Chapter- 20 Secret

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Author's POV

"Why don't you do the same, Miss Aadhya?"

Those words left his mouth involuntarily, and he regretted uttering them when she looked at him with her big and angry eyes.

But he doesn't want to back off after saying them, so he also just stared at her without any fear. There was a silent-staring competition between them until Siya decided to break it.

"Madam, we need to go pick up Rose from her school."

"Let's go," Aadhya responded, breaking eye contact with Shourya.

They all reached the front door of the factory to say goodbye before leaving.

She saw Indu with other women there, and she was smiling and waving at her.

"Indu, I told you to forget, not forgive, so don't forgive that bloody bastard. We will file a case against him and punish him for his dirty deeds. I will send my lawyer here; she will tell you further," Aadhya said, and Indu nodded with a small smile and eyes full of tears.

After bidding goodbye, they drove to Rose's school. Just as Aadhya got out of the car, all the children were coming out.

She patiently stood there along with Shourya and Siya, waiting for Rose. They saw her coming with her friend, talking, after 5 minutes.

As soon as Rose saw her mom, she started running towards her. Aadhya kneeled down, opening her arms, and Rose ran to her embrace.

She hugged Rose desperately and closed her eyes like she was relaxing her inner monsters. Rose understood that something was wrong with her mom when she didn't leave her even after 5 minutes, so she just hugged her mom even tighter without saying anything.

Unable to see Aadhya kneeling down for that much time, Siya took a step and was about to call her, but Shourya stopped her.

Aadhya really needed that hug right now, and she can only hug Rose to calm herself. They stood aside, giving her space to calm herself down.

After like 10 minutes, Aadhya left Rose and kissed her forehead as Rose smiled at her. Then they all climbed into the car.

"Do you want me to drive to the office or home, Miss Aadhya?" Shourya asked as he started the car.

"Home," Aadhya muttered lightly.

Rose started to talk to lighten up Aadhya's mood, and of course, she succeeded.

After 40 minutes, the car halted, and they all got out of the car. Siya walked to her house while Aadhya, Rose, and Shourya walked into the mansion.

"Rose, go, and freshen up. I will make something for you to eat, then you can do your homework," Aadhya said, and Rose replied with an OK before running to her room.

Aadhya went to her room and washed her face, then went to the kitchen and started preparing Maggi for Rose.

When she came back to the living room, Rose and Shourya were sitting on the couch. She was writing in her book while Shourya was helping her.

Aadhya walked to them and gave the Maggi bowl to Rose. Rose put her books on the center table and took the Maggi bowl.

"Here," she mumbled as she forwarded another bowl to Shourya.

He looked at her as he asked, "Where is yours, Miss Aadhya?"

"I am not hungry," she replied.

She put the bowl on the table in front of him and sat beside Rose.

"I am not hungry either," he mumbled, and Aadhya glared at him, but he ignored her glare, shifting his gaze to the textbook in his hand.

He could feel her intense glare at him, but he tried to avoid it.

Aadhya- The Phoenix Within (Previously known as Aadhya- And Her Journey Towards)Where stories live. Discover now