Part 32

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Here come...My only family from past

I moved towards her to see, she raised her hand to stop me in my steps.

"He deserves it," She said making me feel more miserable.

"Don't talk to my brother like that" Jimin hyung said dangerously moving towards her.

I can see furious glares at me to see Lisa and her husband and best friend Jhope glaring at me.

"Hello mister will you shut up for some time. And i have some unfinished business with her," she replied furiously glaring at me.

"Lisa, do you know Jungkook?," Yoongi hyung asked confused.

"I knew everything about him. How he hurted me? How can i forget that? Am i saying truth Mr Jungkook?" She taunted sarcastically.

"Lisa, i am sorry," I said hugging her tightly, crying my heart out bitterly.

"Don't touch me," She tried to push my hands but I held her tightly. She started sobbing making me feel sad how i abandoned her without any calls.

"I am sorry Lisa, i really missed you. I am really sorry for hurting you. I am not in state of mind to do anything," I said crying.

"I was hurt kook, I don't know what i did to you that you cut your communication with me. I was sad and angry at myself that i couldn't find my friend how he is. I am very bad friend," Lisa said making me more angry at myself.

Why did i even cut my communication with her? I don't want to burden myself on her again.

"I am sorry for making you feel like that. You're the best friend anyone could ask for," I said kissing her cheeks.

"Oh my god guys stop your reunion and there my friend is fighting for his life," Hobi hyung said not liking the way of our reunion talks.

"How is he?," Lisa asked concerned.

"He is doing good," I said smiling at her.

"Between where is Mr Kim?," Hobi hyung asked slightly uncomfortable arround me.

"Appa is at home," Yoongi hyung said smiling at him.

"Not about uncle but i am asking about Mr Kim taehyung husband," Everyone laughed understanding his question.

I just smiled at his silly question.

"Why are you all laughing?," He asked again confused.

"Oh god hobaa...Why even i am married to you?," Lisa said rolling her eyes making me laugh at her dramatic ways...

"I am clueless. Can you please enlighten me," Hobi asked more curiously.

"Why do you think Jungkook is staying here and why would aunty allowed him to stay here when only, sister and partner has right to stay here," Lisa said and he still have confused expression.

"You dumbo he is Mr Kim Jungkook...Taehyung husband" Lisa replied glaring at him.

"Oh my god. How?," Hobi asked curiously frowning making me uncomfortable.

Maybe he isn't happy with me and Tae being together. This thought made me sad.

"We are eager to know you people story," Yoongi hyung asked clapping his hands excited ignoring hobi question.

"I will continue from here," Lisa said making me roll my eyes at her.

"No...i will explain," He said smiling at all.

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