Chapter- 25 Birthday!

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Author's POV

"Those are from me, Ms. Aadhya," he said, and she looked at him and then at the dandelions in her hand. Dandelion means hope, healing, and resilience.

"Many more happy returns of the day, Ms. Aadhya. I hope your broken heart can be healed," he remarked.

'My broken heart can never be healed,' she smiled bitterly to herself

"Thank you for the flowers, Shourya," she said, with a small smile as she touched the soft petals.

"I will go, madam. Call me if you need anything," he said after a pause, and she nodded, looking up at him.

All the day went by in a blur. Both of them were immersed in work and were busy attending to all the calls for her and sending thank-you emails for wishing her well.

He came to her office in the evening and found all the flowers he delivered in her office in a vase, but he couldn't find the flowers that he gave her. It made him a little sad, but he can understand her.

"What is it, Shourya?" Aadhya asked, still looking at her computer screen.

"Can I leave early today?" He asked, and she raised her lashes to look at him.

"Like when?"

"Like in 10 minutes," He replied.

She nodded meaningfully, looking at him with a raised brow.

"May I ask why?" She asked after taking a calculative pause.

"I am having a headache, so I want to go home and rest," he lied.

She glanced at him and then at her watch.

"Ok, go," she said. "Help me to pick up Rose from her school on your way back, and don't let her come to the office. Tell her I will come home before 6 p.m., so she should go home and complete her homework."

"Ok, Ms. Aadhya, thank you." He remarked excitedly and walked out of the office directly.

She shook her head and resumed her work again. When it was 5:30, she wrapped up her work and asked Siya to drive her home, as she wanted to cook Rose's favorite food for dinner.

She reached home in half an hour and walked in, only to see Rose waiting for her in the living room. She was wearing a white gown and kept her hair loose after styling it, looking just like an angel.

Shourya and Krishna are also there, waiting for Aadhya. As Shourya saw her, he noticed flowers in her hand, and those were the same flowers that he gave her. A surprised smile spread across his lips.

As soon as Rose saw her mom, she rushed to her. Aadhya kneeled down, putting the flowers on the floor, and Rose ran into her arms.

"My angel is looking like an angel," Aadhya said as she kissed her forehead.

"Ahh, you are so beautiful." She kissed her cheeks lovingly and hugged her again.

Aadhya's heart melted looking at her beautiful daughter.

"Who helped you get ready, and who did your hair? It's so beautiful," Aadhya asked, caressing her cheeks and hair excitedly, and Rose giggled as she said.

"Shourya did my hair, Mamma."

"Do you know how to style hair?" She asked, looking at Shourya, surprised.

"A little. I used to braid my sister's hair," he replied, and she nodded.

"Aww, my baby is looking too cute," she said, kissing her again.
"Ah, I just want to bite you." She pulled her daughter's cheeks so lovingly.

Aadhya- The Phoenix Within (Previously known as Aadhya- And Her Journey Towards)Where stories live. Discover now