Chapter- 4 weakness

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Shourya's POV

"This is for the financial team, this one on 11nth floor, this is for HR people and this one is for the PR team. This is at the technical department and this is at the production department," she said, showing each file and I took all of them.

What? How can I deliver these many files and I don't even know on which floor which team was there.

"You may leave now," she remarked, getting busy with her work.

How can she be so cold? She never talks normally and doesn't even smile.

It's understandable if she doesn't smile at me because I am a new employee here, but she doesn't even smile at old employees.

Even Kavya was afraid of her.

I walked out holding all the files.

First, I went to find Kavya as I have to know on which floors I need to deliver this, but she was not there in her office.

Kavya has been nice to me and she talks so softly and clears my every doubt without getting irritated.

I called her when I couldn't find her anywhere on the floor.

"Hello, Shourya," She picked up the call after five rings. 

"I don't think I can help you as I am busy arranging for a monthly meeting," she said when I was explaining to her about my issue, and I heard someone calling her. 

"But, Kavya," before I could speak further, she disconnected the call. 

How can I know where I can deliver these files? 

"Hi, can you help me?" I asked one of the staff and he looked at me like I am some kind of a ghost.

"I am Shourya, new personal assistant for Miss. Aadhya," I introduced myself, and he looked at me horrified.

"You are brave, man," he exclaimed, and I just smiled nervously.

"Could you tell me which floor the financial team, HR people, PR team, technical department, production departments are on?" I asked him.

"Financial team on the 20th floor, HR people on the 12th floor---"

before he completed someone called him.

"Sorry, man, I need to go and I think you don't need to learn all this because you won't survive under her for even a month," he declared with a mocking chuckle and walked away from there.

Why are they all scaring me so much?

After struggling for a good five minutes, asking everyone, I did find all the floors, but the thing is I forgot which file to deliver on which floor.

I bit the bullet, knocked on her door and walked in after hearing come in.

"What is it, Shourya?" she asked without lifting her head.

She looked at me when I didn't speak anything, then her eyes traveled to the files in my hand, then again made eye contact with me and the look on her face was enough to kill me.

Aadhya- The Phoenix Within (Previously known as Aadhya- And Her Journey Towards)Where stories live. Discover now