Chapter 13: Blood Soaked Tears

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Akira's POV


So he knew. My father knew he could kill Hanako because he was the same friend from the start. He is such a useless guy.

But not like I can say that though. I'm useless for not knowing the fact that Hanako was going to die. I was useless on the fact that I could even stop it from happening. I'm such a fool.

What did I expect? I'm such a useless bound to be immortal soon fox.

I felt that same rage as when Mina was promptly murdered by the men of a man I was obliged to call father.

Hanako's mother saw the raging numbness look that plagued my face in an instant after temporarily wallowing in my sadness. Instead of trying to talk me out of what I was going to do next, she encouraged me to do what I needed to do to avenge the death of her son.

I don't see 9 mothers grieving in 9 centuries to just to back down that easily.

First I came to the first person I "knew".

I got back to the police precinct and searched up on the data base Sato. Looks like he is under an alias name but that can't stop me from recognising who the hell he was.

I found his address and knocked on the door. I heard him go to the door then when he saw it was me through the peephole I knew he was about to run but I broke his door down and gripped him arm tightly before he could even try and escape.

He thought he could use his teleportation but my aura overpowered his to the extent that he couldn't even do anything. I tied him up to chair and tied him up to a pillar so he practically couldn't move.

I brought out my sword and pointed it to the side of his neck. On of my foot was pushing him against the pillar.

"If you don't speak right now I will slice your head clean off." He was too stunned to speak as he knew I was serious about it.

"Who are you actually? Because I knew Sato was killed in my siege on that village and most family curses don't have someone to die for it to happen." Then the guy chuckled he said some words that stabbed through me.

"You can't even say directly that you killed your own friend." He thinks he is so funny isn't he?

"Well he deserved it for getting paid off to kill his own sister." The man was just shut up in an instant.

"So tell me who you are and why are you here." He laid his head low.

"I was one of your father's men that he sent to kill Min-" I comforted my sword directly next to his decrepit neck.

No matter how many centuries later this old man is so persistent it's actually crazy to me I cannot.

"Where is this cult base thingy that he has because I know he is giving people false hope." This time the sword was practically edging the man's neck nearly causing a cut.

"I DON'T KNOW I ONLY TALK TO HIM THROUGH THE PHONE." Wait he wouldn't allow his men to be just here by himself without some sort of surveillance wouldn't he.

Then I saw a tiny peeping camera that if you weren't vigilant enough you wouldn't see it.

I pulled out the camera from its hiding spot still intact with it.

"You're a very funny person Father. You really think that I wouldn't see this. I have seen all your dumb tricks and learnt from your mistake-" just then a sniper went through and hollowed the head of the man. He died instantly.

He died instantly?! THIS IS SO INCONVENIENT. I HATE EVERYTHING. I DON'T EVEN HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO FIND EVERYTHING. Then I took his phone away. I quickly rushed to the police station.

I asked a forensic computer scientist to look up all the messages between my father and him.

He thought he could run away and wipe the phone before I came in but he couldn't which finally got me somewhere.

But after looking through a lot of messages there was barely anything for me to find out.

Then I asked the guy to track the phone number which clearly lead to a burner phone.

This case was going to the cold side with nothing happening anymore.

Wait. Why didn't I think of this before?

"Hey do you know where those kids live now?" I asked my colleague who looked like she was still grieving the loss of Hanako.

But through her tears she told me that they got sent to my house. I was so glad I could just hug her at that instant but she has pissed me off a lot of times.

I took my car and sped all the way back home to see the kids eating at my house and Hana talking to them still in handcuffs. I had forgot about that.

I worked so much overtime and lost my friend in the process that I forgot to take off Hana's handcuffs. I quickly removed them and then I started interrogating the brother.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" He nodded as he seemed in the correct state of mind to reply.

"Do you remember being any state of Vulnerability?" He nodded very much then he started looking at his hands.

"My mother was an Alcoholic and abused my sister and I. We couldn't escape anywhere because she used to report us missing and bring us back home." I can't imagine how much these children went through.

"One day we ran away with the little money we had left. A man had approached us with open arms to help us live in a place but we were hostile about going but he forced us to go."
He wanted to cry about what happened.

"We thought we could enjoy the place but we if we wanted to leave they'd force us to take a cyanide pill and not tell anyone about the place or be under constant surveillance." He was trying to keep his composure in front of his sister.

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