Chapter 19: Oh no

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Himari took a closer look to me and started observing things.

"Why are your eyes like that? So as your teeth?" HOW DID I FORGET WHAT?

"Umm I was putting on a tiny show for my niece and forgot to take these off. I'll just take them off in the bathroom." She nodded and allowed myself to excuse to the bathroom.

I stayed calm and tried to make my features disappear. The teeth did but not the eyes. I calmed down even more. Then my eyes became brown again and then as soon as I was about to leave I saw Himari staring at me from the toilet door.

I was deffo cooked.

"If it was contacts and fake teeth then why did they go back to normal after you doing some breathing exercises?"

To be honest my 15 years working with this woman and she somehow is the worst detective ever. Like she didn't see most of these inconsistencies or turned a blind eye to how I miraculously healed From a bullet wound or how I didn't die from the explosion that day or how I removed a whole gate and how I almost died multiple FRICKIN times?!

Even on her first day she saw me get shot multiple times in my arm and was still wondering how I wasn't writhing in pain yet was still running around to later on arrested the guy who shot him and see that my bullet wounds were healed.

HAS HER EYES BEEN BLIND EVERYTIME? Or maybe because I kinda erased her memory multiple times? Yeah this is my fault.

I gave her back her memories at that moment.


"Today is November 30th 2023 not September 5th 2008 your memories are just coming back wait for a moment." Then her full memories came back.

"I knew it. You weren't human at all. WHAT ARE YOU EVEN?" I have a lot of explaining to do.


"WHAT?! so you're 1000 years old and you have to live forever because you didn't kill your father that would've lifted the family curse that you accidentally activated after your former lover died and you slaughtered a whole village including your father but you never actually escaped your father as he kept killing the same people in your life every year?! And you're a Kitsune that got your last tail." She took in all that information that quickly?

"Yes very simplified but yes." It looked like her head was about to explode.

"What kinda imaginary story plot is that?" Thats an interesting use of words.

"I ask myself that everyday. Don't tell anyone. Or else you will end up like those villagers." I think she could see that I was threatening her properly.

"Get rid of those eyes and teeth. It makes you look like a cosplayer." They appeared again.

I genuinely couldn't care less anymore it's not like they're gonna believe that I am a 9 tailed fox. They're probably going to think I'm just edgy.

"Anyways anymore cases that have come up since I was gone." Then Himari started fidgeting with her hand.

"Welll about that...."

"It turns out the sighting of the mythical creature has stopped but authorities still continue to search for these inconsistencies.

We have interviewed a witness who has seen a sighting of this creature.

Kaya how exactly did he look like?

"He looked like he was from the Reiwa Eras and had such glassy skin and hot amber eyes that could just captivate you and I don't care I wish he coul-"

Uhhh This is Saera Milligan signing off."

Oh sh*t

"Yeah so basically you kinda captivated a witness and then the authorities are looking for your arse." Sh*t sh*t sh*t

Then my former self came up to me with a smug look. He held my face and looked at me. I felt at ease. I felt calm.

"You see. You got yourself into this situation. You're just a vulnerable individual. Let me help you. I'm all you need." I felt my heart beating.

Is he really all I have to go back.

Solve my problems?

"Yes , yes I can. Let me be you-"

"AKIRA." I snapped back to reality. I started breathing heavily. I almost let the worst get the best of me. I was so scared I would've been vulnerable to him.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH HIMARI!" She was clearly confused.

"Who were you even talking to? Air?" I shook my head and laughed it off.

"Nothing don't worry talking to myself." She looked suspiciously but allowed it.

"So you're going to have to lay low. Just say you need a holiday after working so much for your shift. And I saw your Apartment. You're gonna have to convince them it wasn't you somehow." The power of hypnotism is a wonderful thing.

I came back from the room after "convincing" them if I can leave. Was a success of course.

I drove back to Hana's Apartment. I need to somehow avoid her whilst I am there even though it's her apartment so should I just stay inside the room and live with my thoughts. But I realise I am a bit hungry. I can't eat human food as it is off limits for some reason.

So what can I eat? I parked outside and teleported to the forest.

I saw a rabbit. With a swipe of my hand, I held it killed it and ate it. Although it was barbaric it was the only way to eat. I got back into the apartment to see Hana waiting there talking to Hiroshi and Haruna.

I'm so confused about why she keeps rambling on to them.

I quickly went to the room in which I sleep in before they detected me. What can I do with this unsolicited holiday?

I lied down there just numb. I couldn't do anything.

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