Chapter- 12 Move in!

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Shourya's POV

She is seriously an angel, but why do people around her call her heartless and scared of her?

What did she have gone through that made her like this?

I opened my laptop and started searching about her. When I searched about her last time, I didn't find anything, but today I will sift through all the websites to find out more about her.

It took me 1 hour to find the correct website where there were many articles about her and a few of her photos.

There are not many photos of her, but a picture caught my attention, and I opened it. It is a picture of her holding a Trishul, her hair is swaying wildly, her eyes are bloodshot with anger, her clothes are torn and there are so many wounds on her body and face... little Rose was standing beside her, and a man's body lying down in a pool of blood and his hands are touching a lifeless woman's feet but I can't see that woman's face clearly.

The posture of Aadhya is just like Kali Mata. I got chills just looking at her like that. It is a picture from 2 years ago, but what happened that day? Did she kill that man? But why? Who is that man? Why in front of little Rose? Who is that woman? Why does this happen in a temple? Where is that temple?

I then read an article about her which says she saved so many girls from sex racket gangs.

There is a video clip, so I opened it.

It's a video clip in front of the court, so many media people and paparazzi are falling on her with questions.

"Murderer, killer", they are calling her with different names and asking questions without even giving her time to respond.

Aadhya was carrying Rose carefully while hiding Rose's face in the crook of her neck and suddenly another woman in a black coat came to support Aadhya.

"Yes, she is a killer", that woman roared, standing beside Aadhya.

"If Durga Mata is a killer for killing an Asur called Mahishasur, then Aadhya is also a killer who killed a beast and a monster in many women's lives," that woman stated firmly.

Seriously, she killed someone who is a monster in many women's lives? Does that mean he was also a monster in her life?

I don't know what she has gone through, but it seems she has gone through so much. She is having panic attacks, which means there is a lot to know about her past, but how can I know?

I read so many articles which say she indeed faced many problems, but no article says what those are.

And within a few minutes, I saw all those articles disappearing and the website got blocked. Looks like someone is deleting them in purpose.

I think I will know more about her if I can meet that woman in the black coat.

That Advocate.




"How many times have I told you to not watch the news, Rose?" Aadhya's firm voice welcomed me as I entered her house.

It's Monday again, so I have to work.

"Mom, that's your interview," Rose exclaimed.

"I know still you are not allowed to see any of my interviews," Miss. Aadhya said sternly and changed the channel.

"Why, mom?" Rose yelled.

"You are seeing me at home every day, so why do you want to see me on TV?" Aadhya remarked, but her voice was shaking like she was hiding something from Rose.

Aadhya- The Phoenix Within (Previously known as Aadhya- And Her Journey Towards)Where stories live. Discover now