Part 6

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💜Jungkook Pov•

"Quit running baby," That deep voice made me startled. I can sense his coldness in his tone, which gave shiver to my spine.

"I am not running," I stuttered like a scared rabbit.

"Really? Why do I feel like you're running baby?," He asked dangerously digging holes in my back.

"No. never," I replied scared at his tone.

"Oh is it," He asked coming near me making my  knees weak. I nodded my head.

Jungkook (Mind) - Don't come near me please I can't control my heart beat near you. It beats like a drum.

Taehyung clutched my shoulders pulled me near him, in this process I bumped into to is hard chest which made me squirm under his touch.

"Why are you avoiding me Kook? What did I do?," he asked in painful tone. Making my heart twitch at his pained voice.

"I am not avoiding you. I am busy with my work," simply lied on his face. Maybe he caught my lie.

"Really? Then you're going on date  with me at evening 7'o clock. Be on time and I will pick you," He ordered me like I am his employ.

I am not going with him. He didn't asked me properly.

"Are you asking or ordering me?," I asked frowning at him.

"Both,"he replied arrogantly. Idiotic jerk.

"I won't come," i said glaring at him.

"You will come babe," He said dangerously low tone making me nod my head at him. He left giving me his involuntary smirk.

This guy is so intimidating. I don't know when he left, i stood there like statue. Then maid came, informed me that breakfast is ready. I quickly ate my breakfast in rush. Today's breakfast is different and I am damn sure he prepared it. It's so tasty. After so many days I ate his hand made food made my taste buds alive again. He is great cook, best son, wonderful lover but a jerk husband. Thankyou God for sending him in my life. I hate it when he orders like this. My first ever date with my husband.

Kook get ready for your first ever date with your husband. My brain got excited.

Working for hours I remembered I have date with my hot husband. Quickly took warm shower and I wore a nice dress. Left my hair loose.
I don't know when time runs fast. I moved out of my room to see he is already waiting for me.

Taehyung looked at me like I am piece of meat. I felt bit nervous arround him. His eyes create havoc in me.

"Shall we," I asked gesturing him towards the car. He nodded his head.

His tongue tied. No words coming from his mouth. I am satisfied with the way he is looking at me. He opened the door for me, I slipped into my seat. Then he came, sat in passanger seat and started towards our destination. He looks so hot in his attire. Why does he have to look this much handsome?.
I don't like when someone eye my man. He is solely belongs to me. He is only mine.

"Don't worry. I belongs to only you," his replied made me feel cheeks red. Did he heard my words? That's why he is saying like that.

"Huh?," These days I am lying so much.

"Babe Please stop staring at me. I will feel so happy if you look at me when we're at our home. Not here in car." He replied smirking at me.

Not again. I am making fool out of myself.
I stared outside looking at the passing buildings, and people. Everyone is busy in their own life. Maybe my biological parents also enjoying their lives with their own kids.
What about me? Did they forgot about me?
Do they know i was alive or dead? Will I ever meet them? What if I never met Lisa and Tae?
I could never imagine my life without them.
I can't breathe without them. They both are sole reason of my living. I was bought out of my thoughts by Tae calling me.

Don't run awayDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora