Chapter 5: A Solution

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"So you're saying I have to find her and she has the key to me being human again." She confirmed her words.

"Ha... yeah forget it I'm done for I will live forever." I sat down on my bed in despair.

How am I going to find her at this rate? She could be anywhere anytime. It not like I know what she looks like either.

"LUCKY FOR YOU SHE LOOKS THE SA-" I cut voice off instantly.

"STOP READING MY THOUGHTS!" As soon as I said that I got a knock on my door.

It was a woman and her son. The looked at me concerned and looked around my apartment.

"Excuse me can you take care of my son for a bit today? It seems that I am running late and there is no babysitter. You can? Thank youu." Then the mother took off leaving the kid at the front of my door abandoned.

The kid looked around and saw was admiring everything he saw. Then he looked at me and stared at me in awe and looked behind me.

"Sir, are you not human by any chance?" Wait how the hell would he know that? I'm guessing it's true kids can see what adults can't.

"That's such a weird question young one what makes you think that?" I pinched his cheeks.

"The Tails Behind your Back." What?

"I meant the tail charms behind your back literally." Oh I almost had a heart attack. For a second I thought he could see my 8 tails behind me it's not like they're out anyways.

He sat on my couch. Luckily I was on leave for a bit or else she would've had to find another person. I don't get it why would she dump him here?

"Sir do you have cartoons I can watch?" He is so adorablleeeeee. I turned on the TV and let him watch it on the screen when and I told him to ask me if he needs anything since I'll be in the other room busy.

He nodded and continued to watch TV. I went back to my room. Even I can't take my mind off this dumb case when a kid is over too. I need to connect the dots here.

Former colleague -> eye change colour, Cynaide pill, message at the end, died via convulsions and blood loss

The little boy on the way home-> Took pill and was found on middle of road, saved him was on brink of death, doctor is suspicious, was experiencing withdrawal symptoms, saying something about how they were going to get him.

It keeps linking back to the "They" and not edging part of the case. Nothing is making sense anymore.

Wait how did I forget, why did Hana LaCroix kill all those forensic analysts? That's something that never occurred to me I was so hellbent on finding the links between the others I never questioned Hana LaCroix's actions! I need to get to her before it's too late.

BUT I REALISED THERE IS A KID HERE TOO. I need to do something.....


"Sir where are we going?" I replied with the most calmest voice.

"We are going to somewhere which is a surprise!" Poor kid doesn't know where we are going.

"Sir, do you think I don't know. I heard you mumbling to yourself when I was going to the police station told interview Hana LaCroix right?" Huh. HUH WHO THE HELL IS THIS KID? WHY DOES HE KNOW SO MUCH? INFACT WHO IS HIS MOTHER?

"Umm how did you hear me talk to myself?" I chuckled lightly. I could sense the small little smile forming on his lips.

"Do you know your friends are going to die?" That took a terribly dark turn. He didn't even say sir. Where did this kid come from?

"I suggest you have to make a rash decision, sir, save your friends? Or start to get somewhere in this decrepit case?" I stoped the car quickly. I really had a choice didn't I?

"It's a choice I have to pick right?" The "kid" nodded.

"Alright then, I'll do both."


I locked the car doors parked it in a place and made the "kid" invisible. I teleported to my colleague's house which was already in smoke with the two kids passed out including my colleague.

I carried them all got back to infront of the car where I had to perform CPR on the colleague so he could do CPR on the other kids too.

Then I got into the car. I was going to make him visible again but he was gone. Dammit.

As soon as I put everyone's seat belts on I floored it to the police station getting many speed tickets along the way.

I quickly reversed parked and ran to the station where Hana LaCroix was being held. I looked around. Everything seemed a bit normal. I saw Hana in a holding cell.

Wait. I could tell there was someone in there with her. GIVING HER A LOLLIPOP. I ran to the holding cell and unlocked the door instantly snatching the lollipop off her hand.

"What are you doing..-"

"DON'T EAT IT." I broke the lollipop and got the remains in an evidence bag I requested for.

"But the kid told me- wait he's not here he's gone." No wonder why she is trailed for being crazy even when there are actual people there they won't believe her.

"Did Akira just pull the whole holding cell gate off?" Ahh...... forgot about that....

"WOW WHO KNEW HE COULD DO THAT?" I can't erase any more of their memories I have done too much already. I'll probably just have to start lying.

"Well I have been working out a lot...." Crickets.....

"IM JUST KIDDING IM JUST FREAKISHLY STRONG. HAHAHAHA." Still crickets and still embarrassed.....

"Umm well the door was broken earlier don't you remember when we had to call someone to fix it and they never did?" Now they started to get it. So evil how they don't think I'm strong.

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