Chapter One

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I watched as the people went in and out of the clear front door. The sun was a mixture of blue and white mixing together. To be honest I'm still trying to figure out why my mom made me come to the latest meeting in the world.. It was like 4:30. I sighed, releasing the breath that I held onto from my lungs. I have to admit, I was so nervous, so scared. I haven't even talked to people in weeks, since I first found out that I had Prostate Cancer. Isolation is awful

"Are you ready Dhal?"

I already knew the answer to that question, I'd always known it. No. Simple, plain and clear. I grasped onto the cold chair of the arm with my fingers, harshly clenching it.

"Do i have a choice"

I tried to be brave, I tried to not let people know that I'm afraid, but the truth is.. I'm scared to die.

"Remember, try to actually talk, don't just sit there quietly, the point is so you can let it all out, with people who understand you. "

She looked at me with a serious look on her face, furrowing her dark brows at me. She moved her hands, gently placing them onto my left arm. Her hands were cold, and yet comforting all at the same time. I looked down at her hand, her bony fingers tapped me lightly before releasing her gentle squeeze.

"Make friends"

She smiled at me, looking back to the steering wheel, placing both of her hands on it counter clockwise. I knew today was going to be hard, I just knew it. I gently pushed the car door open with my right foot, kicking it up in a karate position. The door squeaked loudly as it opened, everyone turned their heads to face me from the squeaking. I felt embarrassed, and my face turned cherry red. The outside smelt like fire from the people burning things down the street. I stopped in my tracks, turning my head up into the sky like a superhero, smelling the burning charcoal.

"Make friends Dahlia"

She put her right finger in the air, pointing at me with her red acrylic nail that was already coming off.

"I'll try mom, but i'm not making any promises"

I put my hands up in the air, letting her know that I was surrendering already.

"Love you"

She yelled from inside the car, at the top of her lungs trying her hardest to embarrass me, she wasn't even in key. Her vocals went up and down each word, then knowing she was satisfied with my total embarrassment she drove off, leaving me here all alone to fend for myself. So back to the topic of charcoal, for some odd reason I'd always loved the smell of burning charcoal, people would call me crazy if they knew. I put my hands on my hips facing downward, and closed my eyes faintly. Only if people could see the world from my pov, the pov of a drying girl, who stays fighting no matter what. To be honest I didn't care what anyone thought of me right now. The car next to me was blasting Roses by the chainsmokers. I guess they just have good music. It was amped up to at least ten. I knew that I was gonna die in a few months, and might as well live my life to the best of my ability. Suddenly a nudge knocked me out of my thoughts.


A deep, husky, voice spoke. I opened my eyes to a tall, lean man, with dark hair. He had a warm smile, unlike most people.

"Your fine"

I cleared my throat. My voice sounded muffled from how long it's been since I've talked.He smells like cologne, which was interesting.. I have never met someone who wears cologne.

"I'm jack"

He had the biggest smile I've ever seen, with his dark skin. He could light up a room with a smile, it was the perfect model smile with white sparkly teeth. A beaming smile spread across my face, from his dumb, huge smile.

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