Chapter- 16 The change in behaviour

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Aadhya's POV

I gasped and woke from my sleep for the same nightmare again. But when I tried to sit up, I felt some weight on my body.

I looked down, and it's Rose sleeping on my chest with her hand wrapped around my stomach tight.

Sometimes she comes to my room whenever she can't sleep. That's why I don't lock the door of my room. I actually used to sleep with her in the same room, but these days my nightmares have increased a lot and I was getting panic attacks in sleep. I don't want Rose to witness me going through that, so I taught her to sleep alone in her room, however I go and check her up three times at night. Also, I let brownie to sleep beside her bed so that she can protect my Rose.

I wiped the sweat on my forehead with my palm and hugged my daughter to my chest tightly and kissed her forehead.

If I have any hope to live in this world, it's her.

She shuffled in her sleep and put her leg over my stomach, snuggling more into my chest. I started caressing her hair, and drifted back to sleep.

I woke up again when sunlight peeked through the windows. I glanced at Rose, who was sleeping peacefully on my chest.

I kissed her forehead and slowly put her head down on the pillow, then unwrapped her hand from waist and removed her legs from me and covered her with the duvet. I patted her back lightly when she shuffled in her sleep and then drew the curtains close as I don't want her to wake up this early as it's Sunday and she can wake up late.

I completed my morning business and took a shower, then dressed in black pants and black full sleeve shirt.

Caressing her head one last time, I walked out of the room and then went to the kitchen.

First, I put the milk on the gas to prepare myself a coffee. While the milk was boiling, I took out the potatoes from the fridge as Rose asked me to prepare masala dosa for today's breakfast.

After washing the potatoes, I put them on the chopping board as I wanted to chop them after having coffee.

"Careful, Miss Aadhya." I was startled by the sudden panicked voice and looked at the entrance, where Shourya was standing with a panicked expression.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"You poured hot milk on your hand, Miss Aadhya," he said and I shifted my eyes from him to my hand. I indeed spilled some milk on my hand while pouring them in the mug.

"That's ok," I replied and put my hand under the water.

After facing so much pain, I was unable to feel this physical pain. I am so numb that small cuts won't hurt me anymore.

His expression changed from panic to concern, but he didn't dare to say anything to me.

"You want coffee?" I asked lightly, and he nodded.

I took another cup from the cabinet and poured the coffee in two cups. I forwarded the coffee cup to him and started having my coffee, leaning on the kitchen island. He also had his coffee standing there.

"Isn't it Sunday, why did you wake up this early?" I asked him, picking the onions from the veggie basket.

"I usually wake up early, madam," he replied slowly, and I nodded.

"How may I help you, Miss Aadhya?" he asked, coming near.

"No, I can manage. You can go do your things," I muttered.

"It's ok, Miss. Aadhya. Let me help you," he said and took the knife from my hand.

"You really don't need to, Shourya," I remarked.

Aadhya- The Phoenix Within (Previously known as Aadhya- And Her Journey Towards)Where stories live. Discover now