Chapter 10: The Chase

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"Drive." He slammed the acceleration.

The car started moving very fast which panicked the kids. They started asking questions but I had an answer to the questions.

"Don't worry I'm just sorting things out." I loaded up my glock.


"And you don't?" Just the I started shooting at their head. Then they started shooting bullets and the car but it didn't hit the car it ricocheted and hit back at them which resulted in multiple bullet wounds.

Baring in mind Hanako is literally going full speed through every light and these cars getting speed tickets.

"IM GOING TO DO SOMETHING CRAZY AND YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME. OK?" He nodded in agreement. I sat on the back of the car roof looking forward pinpointing the cars following us.


"KEYWORD. HUMANLY." I saw a bullet that was going in my direction but I stopped it loaded and shot it back at the exact person then a person tried to attach themselves on the boot of the car to keep up with the speed.

I brought out my sword and cut his hands off rendering him useless which made him fall off with his hands delaying the fall aswell.

Then someone kept bumping into the car. But Hanako did a sharp right turn which I still stayed on for but some cars luckily crashed into a traffic light but some cars were still chasing.


Then Hanako made a sudden sharp turn which almost got me off but I held on still shooting at the cars behind. I was glad they started decreasing in number.

But then something unexpected happened. There was a line up of POLICE??

"I COMMAND YOU STOP THIS VEHICLE IMMEDIATELY AS IT HAS VIOLATED TOO MANY TRAFFIC RULES RESULTING IN A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF SPEED TICKETS." They're not real police, if they found that out it wouldn't have been proceed until a few days later.


I got back inside the car and told to go in an even fuller speed.

"ARE YOU SURE?" I had to confirm to him again.

"TRUST.ME." He slammed the acceleration once again and I took us all back to the police station and made the car brake.

He started breathing heavily. I told him to stay inside the car and gave him the glock.

"If anyone tries to take them shoot them ok, they are the closest we have to evidence." I went inside and took all the pieces of evidence from every crevice I could find and stuffed it all in a suitcase and I ran back outside to see them tied up.

I expected this to happen.

Then I saw a person who just finished tying up my colleague.

He had shades and he looked different in attire with the others.

"Oh so you're Akira," He eyed me with the most judgemental eyes "My Boss speaks highly of you. In a bad way."

I knew if I were to step forward they would die. If I were to let go of this evidence, all my work has gone to waste.

"What's the matter? Cats go your tongue?" He chuckled with the cigarette flying up and down as he talked as the smoke was hitting my face.

"You smoke?" The man offered a cigarette in his hand.

"No thanks, been free 500 years." Then he started laughing like a madman.

"He really wasn't lying saying how you're very old." I think this person likes laughing a lot. It's a good amount of dopamine in the system.

"Alright I'll let you save your friend and your work if you don't react to this." React to what.

He stabbed me with a knife. What's with people stabbing me with knives today? But this one actually hit different. Am I finally going to die today? I could feel the blood constantly flowing my mouth and I am starting to feel weak. Ah I'm so happy I'll finally......Wait.

"WHAT THE HELL WHY HAVENT I DIED YET?!" The cigarette fell out of his mouth in shock. He pulled it out and it healed instantly and threw it to the side.

"WHY DIDNT YOU DIE? I MADE IS SPECIFICALLY JUST FOR YOU." Just for me. AND IT DIDNT WORK? What kind of dumb immunity is this?

"So can I take everything away?"

He was dumbfounded like Sato after he tried to stab me before as well. Instead of being depressed he started to fill will rage. He stabbed me again. And again and again but I still kept healing and healing and healing.

"Can you let my friend go?" He looked at me with the most scariest eyes ever. IT ALSO TURNED RED. LIKE LAST TIME AND THE MULTIPLE TIMES I HAVE INVESTIGATED INTO THIS.

But this time the one with red eyes didn't almost die instantly. A BREAKTHROUGH. I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE .... HA

"TELL ME WHO SENT YOU." He went to come and stab me again.

"YOU DONT DESERVE TO KNOW AFTER ALL THE DESTRUCTION YOU CAUSED!" How would he know that if he wasn't there......

"Dad?" He started laughing.

"You really want call me your dad now? SO IT IS MY DAD?

"Oh now you remember me? Who would've known?" I'm guessing he is in the body of him.

"So it's either you loose your coworker or loose yourself." I smirked as in a way to mock her.

"Neither." Then I heard a gunshot in the air.

It was Hanako who shot it with the kids next to him. I saw him breaking out of the car.

"Oh you thought the Bomb was just in the car?" Just then the car exploded. So did the gun my colleague had in his hand. I have never seen so much blood going everywhere.




(Flash forward)

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