Chapter- 3 New Assistant

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Aadhya's POV

While I was working, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I commented faintly, reading the documents.

"Madam," I heard Kavya.

"Yes," I replied without lifting my head.

"Madam, your new assistant is here," she said meekly.

"Oh," I uttered and raised my head to see them.

Kavya and Shourya standing there hesitatingly like they are afraid to say even a word.

"Good morning, Miss. Aadhya," he greeted me, and I nodded saying,

"Good morning, Shourya."

"Did Kavya explain your work?" I asked, and he nodded.

Another scared puppy. Let's see how many days he will last.

"You need to speak, Mr. Shourya."

"Yes, Miss. Aadhya. She explained everything to me," he answered immediately.

"Ok, go and study about the company and its allies, shareholders, financial status, contracts, ongoing projects, business partners and all the history of Golden Leaf company for today," I said, and he nodded again.

"Ok, Miss. Aadhya," he replied when I raised my eyebrows.

"Ok, you can go for now. I will call you if I need anything," I said, and they both walked out.

After that, I was engrossed in work. Signing on all the documents that needed to be signed.

"Get me a coffee, Shourya," I said as I called his intercom.

"Ok, Miss Aadhya," He replied slowly.

After ten minutes, I saw him walking into my office holding a tray with a coffee cup and a water glass.

I drink cold water before having coffee. I think Kavya told him that.

He put the tray on my desk and took a step back when I looked at him.

"Thank you," I muttered and took the water glass from the desk and gulped down the water.

"Do you need anything else, Miss Aadhya?" He asked, and I dragged my eyes from the coffee cup to his face.

He was looking hesitant, more like scared.

"No," I remarked and sipped the coffee.

It tastes good. Strong coffee with one spoon sugar. Well, I liked it.

"You can go, Shourya," I remarked while having my coffee.

He was standing there like a statue, looking around curiously with his big eyes.

"It's ok, Miss Aadhya. I will leave after you have it then I can take the cup back," He replied.

He doesn't need to do that, but I didn't say anything.

I glanced at him after having my coffee. He was scanning everything like he wanted to remember every edge of my office.

I placed the cup back on the desk and he quickly took it and placed it on the tray.

"Do you need anything else, madam?"

"No," I replied, and he nodded before leaving my office.

I need to keep an eye on him.

For the last two years, three assistants came to work under me who were sent by my enemies to know about my business secrets. That's why I have a hard time trusting these assistants and don't forget the fact that Shilpa was the first one to unlock my fear of even trusting an employee.

Aadhya- The Phoenix Within (Previously known as Aadhya- And Her Journey Towards)Where stories live. Discover now