You lied to me (part 3)

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Eleanore Lovett sat alone in her pie shop counting out her money made from todays trade. Nights as silent as these were usually quite nice, however she missed the company. The company of one particular person. But that person wanted nothing to do with her now, at least that's the way it seemed. It had now been several months between the fallout of herself and Sweeney and although they hardly spoke she was somewhat settled by the fact he had decided to move back in. Yes, he was sleeping back upstairs but she preferred that to him living with the Browns.

At least now he was close by, if not for her but for George's sake. They had agreed that George was the most important party in all this, Sweeney had felt a great deal of loss not being apart in the earlier years of Johanna's life and for that vowed to his son he would always be near. Despite it being easier having him back home it didn't make it any less painful for the couple. For they were like strangers now, with little in the way of any interaction and mostly what transpired between them was a 'good morning' or 'goodnight'

In fact now as she sat here alone in her shop she realised he hardly looked at her now. It pained her to have him so close yet so far, she missed him deeply even just the small things a simple smile towards her, a touch of the hand, soft kisses when no one was looking. She was sure he missed her all the same. At least that's what she told herself so she wouldn't become upset. Keeping her promise to give him time was proving hard for she was now 8months pregnant and knew very soon their baby would be on the way. Then what would happen? Would he become closer to her? Would he push her further away? She had no idea...

Just at that moment she heard Sweeney's voice from afar saying his goodnights to George from their sons small bedroom. She braced herself when she heard his familiar footsteps enter her parlour. Looking up she watched as he ran a tired hand through his hair after putting George to bed. She sat quietly as he went to her cupboards to grab a bottle of gin. This wasn't new, he seemed to drink most nights now, it seemed to settle him. Some nights she hoped he would drink enough to at least talk to her...the silence between them could be maddening at times.

Opening her mouth to say something she closed it knowing there was no point as he immediately grabbed the door handle to leave "Night" he muttered without a glance her way before walking out and up the stair case to his shop.

She sat there a moment longer. Closing her eyes she ran her hand over her now large bump and breathed slowly out of her mouth. With that she felt her baby kick which brought a sad smile to her face knowing she was the only one to share these kind of moments with her baby "it's ok little one, mumma's here" with that there was another kick that had her smiling again "it's ok" she continued to say this time her eyes tearing up, deep down she was soothing herself more then the baby. In reality she had no idea if things would be ok, no idea of what the future would be for them. But one thing she did know was that this baby would be loved so much by her, looked after and cared for like no other.

As the evening went on the whole house hold were fast asleep all until George awoke with a start upon hearing his mother cry out desperately for him. She sounded as if she were sobbing hard calling his name desperately trying to get some help.

Without a thought he threw his duvet off and ran out of his room towards hers in a worried state. Throwing open the door his eyes widened seeing her clutching her bump in pain her hair clinging to her face and neck due to the sweat dripping from her. With what little light there was from the two side candles he noticed that she was laying in some kind of liquid on her mattress and felt his stomach turn knowing that this was the baby coming.

Breathing through her lips slowly she glanced at her son breathless, biting her lip to suppress the pain. "Ya father..." she managed to squeeze out "go get ya father" she said in an almost whisper before following that with a painful groan.

One-shots (JOLENA/Sweenett)Where stories live. Discover now