Chapter 3: The Shock

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"WAIT WAIT WAIT. Is that a special bullet to kill me with? IF SO PLEASE DO IT ALREADY I DONT LIKE NOT BEING ABLE TO DIE FOR 899 YEARS." Even her face went sour too. Then she clocked on what I just said.

"899 YEARS?! You know what Grandpa I'm just gonna kill you on this spot." Then she shot the bullet straight into my head.

I closed my eyes thinking I wasn't going to wake up but lo and behold my eyes were still open and there was no blood spilt.

Wait. Now I'm angry.

Hana started trembling at the sight of me waking up again.

Then I walked over to the corner with a few steps shaking the place with each one.

"Now I'm not happy. Not only did you fail to kill me you killed all these people just to try and get a reaction from me? That I cannot allow." Then I held her by the neck she was struggling be let away from my grasp.

"And don't call me Grandpa I still look terribly young for me actual age." Then I wanted to scare her to the fullest. I licked my lips.

"It has been a while since I have had human liver it's heard to have been sweeter in flavour nowadays." Then she started crying begging me to let her go. I put her down then she started begging for her life saying that her liver would taste disgusting and she didn't want to die. How pathetic. She was trying to tell me she didn't kill any of them.

"Wait so you didn't kill any of them?" She started acting impulsively.

Before she could pick her gun up I swiped it from her and pointed it at her head.

"Maybe I might eat your liver." She started getting scared again and asked me not to kill her again.

"Well I wish I could but it could extend my curse so nah." I emptied the gun put the bullets in my pocket and walked off.

She was just shocked then the look of surprise she back up came to come and arrest her as I blended into the crowd of police raiding her house. Obviously they can't see me as I have made myself invisible. But I couldn't help to see how dumbfounded she looked.

Her brain was scrambled..

"Miss Hana LaCroix, you are under arrest for multiple murder charges, you have the right to remain silent anything you say will be used against you in the court of law."

Just to rub more salt into the wounds I made it that she can only see me. So I sat on her table whilst watching her being taken away.

Needless to say she was also trialed for being crazy as-well.

I got back to the precinct and slumped on my desk and just wanted to relax for a bit before realising that I went into overtime for 2 days straight.

So now it's the 13th of November. I wanted to just go back home and sleep I didn't care if another case came up. But then I realised I don't need sleep. But I still wanted to.

I got up and told everyone I'm going back home for at least 2 days so don't bother me with another case. Like as if they would care though.

As I was going back home in my car, I just kept repeating that one statement. I have only done 1%? Now I'm curious where the other 99% of this dumb case is.

I was taken out of my deep thought when I braked so hard I almost sent myself forward. I saw that there was a person on the ground.

THEY HAD THE SAME SYMPTOMS AS MY COLLEAGUE. I picked him up and put him in the back of my car and took him to the hospital.


Ahh what am I going to do now. I was just hoping he stayed alive so I knew what was going on.

The doctor came back with a relived look on his face. He shook my hand and congratulated me.

"His symptoms were just recent so luckily we saved his life as he was on the brink of death." NOW THIS CASE HAS GOTTEN SO MUCH EASIER.

"But it seems he is suffering from a loss of memory." I spoke too soon. How can I be questioning him when I just got off duty and he doesn't have any memories this is terrible.

"You can come and see him how if you like." I walked into the room after his operation for me to see this was just a young teenage boy who was a victim of it too.

"Hello I heard that you have lost your-" before I could finish he started hyperventilating.

"You have to help me PLEASE YOU HAVE TO HELP ME. THEY WON'T STOP UNTIL IM DEAD." He kept scratching me and crying frantically.

I calmed him down and tried to tell him to speak but he just kept repeating the same words over and over again it started to freak me out.

"WHO IS THIS THEY?" I kept asking him. I knew it alerted doctors from a distance away I could hear they were coming to the ward.

Then I saw those same red eyes from last time. I am not letting him die on me.

"Come on you know who we are." Then the boy reverted back to himself.

"STOP STOP IT PLEASE." He seemed a bit strong minded trying to fight it off. I locked the door from the distance.

"PLEASE I DONT WANNA DIE I HAVE A YOUNGER SISTER I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF." He kept crying even more I kept trying to understand what's going on.

I could sense there were cyanide pills in his pockets. I took them out and he tried to take them off me.

"Give them back. GIVE THEM BACK." I was even more perplexed as before.

I broke them all and threw them into the bin where the needles are. AND HE TRIED TO REACH FOR IT TOO. THERE IS SOMETHING GOING ON.

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