Chapter Three

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I looked at the clock ticking, praying that it went faster, but each time I looked at it it just took even longer than before. I hated this feeling, constantly waiting for a guy, I've never been more excited before in my life. I leaned back into the dresser chair as I put on my brown knitted scarf. My scarf was a gift from my grandma from when I was younger. My scarf was made when she was still in her learning phase so it's a bit scratchy, but I still wear it because it was made with love, and because I look amazing in it. I walked over to my body mirror, which had cleaning streaks all over it, and I looked at myself in the mirror. The weird thing is that Jack didn't say where we were going, he just told me to wear warm clothes.

"He's he-re"

Maya cut herself off when she saw me, and her face pounded into a smile

'"You look beautiful Dhalila"

"Really, it's not too much?"

She walked over to me and looked at me, looking at me and them placing her hands on my arms

"No, your beautiful and he'll think so to"

"I'm nervous Maya"

If I'm being completely honest, I've never been on a date before. Maya is the girlie extrovert girl, she's the one who's been on way to many dates and has had way to many boyfriends. Maya even had her first kiss at 12, meanwhile I'm gonna die in a few months and I still haven't had my first kiss yet.

"Your gonna do amazing big sis,"

All I really needed right now was her motivation, the girl who knows what she's talking about, the girl who knows what she's doing.


"Truthfully Dahlia, just be yourself, yourself is what he fell for in the first place"

I returned her smile by beaming at her, the weird thing is that I looked up to Maya, the older sister looked up to her little sister, crazy huh?

"Now go downstairs and kill that date"

Honestly, I was so thankful that Maya is the one who came up here and not my mom. I love my mom but Maya gives way better romance advice than my mom does/

"Let's do this"

I mumbled under my breath as I walked out the door, my sister followed not too far behind me making sure to see his reaction. The first thing that I saw was that Jack was talking to my parents, and they seemed to like him as much as I did. He was laughing away with my parents until he saw me. He turned his head to look at me, he had a look in his face, a look that no guy has ever looked at me before with. I put my hands on the rail guiding me as I walked downstairs

"Too much?"

I asked, feeling a bit worried. By this time everyone was looking at me with a smile on their faces.

"With you? Never enough"

A radiant of happiness fell all over my face, like a melted puddle going everywhere.

"You look beautiful"

My dad guessed, I just can't remember the word.

"Have fun"

My mom said to me giving me a big hug trying to embarrass me in front of Jack, at least that's what I think. What did I except from my mom, the same woman who loves to embarrass me into pieces.

"I had lungs before this"

I mumbled as loudly as I could as she pulled away from the hug after what seemed like a century. As we finally escaped the parents and we were free outside away from everything, in the freezing cold I turned to Jack

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