Chapter Seventeen

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He said with worry filling up his voice as the doorknob turned and he opened the door wide open to see how bad I looked, I turned around to face him with white tear-stained cheeks, I felt disgusting right now.

"Oh, my baby girl"

He said with a tone that he was trying to comfort me. In my first instinct I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him as tight as possible, hugging his warm body as he hugged me back. He smelt like chocolate chips and a bit of something else. His body was warm, and he was sweating from using the stove. He had his brown apron on, the one he always wore, I think he has a weird obsession with it or something. He always loved baking, he was the one in the family to bake and my mom cooked some real good food, last Tuesday she made her famous lasagna, she seasoned it with salt and pepper. My body was filled with hatred for cancer and sadness for my body, which now almost looked like Bella Swans when she was pregnant with her child.

"It's going to be ok."

My dad tried to sound as comforting as possible as he strokes the back of my head helping me calm down a bit as I cried into his chest. His shirt was all wet from my tears, but he didn't care, all he cared about was making me feel better, making me feel happy.

"You are still so beautiful."

He whispered into my ear, with his cold breath smelling like mint from toothpaste and some orange juice from breakfast. I felt comfort in benign in my dad arms, he always figures out a way to make me feel better no matter what. His hands were warm as he massaged my head with his right hand.


"Where are you taking me?"

Jack didn't say anything, instead he just smiled as we ran through the downtown holding hands. I could feel the wind in my face blowing the cold air right into my face. My hair was going everywhere like a blow-dryer going all into my mouth. The snow was falling like a perfect scene as tiny little snowflake fells onto our bodies as we ran. The skies shined from the vibrance of the sun peaking out from behind a tiny snow cloud in the sky. The sky was a mixture of blue and white and my body was filled with a mixture of anxiousness and existent all rolled into one. My big snow jacket had snow all over it making me look like the abnormal snow man. Jack had snow all in his hair making him look like a mad scientist who went crazy a while back and might have experimented on himself.

"it's a surprise."

Were all jacks said, not even giving me a hint or anything. I smiled as we continued running, the only thing left on the floor was our footprints. The sound of our snow boots crunching the snow was an excessive loud noise as we ran. The waterfalls were all frozen and the sun were beaming right through it not even looking real.

"You're not even going to give me a hint?"

I tried to say in my most serious voice breaking it in the end with my big smile popping up again. The air was cold and crisper sending shiver down my spine. The cold air was refreshing from being lock inside the past few days, especially after yesterday when I threw up. Honestly, I didn't even tell jack about yesterday, I guess I wanted to be. sort of a normal teen for as long as I can be, at least until I die.

"Come one"

Jack laughed as he pulled me around the corner of and Abdon building taking me right inside of it. The air of the building gave me chills going through my howl body. The place was an abandon rolling rink, honestly it looks like it hadn't been used in years. The place was filled with neon colors, kind of like the rolling rink was from the 90's or something. Everything was bright, but everything was also a bit of faded. It was a bit dusty and one or two cob-webs at the roof of the roof area of the building. He smiled as he stopped running trying to let us get our breath. My heart was beating at a million miles per hour, and frankly I'm not even sure that is allowed for a cancer patient, especially at my age. I held my stomach gasping for air,

"Are you okay?"

It was cute that he was worried about me, that he cares so much about me. The air suddenly got hot from all the running we just did. Tickle of sweat ran down jack's forehead like a little bead finding its way home. His brown hair stuck to his face from all the sweat. Suddenly our big puffy winter jackets don't seem as necessary as before.

"Yea I'm fine, I'm just going to die for a quick second."

My sentence sounded out of breath and very rushed. I used my right hand as a fan and tried to fan myself. Disappoint it didn't do much of cooling me down, but for some reason I kept doing it repeatedly. I guess that I just prayed that it would start cooling me down eventually. Jack made a frown at my response to his question.

"ha-ha, that's so funny."

He mocked me as I watched him with a laugh on my face. I guess he didn't like my joke.... how rude. Thair was a faded sent of musk here, like a weird, faded wood smell, it made my hairs in my nose stick up like speeder man's armchair in Avengers Infinity war. This place reminds me of that one scene from my favorite book called 'new beginning where Myles and Anna went on that roller skating date, it was the curtest scene from any movie ever.

"What are we doing here Jack?"

Now that I finally caught my breath, I was thankful that I could finally speak. Suddenly the room wasn't as hot, and I'm pretty sure the fan didn't even do anything to help. The thick jackets however still had me feeling like a stay puff marshmallow man from ghostbusters.

"I'm serious jack."

I took my jacket off using both hands and instantly the fresh air came hitting my body that was now revealed. It was the best feeling id felt in a very long time. a few hours. The air was a refreshing coolness in my body sending a nice cool all the way down to my body.

"Have you been roller skating before?"

He crossed his arms with the expression on his face that he was so proud if himself for coming up with this idea. Like did he want me to give him a treat and say 'good boy' or something, I mean it was a cute idea but for reals, what did he want for coming up with this idea? Them was spilled red slushies all over what used to be the concession stand I'm assuming. The popcorn machine had a hint of mold growing on it which was kind of nasty.

"Now, but now it's on my bucket list thanks to you."

I pointed my chipped purple index finger at him waving it when I said the 'you' part. My pointer finger had this ring on it, it from the gumball matching from when I was like 12 and there was nothing on it expect for a complete gold ring but somehow, I still never take it off not once. The ring was cold to the touch from how cold it was, but it still came everywhere with me.

"Well I. think you can cross it off."

Jack picked up his right hand and held my finger in place so I couldn't move it anymore. I made a pouty face as he just laughed at me. The crazy thing was that in here it felt hot because we just ran so far, but it was as cold as Cole Walter was to Erin in the first few episodes of 'My life With Walter Boys'

"You want to go ice skating in an abandon roller rink?"

I asked him confused and curious which curiosity eats me away. Suddenly with my jacket now off it began to get cool in here like a ghost, maybe from 'Casper the Friendly Ghost' movie from the 90's.

"There's a first time for everything?"

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