Chapter 23: Back to working.

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Akira's POV

I finally got back to work. I un hypnotised the higher ups who said I should stay then I got back to my desk. I could hear the sound of phones ringing and my desk be am a bit dusty.

I saw a pile land on my desk. It was so satisfying to say the least. I got a phone call. It was so nice to hear. Not to hear that someone is in trouble but I love hearing this sound. I picked up the phone.

I'm back to myself again.

Akira's POV (few months later)

"This is ****** police station." There was a muffle cry. That muffle cry sounded familiar.

"Oh yes is this Tamashiro Akira?" Why does the caller know my full name? I need to lie. But I can't.

"Yes it is..... is there anything you need?" She started chuckling over the phone. Her laugh sounded like she wasn't messing about.

"Do you know someone called Shimada by any chance?" That's a bit random the only Shimadas I know are the kids that are staying with us and some of my colleagues but I don't think she knows the kid.....oh I see now

"Yes I do.. why do you ask?" She sounded so excited over the phone.

"Then you should try and save her here then. I'm sure you can track down where this place is through the phone can't you?" What does this woman want?!

"I'll give you 24 hours to find her, ciao." She hung up the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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