Chapter 20: Moving

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I was just sat that aimlessly going through my phone and someone knocked at the door. It could tell it was Hana.

"Please do not come in. I'm sick and trying to isolate myself." She scoffed and tried to come in but I barricaded the door.

"*cough* yeah I'm really sick I don't want any of you to come in." I'm guessing she understood.

"Would you at least want some soup?" Aww she cares about- NO

"It's fine you know I can ride out the sicknes alone." She sighed and slipped a bowl of soup that had raw liver inside the little peep.

I got the bowl and devoured it in one go. I ate it so quickly that I almost choked and was still eating it. I have never wanted to eat something so bad. I slipped the bowl through the other side.

"Can I have some more?" She then slipped the bowl again in an instant. I ate the bowl of soup very quickly.

"Thank you so much."I could feel her warmth from the other side. I almost killed her why is she feeling sympathy for me? She doesn't deserve a terrible person like me. I almost wanted to cry myself to sleep.

Just then my former self came to me. I was so frustrated.

This is why we should protect her from everything and everyone. We should keep her safe. She is too fragile for this worl-

"Which Hana are you talking about exactly? The one with impeccable aim and took down most of the work for me in my apartment. The one who saved me from your shenanigans and you think she's fragile? I'm not even vulnerable anymore after you said that." He disappeared in an instant just then Hana broke down the door.

She broke down the door so abruptly that even it looked like it was in slow motion for a second. I saw a curiously annoyed look on her face. Then I just processed the fact she was inside the room. I quickly went underneath my cover.

"I told you I was sick!" The scoff and sigh that came along with.

"I'm convinced it's both mentally and physically. Who are you even talking to?" I covered myself even more with the blanket. I felt embarrassed. But it's still more embarrassing that a 1000 year old grown man is hiding underneath a blanket to not show his emotions.

She kept trying to pull off the blanket to confront me but I wasn't budging. Then my amazing former self decided to show my half human half fox.

"I thought you said you didn't have a form?" She looked annoyed even more at the fact I lied to her.

"You asked me about my true form and I told you I didn't have one or else I could accidentally broken down the interrogation room as-well as the precinct." She sighed and rolled her eyes.

She looked so adorable doing that. I just want to gobble her up cause of how adorable she looks. She is so cute.

"Why are you squishing my cheeks?" She said through muffles. I was so out of it I didn't even notice what I was doing anymore.

I slapped myself out of the trance and told her to leave the room and I will fix the door. Understandably she was taken aback and confused left the room. I fixed the door in an instant.

I sat behind it thinking about how I literally can't do anything anymore. Actually so pathetic.

My stomach kept rumbling and my senses were heightened. I still need food. I'm so hungry I could de gut and devour a horse right now. Not like I can find them in the wild though I don't wanna kill some poor farmers horse and compensate it. Ah what can I do?

I teleported to the forest again, looked around to find and see if I can find anything to eat. I don't know why I'm so hungry I am never normally like that. Then I saw a deer. A deer? That looks so delicious. But for some reason I was stuck in place. I wanted to approach the deer but I couldn't move.

Then a bullet was heading towards me but I moved out the way. It was a police officer patrolling the area. He heard there was movement in the area and heard my footsteps.

His aim was a bit too good. I knew I had to be cautious. If I teleported again I will be reported to the authorities, if I move again and be shot at and they will still report the fact I was still agile whilst trying to move after being shot.

In that case I just need to hide my face. I dashed through the forest stabbed through the deer and held it on my back whilst being in a part that was not underneath detection.

I held its still beating heart and squished it. It felt warm. Then the flailing body of deer went cold in an instant. As I got to an area I knew nobody was I started ripping off the meat from the deer.

I ate and I ate till it was no more. I didn't feel satisfied enough but I still cleaned up and went back home. But when I got back to her house I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. The pain was indescribable. I didn't know why I was writhing this much in it. I fell backward in so much pain.

Then Hana came into the room and everything became a blur.

I snapped my eyes open in the bed morning. How did I make it into my bed yesterday?

I saw Hana came in all embarrassed. I was so confused what was going on.

"Why do you look so embarrassed?" She buried her face in her leg as she was sat infront of the door.

"It's because..... AH IM TOO EMBARASSED!" I was just getting even more confused.


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