Chapter 17: Wow.

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"Do you want to help us find him?" She sniffles through tears.

"It's fine. My team are dedicated workers that will be able to find him in and instant." She seem a bit to charismatic about that even when the same people who do know where he is already lost hope in trying to get to him. As soon as I nearly rolled up the window and before the detective left, the radio came on again.


Makes sense cause that was one of the places he went to during his lifetime. Then the detective swivelled around back to the car doing a 180 degree turn.

" What's going on with your radio?" I had to act dumb.

" You know this car is just old you know." My acting was flawless that she decided to actually leave. I breathed a sigh of relief but I was still unsure on how to catch up to him. He keeps going everywhere and no one can teleport as fast as hi-

"Hey Hiroshi did you somehow gain any powers or anything from being there?" He shook his head.

"But Akira said that you survived two cyanide pills. The possibility of that is practically zero." We went back to my apartment and tried to test out somethings.

"Umm can you lift something very heavy with one hand?" He tried to lift my couch with one hand but only could pick up the side of it.

"Can your wounds heal fast?" He used a knife to cut his finger it did heal quickly but not that quickly which was ok.

"Wait wait wait. Can you teleport?" The look of confusion on his face when I asked him that question.

"Now how am I supposed to do that?" It's like a lightbulb appeared above my head.

"Think about someone. Hmmm... Think about Akira!" He closed his eyes.

Hiroshi's POV

I closed my eyes and imagined Akira perfectly. Then I opened them to see him directly in front of me. I was at swords length from him.

I looked at him and his face. His eyes looked so dead painted in amber. His face with flickers of blood with a dead body next to him. He looked like he was from an old era.

"I like the new clothing? Is that your true form to-" he snickered and stared at me with a glare like as if he was going to kill me with it like he did the other guy on the ground that is still somehow groaning in pain.

"Cut the crap. I know why you're here. Infact how did you get here?" I can't tell him I teleported or else I'll be trouble. He would probably knock me out forever.

"I imagined your face and now I saw you here." I knew he could detect lies and technically it wasn't a lie so he really can't do anything. He looked at me like as if I was just not ok at all.

Then he plunged his sword deep through the groaning man on the ground stopping any form of blood circulation. I'm convinced the guy is obsessed with killing or anything to do with blood now because after Hanako's death he hasn't stopped.

This is when I tried to make a run for it because I'm not trying to end up like the man on the ground. Then a sword plunged near the tree I was running and an Angry Akira running after me in the most scariest way possible.

I closed my eyes and promptly focused on an image of Nakamura in my head and Lo and Behold I got back.

Hana's POV

"YAY YOU CAN TELE-" he huffed and clenched his chest in fear. He saw down on the ground.

"DON'T EVER TELL ME TO FIND THAT NUTJOB AGAIN." I don't know what he saw be he sounds hella traumatised. He was so glad he was alive.

I have to get that stubborn fox all the way here somehow but how exactly? He keeps going to a country and assuming by Hiroshi's reaction he probably saw a dead body and his face with blood on it. Have I really become so desensitised to his actions?

Wait nah I'm overthinking I need to think of how to stop him. Then I realised I have his gun and a taser.

If I tried to overpower him with both then somehow teleport him back here and bind him up with chains that stop him from leaving.

"I apologise can you teleport me to there. And is you sister fine by herself?" She nodded in reassurance that she would be fine but her brother was worried.

Nevertheless he followed me to my crazy plan he teleported us to Akira again but at swords length.

"DIDNT I TELL YOU NOT TO COME HERE AGA-" then I distracted him.

"I like the old timey clothing which era is it from?" He looked visibly annoyed but wanted to answer my question.

"It's from the Reiw-" I shot at him in attempt to try and knock him out but it bounced off his sword in an instant.

I am deffo cooked.

He wielded the sword against me and was about to stab me but I dodged it in an instant and held his arm and tried to shoot but he pushed me away about to try and stab me again. Which he did. It plunged deep that it touched the ground.

I held the sword an inch away from my arm as he tried to stab me again.

Sweat was dripping excessively. My hand was struggling as my blood was spewing on the ground.

Continently, Hiroshi hit his knee against his face which dumbfounded him for a second and with my aim I shot the bullet through his heart. He was about to try stab me again with the muscle memory and stamina he had left.

Which he did and that was some excruciating pain I was saying every word in the book. Then when he took it out I used it as a chance to shoot him again. That's when he finally passed out.

I asked Hiroshi to teleported back to the house to see that we were in my room and she was hiding underneath the bed scared. There was someone trying to knock down the door.

"Open the damn door you annoying little rat."

No one calls Haruna a little rat. Although I was in excruciating pain and was bleeding out an unhealthy amount of blood (which I covered with one of my hoodies and tightened it) and my hand was bleeding out I didn't care. I was very annoyed at anyone talking like that.

I begrudgingly opened the struggling door as I recognised the voice. Just as expected, I saw that annoying ahh detective again. But I forgot the disturbing image behind me I was just annoyed she called Haruna a little rat.

Then she started quivering in her words and started getting scared. I was confused what she was so scared about.

Then I realised she saw Akira on the ground with a bullet hole through his chest and not in his form so it looks like a terrible murder scene with the victim trying to do self defence with a sword. Very convenient isn't it.

The 900 year old  Detectiveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें