Chapter Thirteen

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Her voice spoke in a hushed tone like she'd been just woken up from being asleep as well. Her teeth were bright and her eyes shines, but she looked tired. I almost felt bad for this woman as well, after all she had four different kids to take care of, and she had cancer. From the looks of it she didn't look like she had any help with any of it, like she was all alone.


I said back trying to be as sincere as possible, trying to not sound like I pitied her. I didn't want her to know the truth, I didn't want her to know the way I truly felt. The lady made a worried look on her face as she looked down at her lap thinking about God knows what.

"I was diagnosed with stage two thyroid cancer."

Her voice sounded croaky and was filled with fear, like she was afraid to die, but of course she was who wasn't afraid to die. I felt bad for this lady, but then again in felt bad for everyone I talked to here, they're all going to die, every single one of them. She tapped her fingers on the chair of her arm, starting from her thumb and then slowly making her way to her pinkie finger, she did this a few times like it was an anxiety mechanism.

"I'm sorry ma'am."

Sadly, that was all I was able to get out, my voice sounded weak, and my face looked upset in the way I was feeling. I took a deep breath trying to hold back what I wanted to tell her, everything I wanted to tell her. Her face was pale, and her hair was bald in some spots, I guess the cancer finally decided to get rid of her hair.

"So, what about you?"

She didn't stop tapping her fingers, after her sentence the tapping of her fingers were the only sound in the room. She smiled the best fake smiled id ever seen, like she was trying to hide the fact that she was hurting. Like she was trying to be brave.

"Stage four of prostate, they said I wouldn't make it till Christmas, so I only have one month left."

Speaking those words were like a big ball in my mouth, I've said it at least a million times and I've already accepted the fact that I was going to die, but it was so hard. It was stuck at the back of my throat like a lump in the way. I looked over at Jack who was just sleeping his life away, he slept like he hadn't slept in days and quit frankly, it makes me happy that Jack finally gets to sleep after bringing there for me for so long, he deserved some time to sleep.

"When I had the oldest kid, I was with this man named Dave."

The lady had a hint of something in her voice I could quit pin down. She clenched her jaw; in anger I'm assuming.

"But I caught him cheating on me with a twenty-year-old."

She stopped speaking just to let me know she was mad or something.

"He was 45 by the way."

She laughed indicating that she was fine, but her laugh had anger in it. You could tell this lady was furious, but of course she was, who wouldn't be entirely mad that the guy that she loved, the guy that she trusted the most. Honestly, I was so thankful that Jack hasn't cheated on me, but then again, he's not the type to cheat.

"I was heartbroken."

She itched the tip of her nose with her right hand frustratedly. She put her hand down on her lap squeezing it tightly with her free hand. She looked down at her hand and looked at her diamond ring, it looks.

ed old, but the diamond still looked new. It was a 24k gold diamond, and it almost blinded me from the light reflecting off pf of it. She twirled it on her ring finger a few times not taking her eyes off it not for one second. The way that she looked at wasn't with rage, but it wasn't with happiness either, not for one second.

"So, a while after Dave I decided to go on a dating website, where I met max."

Her smile came on her face when she spoke, like Max made her happy. She said her sentence in complete happiness, like happiness id never heard her talk about her ex-husband about.

"Max was a layer; he was so sexy to."

The way she talked about this man just made me smile as I watched her be filled with such happiness. I admired it, the way he made her so happy just to talk about him.

"He was Japanese, well short story we got married in the spring."

I guess the ring she was wearing wasn't Daves, but instead it was Maxis indeed I guess she tried to use to ring to stop feeling upset about her ex. I looked at her in awe, so admirable. I wish that I could one day get married to, but I'll never get to live till that day.

"Me and max had James, and then my sister died so me and max took in her kids,"

"I'm so sorry about your sister, thar sounds awful."

Once I mentioned her sister her smile faded as she slowly put her hand back down. Her expressions made a sad face. This is when I knew that I shouldn't have said anything about it. Her light skin was getting sick looking from cancer. Her almond face was deforming,

"She died a while back so its fine."

Her words ended in complete silence filling this room. The only noise in this room were our thoughts. I watched the wall in front of me, I picked up my right hand and pulled my hair strand feeling the tiny sensation of pain. The lady's hair stuck to her forehead form how bad she looked.

"I'm Darcy by the way"

She put out her hand for me to shake it. Her fingers were old and frail looking, and her arms were weak and shaking like crazy.


I smiled right back at her putting out my hand and shaking hers. Her hands were warm, but a writ feeling on her skin from her being sick and all.


"God you and Jack are so boring, "

Maya held her stomach trying her hardest not to burst out into laughter. Her blond hair was in a messy bun, pieces sticking out of the bottom of her bun from her long thick hair. For some odd reason it was freezing in here, it had to be at least 15 degrees in here at max, you couldn't eve see at least a tickle of sweat gleaming off us right now. The crazy thing is that its already November and it's still freezing cold in Canda, I mean I loved it here I've never lived anywhere else but it's freezing here all the time.

"Ok I didn't ask for your opinion."

I say in a very mocking tone getting my face real close, practically feeling her cold breath on my face.

"Hey girls?"

I QUICKLY TURNED my head to see a familiar sight of our father with a surprising, nice velvet gray sweater on, the sweater looked crazy expensive.


We both said in perfect sync together. Surprisingly our voices didn't miss not one beat, not even one tiny tone.

"Me and your mother are leaving to go to dinner for our five-year anniversary, I left some money on the counter if you guys want to order food or something."

He pointed his thumb to the way of the kitchen being right behind him, with my room door being wide open for some odd reason, I think Maya was just trying to bug me by not shutting it or something.

"Ok we will, have fun you guys."

Maya gleamed as big as possible at my dad who oddly looked like he kind of brought it, I guess. He began to walk out the door but stopped halfway and peaked his Heald around the corner putting his hands on the white part of my bed frame.

"Dahls in charge"

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