La seguridad de la fiesta llegó y se llevó al hombre.

Una pequeña charla con James y se alejaron.

Potter daba miedo, y más así de enojado.

Regulus lo miró, sangraba su ceja también.

Pero se mantenía erguido. A su lado, cuidándolo como si importara más que sí mismo.

-Vamos- pidió Regulus en un susurro.

James se agachó un poco para escucharlo.

-Vamos- repitió en su oído. El aliento cálido pegandole en el cuello le hizo olvidar de todo. Del dolor, de que era su jefe, de todo.

Su mirada pasó de ser fría a una cálida. Muy humana.

Asintió con la cabeza, descolocado.

Regulus pegó su espalda al pecho de James.

James took Regulus home, getting out of his car and accompanying him until he got inside.

Potter had a difficult job, because if Regulus called him in the middle of the night, he had to leave quickly.


Black got tired of being nice, so he imitated James and just didn't talk.

James didn't really talk because he got nervous around him.

Besides, it was his job to stand firm.

Regulus couldn't think of a better idea than to make him stay late from that day on.

He went out again to party, to events, where he had to have Potter close.

Regulus walked through the crowd, calmed by having his great bodyguard at his side, defending him.

He loved watching him kiss anyone.  He could see his jealousy behind the black glasses and his impeccable posture.

But that day things got ugly.

The man next to him, a couple of years older, tried to take him into the room, Regulus flatly refused.

He tried to force him, but he ran into James, pushing him hard.

And there the fight began.

Regulus was scared when he saw his bodyguard's nose bleeding.

-FOR JAMES!-Black shouted, James, as if his word was the only thing that mattered to him, he stood up, positioning himself next to him.

Party security arrived and he took the man away.

A little chat with James and they were off.

Potter was scary, and even more so angry.

Regulus looked at him, his eyebrow was bleeding too.

But he stood tall.  At his side, taking care of him as if he mattered more than himself.

"Come on," Regulus asked in a whisper.

James crouched down a little to listen to him.

"Come on," he repeated in his ear.  The warm breath hitting her neck made her forget everything.  From the pain, from the fact that he was his boss, from everything.

His gaze went from cold to warm.  Very human.

He nodded his head, confused.

Regulus pressed his back against James' chest.

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