Chapter 21: I DID WHAT?

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Hana'a recollection of what happened:

I was walking back from eating some food late at night whilst the kids were asleep and I heard a loud thud. I know I shouldn't go in as he said that we should never go in but I was genuinely concerned for him at that moment. Then I heard groaning.

I dashed into his room to see him on the ground. He was genuinely in pain. I looked at him in sympathy but I was curious too. I closed the door and asked the question.

"Are you in he-" he got annoyed at that moment.

"I will murder you before I pass out if you finish that sentence." My mouth zipped shut in an instant. I crouched down to him. I saw his face. It looked like he had a fever.

"I guess you can still get angry whilst you're in pain," I sent out a wryly chuckle. "Anyways I'm going to leave you to yourself." I was about to leave till he pulled me to the ground.

"You know you're so adorable." What?! WHAT? WHAT IS HE SAYING?!

"I'm so hungry." He said as he looked me and he looked love struck.

He slowly caressed my face and it seems to make me feel calm but then he kissed me. He was over me. His face looked so pretty at that moment. The way he was blushing like crazy.

Then he kissed me again but a bit longer this time. It was like he was just satiate his hunger. I didn't hate it though. He got himself up and was still on top of me.

"I just want you forever, for myself, no one else." Then he started acting even more weird then he BIT MY NECK? WHAT IS HE A VAMPIRE? I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"Now I don't feel hungry anymore." He smirked. Then he just passed out.

Hana's Current POV

He was crying but it was just tears not even actual wailing.

"You o-" he was just sat there.

"I'm never showing my face again. I was actually so embarrassing." He put the pillow over his head in embarrassment. He looks like he will be there for a long time...

"I was so surprised with how you didn't go any farther with how fl-" he has knack for cutting me off.

"DON'T REMIND IM ALREADY EMBARRASSED ENOUGH."I started laughing at how flustered he was.

"Anyways your special soup is ready if you want to come and eat." I made it sound wrong in every possible way that he threw a pillow with force sending me out the room.

Hiroshi saw me on the ground laughing and was actually concerned for me being thrown out the room.

"Are you ok?" I just kept laughing so much that I couldn't breathe. Like yesterday. I felt embarrassed and was laughing at the same time.

I stopped laughing and just told him breakfast is ready. I saw Haruna leaving the room stretching. We all sat down and ate breakfast half asleep and Akira sheepishly took his blanket and left the room and was about to just steal the bowl and go back to his room but I dragged him back down to eat with us.

So he quickly scoffed down the food and was about to go back to the room but I pulled him back again.

"Do you want seconds?" He gulped in fear and forced himself to have seconds. He swallowed it down quickly and scuttled back into the room very quickly before I could even pull him back down for a 3rd.

Then I saw the news. There was a deer corpse? There were no prints but it was brutally murdered?

"There was a witness at the scene. A police officer we interviewed that we saw at the scene.

"That was no man that was some monster. He is tall figure with tails pertruding from his back. He looked at me with those scary eyes he came there for a purpose and we can now see the purpose of it."

"Is there a possibility that mythical creature is now back and causing terror in Japan? Who knows, authorities are still on the case

This is Sato Misturi signing off."

WHAT DID HE DO NOW?! I stormed into the room to see him changing his clothes which I immediately closed the door on him then he said I could come in.

"What did you do yesterday? Why did you eat a deer? Even that didn't satiate your hunger?" He looked quite remorseful.

"I didn't wanna tell anyone that I was hungry to endanger anyone. My actions yesterday were also uncalled for I genuinely didn't have control of myself and I am sorry." He apologised very much which I forgave. I just told him to ask for help next time.

"I would be more than willing to." I hit him with a wink and he became flustered again. I have never seen him so flustered.

Normally I see him with a cold numb look that looks like he could murder you. But now he looks like as if he could be mistaken for an orange with the way he was blushing like crazy.

I left the room and turned off the TV before suspicions arose.

"I need to enroll you guys into school whether you like it or not." The nodded in agreement.

I am just glad he hasn't been found out yet.

??? POV

"Hmm Nakamura Hana? What's suspicious about a normal account?"

"We have reason to believe she might be harbouring the suspect Miss ???"

"Is that so? Might as well try to break them up then. You said she has kids at the house too?"

"13 and 9 Miss." The smile that crept across my face. They might have to enroll them into school.

"Find any random kid make sure they befriend them. I have an amazing plan."

Hana's POV fast forwarded


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