Chapter 10: Trying to understand!

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Author's POV

"Miss. Aadhya, no matter how successful you are, people are always curious about your past. What do you think about this?" a reporter asked at the end of the interview.

"I just thought that interview went smoothly without any senseless questions and here you go," she chuckled mockingly, and the reporter looked embarrassed.

"Ok, people like you are always curious about my past rather than the present, so I don't have anything to tell them, nor do I have time to think about this," she answered.

"So, Miss. Aadhya, you have been single for many years, why haven't you married again? Are you planning to get married soon?" another reporter asked which Shourya found ridiculous.

Like seriously, it's her choice to marry or not. Why are they curious about her personal life?

"Will you marry me then?" She replied immediately.

He looked confused and horrified.

"No, right?" she confirmed, and he nodded.

"Why? Because you already saw my nudes, so there is nothing new to see on the wedding night," she said sarcastically and all shut their mouths with her bold reply.

These reporters know everything about her as they researched about her when she got successful and they always find a chance to embarrass her for their ratings. It's not the first time she is getting such questions and won't be the last time, either.

But Shourya, who doesn't know any of these and about her past, felt shocked upon hearing her reply. He felt bad for her as they all are just sprinkling salt on her wounds.

"Every man is like that only, so I am not going to trust another man," she concluded.

"Miss. Aadhya---" another reporter was about to ask a question when Shourya stepped up the stage.

"Your time is over. Thank you all for coming. Miss. Aadhya has important meetings, so she has to leave," Shourya spoke and signaled her to come down the stage. She obeyed him and walked down.

As she was walking out of the hall, all the reporters rushed to her, making her uncomfortable. They were literally falling on her, asking questions, putting cameras on her face.

Siya was walking in front of her, protecting from the reporters. Aadhya fisted her hand tightly because of her panic, as they were so close to her.

Shourya wrapped his hand around her shoulder and she looked at him, alarmed.

"Sorry, Miss. Aadhya," he mumbled and held her arm with another hand, protecting her from the reporters, then dragged her out from there, pushing everyone with the help of Siya.

He opened the car door for her and put his hand on the top, protecting her head from being hit, and closed the door while Siya started the car.

As soon as he sat in the passenger seat, Siya drove off.

Aadhya took a sigh of relief as the car drove further.

"I am sorry, Miss. Aadhya," he muttered again.

"It's ok," she replied, resting her head back on the seat and closing her eyes to relax her thumping heart.

Despite being alerted when he touched her, she didn't feel uncomfortable or anything, and the idea of trusting him scared her.

"Siya, drive to Rose's school. We need to pick her up," Aadhya said, and Siya nodded.

Soon they reached her school.

Aadhya- The Phoenix Within (Previously known as Aadhya- And Her Journey Towards)Where stories live. Discover now