Good News!

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Hey guys! I told you I would share good news with the next update last week, so here is the good news.
I decided to publish my books through Kindle.

I always wanted to publish, but I was unsure about going with Kindle as its self-publishing platform, and I am insecure as well. I was always skeptical. But recently when opera1230 suggested kdp on my message board, I thought about it so long and my heart screamed, Why not? So, I decided to go for it! Even if I fail, I will be satisfied because I tried, at least! 

Thank you all for always encouraging me and supporting me ❤️ Let's embark on a new journey. Hope you guys will support me like always 😇🥰

I am going with Aadhya's book 1 first, i.e., Aadhya: The Life Journey of a Woman. Presently, I am rewriting the book to make you cry more 😉. Previously, due to Wattpad's content guidelines, I didn't go into detail, so now that there is no objection, I am writing everything in detail. The torture, the revenge, the fighting—everything will be described in detail. If you have cried reading the Wattpad version, then you will sob reading the Kindle version.

If any of you guys are willing to be my beta readers or ARC readers, DM me. We can communicate there.

Note: I am looking for a beta reader who is either experienced or skilled. And an ARC reader who has at least 5k followers.

If you guys know anyone who can help me with that, you can message me their id, I will try to communicate with them.



Aadhya- The Phoenix Within (Previously known as Aadhya- And Her Journey Towards)Where stories live. Discover now