Chapter Twenty

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It was a cold day as the snow fell. The little snowflakes felt like little snowballs as they hit onto my body. My hair had snow all in it as if I was a snow queen. My body was shaking, if there was one thing I knew and that is that I was nervous. I could already feel my body going limp. After all I was about to meet Jacks whole family right now. Apparently, they have Christmas parties early or something like that. The house was huge, it almost looked like the original Salvator house, with white pillars and everything. The house had the most outrageous and bright light on the roof that anyone had ever seen in their lives. There was little Santa's on the lawn, the Santa' look new with their freshly painted red habit that Santa usually wears.

"Are you okay?

Jack smiled at me looking down from how tall he was. He looked nice; he had a nice gray sweater vest which made him look like a dork, but he was my little dork that was for sure. I'm pretty sure that he told me that his grandma made it for him before she died last Christmas, so he wears it every single Christmas now, its like his tradition. His hair didn't even have at least one snowflake on it. His hair still looked so perfect and handsome. It sat there all this time just trying to figure out how he got his hair to look so effort, so perfect and it never seemed to mess up or anything.

"Yes?? To be honest Jack I'm not even sure, I'm shaking right now."

I could feel my whole-body hiking all at once moving like a crazy motor or something. He slid his hands into mine trying to calm them down, trying to help me.

"You're going to be fine Dhal, they're going to love you, if not their stupid."

He let out a little chuckled as he said the stupid part, he always knew how to calm me down when I was most scared about something. His family is Mexican so its going to be cutlery different to, I'm used to my family's white people cooking, but now I must eat something called Enchiladas, like what even is an enchilada, it sounds gross. They have this weird chili called Valentina or something which sounds like a stupid name, who would name a chili after a female girl.

"God, I love you."

He had a laugh for a quick second.

"I know"

Was all he said before kissing my forehead. Apparently, they were a lot of people, and they're always blasting Mexican music saying things I can't even understand. You'd think that by dating a Mexican for months now that id at least aorta know some Spanish word, but the truth is I don't know any Spanish, in my defense Jack never said anything in Spanish before so it wasn't really my fault.

"Just a little warning though, my alive nana is very touchy."

I hated when people get touchy, like don't touch me. I get anxiety ad it meses all with my mind. I get social anxiety to so if theirs to many people in one place I get uncomfortable and I feel like I just want to walk out of the room and never come back in again,

"Are you ready for this?"

His breath was cold as he spoke with his fresh minty breath. His jacket looked warm, there was a bit of fur in it, like a warm koala on your back. His jacket was big, but it looked comfortable though, like in a nice way. Them was supposed to be almost all his family here tonight and he had a lot of family.


"As honest as you can"

I hesitated for a quick second, unaware of what so say.

"Not really, lets jut forget this ever happened and lets just go to your house."

I pouted at him trying to be as adorable as possible praying that he would listen and change his mind and decide to go back to his house.

"Look Dhal"

His voiced switched to a serious tone, and suddenly his expression dropped to go with the way his voice sounded right now. Honesty the way he suddenly went from being happy to serious fast scared me, probably just anxiety.

"Let's be honest Dhal, you're never going to get a chance to go to another one of my family Christmas parties, its just important that you meet them before it's too late."

Then there it was, reality had come in hitting me in the head like a big brick. I hated reality, I knew he was right though, that id never even make it to next Christmas. Heck not even this Christmas. I was just thankful that his family had done a Christmas party before charismas, before I was about to die.

"Ok... fine ill do it, but only because I love you... and your right."

In the 'your right' part my voice went down a bit, trying not to let him hear that part, I didn't want him to hear it. Suddenly his face went back up to the smile that I love and know as he slid his hands out of mine.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you right the first time Dhal"

"Yeah, yeah, let's just go inside already."

I grabbed his left hand with my right one and pull him all the way up to the door trying to ignore what he just said with a smile a pun my face. The door was huge with glass all over it, it looked expensive to. Not just any glass but I meant the type of glass that has aa design on it and color and everything, like from a church. He never told me that he came from a wealthy family, but honestly right now that that was the least of my worries, my biggest worry is what was waiting on the inside of this crazy door right in front of me. I rung the little doorbell thing right next to the door, I could've sworn it was made from real gold or something. It only took a few moments before the door came wide open by a woman. The woman had darker skin like he did, and the most beautiful curly hair that I'd ever seen in my life. She had the same nose as Jack, she looked just a little bit older than he was, like in her mid or late twenties or something. Loud Mexican music was blasting in the background saying things I could never understand. It repicked in the house like weird Mexican chilies and people in the kitchen were making. I think he called them Tamales or something. She had the biggest smile on her face, and she smelt just like rose pedal perfume, like strong perfume too. My nose was burning from all the perfume she wore. I think she wore so much perfume to block out the other strong smell in the house, of chills.


She said in a very weird way, a way that I'd never heard anyone say his name before, I'm pretty sure it's like a Mexican way or something. Before I know it, I was clenching onto his hand tight again, probably the tightest id ever held onto him before. Every time I get nervous or very anxious, I have a habit of squeezing his hand, he says he doesn't care or mind, but I know that I'm hurting him, and I hate that he hurts because of me.


It was the weirdest thing that I'd ever heard in my life, he rolled the 'R' in her name, like who rolled the 'R', that's not even how you say it or anything. His face had the biggest smile on his face, it was very similar to her smile. Her smile was just as beautiful as his is, so vibrant and radiant, like they could light up a dark room. I knew now that they were probably siblings from the same beautiful smile they have, and the same nose. She then turned her attention to look down at me with this look on her face of happiness, like she was happy to finally meet me. She wore this expensive looking Mexican Christmas dress and just by one look I already felt all out of place, but I had to do this for Jack because it's important to him and it's what he wants.

"You must be Dhalia; I've heard so much about you."

Her voice sounded so happy, like it was weird to see someone's voice filled with as much happiness as her voice had in it.

"Hopefully good things?"

I laughed trying to give off the same tone in my voice but failing extremely miserably.

"don't worry Dhalia, all good things, all good things."

It was freezing out here, like almost 50 degrees here, it was crazy how cold it was here especially at night.

"Oh my god where's my manors, please come int."

She laughed at whatshe just did as she stepped out of the way for us to walk in. Almost immediatelythe heated hit us with a warm refreshing blast compared to outside. 

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