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James todavía no lo toca.

Regulus se siente muy caliente, su período pasó hace poco, lo que significa que está ovulando.

Le da vergüenza el hecho de pedirle que se la meta.

Se asoma a la puerta del baño, James está acostado en la bañera, GIMIENDO SU NOMBRE.

Una de sus manos se mete en su pantalón, buscando su clítoris.

Se escapa antes de que James pueda verlo tocarse así. Antes de que piense que es un acosador.

Cuando está seguro de que no volverá entra al baño y vé el agua de la bañera, blanca, llena de semen.

No puede resistir la tentación de querer probar. Probar el semen de su novio.

Potter vuelve unos minutos después, encontrándolo así.

Era una situación un tanto extraña.


Regulus lo mira, paniqueado.

-Necesitaba saber a qué sabe tu semen- admite.

James sonríe coqueto y extiende su mano.

Se lo lleva al cuarto.

Se deshace de su toalla.

-Chupa cariño, vamos.

Regulus lo mira, está rendido de rodillas frente a su guardaespaldas.

Comienza por simplemente chuparla. Para después terminar con dos dedos de James jugando con su clítoris, y la lengua del mayor dentro de él.

Gime al ver que deja su trabajo para besarlo.

No espera que lo penetre de pronto, dejándolo sin aliento.

Su nombre se escapa de entre sus rojos labios.

Hollywood enloquecería si lo viese abierto de piernas para su guardaespaldas.

Muchos pagarían por verlo en esa situación. Pero James era el único que tenía el privilegio, y mierda, sí que lo estaba disfrutando.

No, no fue una ronda, ni dos, ni tres. Tampoco las contaron pero cuando acabaron ya estaba saliendo el sol.


Miró a James, el sol iluminaba su cara. Ambos estaban llenos de marcas. Pero a James definitivamente le quedaban mejor.

Miró la mano de James descansando sobre su cintura y la tomó bajándola a sus partes. 

Su novio tenía un sueño muy pesado.

El pene de Potter estaba parado, así que decidió sentarse sobre él. Por suerte ninguno estaba vestido.

Gimió fuerte cuando la masculinidad del mayor entró por completo.

Potter despertó por el gemido de Regulus.

Sonrió pasando sus manos por la cintura del pelinegro, quien siguió saltando hasta que ambos se corrieron.

-Buenos días- Black deja un beso sobre sus labios.

-El mejor saludo del mundo- gruñe Potter mordiendo el labio de su novio.


James still doesn't touch it.

Regulus feels very horny, his period recently passed, which means he is ovulating.

He is embarrassed to ask her to fuck him.

He peeks out the bathroom door, James is lying in the bathtub, MOANING HIS NAME.

One of his hands goes into his pants, searching for his clitoris.

He runs away before James can see him touching himself like that. Before he thinks he's a stalker.

When he is sure that he will not return he enters the bathroom and sees the water in the bathtub, white, full of semen.

He can't resist the temptation of wanting to try. Tasting his boyfriend's semen.

Potter returns a few minutes later, finding him like this.

It was a somewhat strange situation.


Regulus looks at him, panicked.

"I needed to know what your semen tastes like," he admits.

James smiles flirtatiously and extends his hand.

He takes it to the room.

He gets rid of the towel from him.

-Suck honey, come on.

Regulus looks at him, he is kneeling in front of his bodyguard.

He starts by simply sucking her. To then end with two of James's fingers playing with his clitoris, and the older man's tongue inside him.

He moans as he stops his work to kiss him.

He doesn't expect it to suddenly enter him, leaving him breathless.

His name escapes from between his red lips.

Hollywood would go crazy if he saw him open his legs for his bodyguard.

Many would pay to see him in that situation. But James was the only one who had the privilege, and damn, he was enjoying it.

No, it wasn't one round, nor two, nor three. They didn't count them either but when they finished the sun was already rising.


She looked at James, the sun illuminating his face. Both were full of marks. But they definitely looked better on James.

He looked at James's hand resting on his waist and took it, lowering it to the sides of him.

His boyfriend was a very heavy sleeper.

Potter's penis was standing up, so she decided to sit on it. Luckily none of them were dressed.

He moaned loudly as the older man's manhood entered completely.

Potter woke up to Regulus's moan.

He smiled, passing his hands around the black-haired man's waist, who continued jumping until they both came.

-Good morning- Black leaves a kiss on his lips.

"The best greeting in the world," Potter growls, biting his boyfriend's lip.

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