Chapter- 24: Surprise

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Author's POV

Shourya was sitting in the garden after having dinner when a maid called him. He turned around and asked her what.

"Sir, madam wants to meet you in her study," she informed him politely, and he nodded.

He walked to her study, thinking why she wanted to see it this night.

He knocked on the door and went in when he heard a faint come-in.

It's his first time entering her study, and his eyes widened as soon as he looked around the room. The walls were adorned with different kinds of paintings, which he couldn't understand, but they were all looking a little depressed. Antique pieces adorned the shelves, lending an air of history and mystery to the room. A towering bookshelf overflowed with files, while her desk was cluttered with papers and pens. Dominating the front wall was a grand portrait of Anshu with Rose, a focal point in the room's narrative. To him, it felt less like a study and more like a museum.

Shourya looked at Aadhya when she cleared her throat. She signaled for him to sit, and he took a seat opposite her.

Then she forwarded a few sets of papers along with a file to him

"So, she called me too assign work." He sighed mentally and looked at her before speaking.

"What are these, Ms. Aadhya?"

"These legal notices detail the situation, and here's a copy of the registration form confirming the house is rightfully yours. Once you sign it, you'll have the grounds to pursue legal action, reclaim your mom's money, and establish full ownership of the house."

"Or if you want my help in making them leave, just tell me; I will send Siya; she will do the honors with her team."

"Now, the choice is yours."

She stated without any emotion. Her eyes are focused and mysterious, while her posture screamed power and authority.

"No, Ms. Aadhya I don't want to do either of them for now," he replied.

"I will wait until Manvi gets married and leaves the house permanently, then I will claim what is mine. Those people maybe evil but Manvi is not."

Manvi is the single thread that is stopping him from doing anything.

"It's your wish," Aadhya said lightly.

"What is it again?" She asked when he was just looking at her, hesitating to ask something.

"I heard that my uncle lost his job. Are you behind this?"

"Do I need to answer that?" She asked.

"Yes," he gulped timidly after demanding an answer from her.

"Last time I checked, I am the boss, and the boss doesn't have to answer silly questions."

Her reply was clear: she doesn't want to answer, and he understood that it was her doing when she refused to answer.




"Shourya, wake up." Rose patted him to wake him up, and Brownie also barked to wake him up, maybe.

"Shhh, Brownie," Rose whispered, putting her finger on her lips, signaling Brownie to stop barking. "Mommy will wake up if you make noise," she silenced Brownie.

"Rose," Shourya mumbled as he woke up from his sleep.

"I think Mamma was asleep; we can go and do our thing," Rose whispered, and Shourya sat up immediately.

Aadhya- The Phoenix Within (Previously known as Aadhya- And Her Journey Towards)Where stories live. Discover now