Chapter 18: Can you even explain?

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I was 100% dumbfounded. She looked very concerned and scared. She moved me out the way and went to go and see how Akira is doing whilst my blood is practically still dripping whilst I was trying to put pressure on the wound.

I thought I could be nice to her but she was one of the most annoying ones.

"Please help me carr-" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"He is dramatic he will be fine. I bet you can still feel his breath." She put her cheek against his nose.

Imagine she said "I was lucky that he wasn't dead." She tried to carry him but I told her to leave. She still tried to take him outside but I demanded for her to leave and apologise for scaring Haruna.

She genuinely seemed sorry and was just scared about what happened to him. As soon as he turned away his wound closed up and he woke up again.

"Finally both of you are awake. Now I can dramatically pass out. Finally."


Akira's POV

Why did Hana get stabbed? How did Hana get stabbed? What's genuinely going on?

"You stabbed her you dumba**." I turned around to see the brother look so annoyed with me. I genuinely don't remember what I did so why did I act out like that. Why is my outfit from the Reiwa time?



"Can you kick Himari out?" She scoffed in anger.

"It's Miss Tanaka to you. Informal-" she we genuinely getting in my nerves.

"If the next words that are going come out if your mouth a swear word I don't wanna hear it. I'll get back to the precinct too just leave." She looked sad and left the room.

I held on to her arm and covered her wound. I held her in my arms and ran to the hospital as fast as I could locking every door and keeping the kids safe inside.

I got to the hospital just in time for them to treat her with an emergency operation and Stiches. I was alternating between going back home to check on the kids and waiting for Hana's surgery. Why did I act out like that WHATS wrong with me? 

It got to the point I got the kids to the hospital to wait for her with me. We stayed there for HOURS.

Then the surgeons came out with a happy look that it went well. I was so relieved that she was alive.

"I haven't asked of your names yet. I have just been everywhere. Literally." They just looked me clearly annoyed.

"I am very sorry. I was too angry with myself that I let it out on others. I'll try to calm down my powers more." They nodded in approval.

The brother spoke up "My name is Hiroshi and her name is Haruna."

"Akira." The laughed at my name I assume.

"We are just laughing at the voicemail that Hana set for you."


"You have one new voice message. Message from Nakamura, Hana received at 12:58 hours on Friday the 29th of November.


To listen to your message again Press 1 to save and move on press 2 to delete the message press 3

Message saved. Main menu. Boop"

Ah...... that's how annoyed she was. Yet she still risked her life to save me from my psychotic self. I switched my clothing back to normal and made a formal apology to Hana who was awake.

Surprisingly she accepted my apology. I was so happy how much she cared about me. She does really remind me of Mina. I clenched my heart.

I felt that same feeling as I met Mina for the first time. I excused myself from the hospital room and went to the restroom room.

I locked myself in the stall. I couldn't face her. I needed to avoid her forever. Or else I'll get obsessed again.

I was about to open the restroom door but then my thoughts got clouded again. The old version of me held me by the chin and cornered me. The blood on his face felt so real. He the smile on his face just gave me the chills.

You need her. You practically can't live without her. She is your everything. Don't let anyone take her away from you.


But I am the only remnant one that you have left. The only one that will be with you forever. Accept who you are. A savage beast who has no care for human life. Humans are inferior to you. Accept it. I'm the only one you need.

"Akira where are you?" It was Hana's voice. I can't let her see me. I can't even leave anymore I'm not ok anymore again. She needs to leave.

"Please don't come in. I advise you to leave right at this moment or else I'll do something I will regret to you again." I heard the sound of the door closing.

Breathe. Stay calm. He is no longer you.

I collected myself up and went to go and ask my face to see my eyes had gone back to being amber with thin diamond slits. I got taken aback.

I quickly washed my face to get rid of it but it was still being stubborn and still staying on my face. I was getting even more frustrated by the moments.

I can just lie I was cosplaying but that will degrade me as a detective and as a "Human"

I left the bathroom to see Hana sat there talking to Hiroshi and Haruna. They seemed very happy talking to her.

"Since my apartment is quite damaged am I allowed to stay at yours for a bit to collect myself?" She nodded in approval I took us all there. I got all my stuff I could get that wasn't drenched in blood and kept it there and went back to the police precinct to see Himari squealing with joy to see me.

I solved this case but I just felt empty. I felt the creeping numbness. Which followed by the irritation and guilt of not being able to avenge Hanako. I was so devastated yet still irritated for some reason.

Then an unsettling feeling.

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