Chapter 12: Partial Memory

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He pulled the knife out of him and stabbed her back with it.

"Well my blood is basically poisonous to anyone basically so good luck dying a painful death." Then another guy came outside with a shotgun. I'm guessing that was her husband.

Now some more things were going to happen.

The man dropped his shotgun in shock. To try and aid his wife but first took a few shots at the man but the man didn't budge as the bullets fell out of him.

Instead he told me to close my eyes. I didn't want to see what was going to happen to that Mr Too. I closed my eyes and I think I heard a sword being used. And a thud noise. Then I felt myself being unlocked and picked up and put on the man's shoulders.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH SIR, YOU SAVED ME." He ruffled my hair once again. I'll never forget him. In fact I want to be like him. Fighting for justice. Saving people.

Before I knew it he brought me to my mother. But he covered his face so he wouldn't recognise it's him. He put me down and gave me to my mother.

I saw how much she was crying because she didn't find me. She started hugging me so tight. I didn't let go of her for what felt like ages. Those few hours made me miss her more.

"Thank you for returning my son. What can I do to repay you?" The man looked at me.

"I just hope he won't get into trouble again." He grinned. He was about to leave until she heard his stomach growling.

"I'm guessing you're hungry. I have some food if you want." The look of excitement on his face from underneath his cover.

(Inside the house)

"I have some beef if you want to eat. Unless if you don't eat b-" I never knew it was possible for people to have stars in their eyes but he made it possible.

He sat at the table. But it feels like he was a bit of a foreigner to everything. He was unsure on how to use utensils. He tried picking up one of them to eat with his hand but he ate mouth first from the bowl.

This man was very peculiar. So he can use a Sword and a Gun but not eat food properly? It is very unusual.

"Oh my it seems like you probably have no place to stay. You can stay here for a bit till you get back on your feet." She set up a sleeping area for him inside the living room.

She still thanked him again.

"I just can't thank you enough. If you didn't return him I would have no one." She started crying even more again.

"I would like it if your presence could be here for longer. It fills the void of loneliness that I am without my husband." I never knew she was this sad about dad.

"I guess I could make an exception for a bit though I don't want to overstay. I only saved your son that's it." She nodded in agreement. But she told him to take a shower as he looked like he was outside for a long time.

He complied but wasn't sure how to. She showed him how to use it then left. She threw him a towel and then he dried himself and left.

He stayed with us for a while. Those moments were very memorable. I wished he could've stayed longer but he vowed he wouldn't.

But my mother convinced him to stay longer.

He did for a few years until he told her had to leave. I was cramming for my exams when I got the news of his departure.

I got back home to show what I got in my exam straight As and only a few Bs. She was so proud of me and took me out to eat with her.

As we were walking to the place I saw a fox trotting through the neighbourhood. I knew it was him. But he didn't notice us or did he?


It's been 3 years since I last saw him. I got into a prestigious University. I commuted from home to the University because I didn't want to leave my mother at home by herself.

On my recent day I saw that my mother kept feeding the fox that kept coming by to the house. She looked so happy. She kept petting him.

I hope that can keep her company when I'm gone.


It happened until I graduated and passed The NIE. I came back home to see my mother sobbing out of tears of fear and happiness.

"I DONT WANT YOU TO BE A DETECTIVE ITS TOO DANGEROUS WHAT IF I LOOSE YOU." I consoled her I told her everything was going to be alright. But the sad thing is the fox stopped coming by.

Since I had found a stable job with my degree I told her she could stay with me. At the apartment and she didn't have to work anymore.

She was scared of leaving the fox but she agreed. Whilst we were on the journey she tried to talk me out of my job. I was too headstrong. I was inspired by him.

We moved to the apartment. She looked so surprised how everything was so much better compared to our other house but she still missed some other memories of the other house. I showed her the room she could stay in.

Then I got transitioned into a higher group because of my great performance. Then I got to see him again. The guy who saved me.

"Hello everyone My Name is Hanako Furukawa. I hope I can be friends with you all."

Akira's POV

(When he is a fox or anything he has gaps in his memories)

That kid looks familiar, I can't put my finger on it.

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