Chapter Twenty-Six

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Their was twinkling bright lights all on the tree making it shine bright. I wondered to myself. Why did he choose me? There were a million girls in this world, some that weren't going to die but he chose me.

"Can i ask you something"

Jack asked me from across the room as he slid in the dvd into the slot. The dvd case looked a bit worn out, like its been used before. He must really love Home Alone.

"What that?"

I smirked overlapping my hands looking him straight in the head as he pushed the dvd slot back in. My shirt was so long it was practaccly a dress on me, covering my sport shorts. Ive always despised pajamas, my body is just by polar so if i turn the fan on i get cold in a few seconds n vise versa. Now i rebel against pajamas, i couldnt be caught dead in pajamas, plus a baggy t and grey sport shorts r way more comfortable.

"If you could have one thing tonight, anything? What would it be"

Jack chuckled slightly pushing himself up off of the cold floor. I was so confused, why did he suddenly ask me this? A million little thoughts ran through my head like the flash. Sometimes it's just hard to wonder why someone would love me. He made his way slowly onto my bed, getting comfortable laying right next to me. He folded his left hand resting the side of his head on it, his back facing to the left of him. His teeth were so sparkly as he beamed a cute little smile at me. The old remote was laying on its back in between me and jack. He used his free hand and he gently brushed the end of my left hand sending shivers down my spine with each caress of his finger.


I placed a gentle kiss on his soft lips, god i loved his soft lips they were so perfect and smooth. I thought about a million different things I knew that I wanted to do at least before I died, going through different things until I finally thought of something good enough. If I could have anything tonight it would be..

"Anything, nothings to crazy"

Jack reassured me, making me feel better about the decision that I already thought about, that I had already decided.

"I want you jack.. I want all of you"

If there's one thing I didn't want to die as a virgin. If I was going to die I at least wanted to have sex at least once. If I was going to lose my virginity to someone who I have so much trust with, love with, desire with. He smirked at my comment that I just made. He removed his hand from my arm and the feel of shivers instantly went away once it left, he turned his hand onto my chin with his warm thumb and he lifted up my chin to place a tiny quick kiss on my lips yet again. Our lips moved in sync, this warm feeling. However this time was different though, after a few moments of gentle kisses he moved his tongue and fought its way through my lips and into my mouth. I felt this feeling like I'd never felt before, this feeling of pleasure. This feeling erupted through my whole mouth. He kissed my cheek gently making his way down to my neck gently nibbling it. With each gentle nibble I felt pleasure in that spot. A slight moan left my mouth from this feeling that I'd never experienced before. I can't believe I was about to lose my virginity, I can't believe this was really about to happen right now. So much for movie night.

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