Chapter Nineteen

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I took a huge dramatic sigh before walking away. I looked for the closest seat to take a seat on so I can put my skates on my feet. I looked to my left where I finally found a perfect bench to sit on, the bench was somewhat old but so was everything in here, this place was from like the indies or something. I sat down comfortably, the bench creaked as I took a sudden seat upon it. I bent down so I was closer to the floor and with my right arm I untied my lace of my high-top convers, I hated wearing high tops convers because they take forever to get off, but I still wear them because they're cute. I placed my right hand on the heel of my shoe and my left hand I put it on the upper part of my shoe and slid it off. It hit the floor like a brick, but I didn't seem to care. I left jack in the other room, so it was just me in here. Honestly being in here alone was giving me the chills down my spine, it was complicated. It was mud like in here, my hair was practically sticking to my forehead, but I didn't give up just because I didn't like the way It felt in here.

As o felt the air hit my shoe it was like a sudden relief of fresh coolness blowing onto my foot, spreading around my leg like a cool and fresh winter breeze all at once.


"Jack, no I don't know what I'm doing

I laughed stupidly as I grabbed onto his shoulder trying not to fall. The only sound in this room is of our roller blades rubbing up against the floor and laughter coming from both of us. My hand clenched deeply unaware of how hard I was even clenching his shoulders. I thought I was going to fall. There was an old disco ball right above us that surprisingly still worked but the old music that played from it sounded like a broken record.

"Relax, I got you."

His faced smiled as he had his hand around my waist holding me tight so I wouldn't fall. The way his hand rested on my waist sent shiver down my spine from my skin underneath his touch. Our hairs were sticking to our foreheads from all the roller blading that we've been attempting to do. Honestly, I've never been roller blading before, so I felt stupid right about now. Jack made me feel safe though, like he could make me learn anything and everything including roller blading. I tried to roll forward but not even that worked because I almost fell but he caught me just in time before I had the chance to fall on the floor. The biggest thing I didn't with qasr to be on the floor right now.

"don't drop me."

I screamed as he held me in his arms trying to comfort me.

"I'm not going to drop you, I promise."

He smiled at me with his cheeky smile. His square jawbone and his perfect body looked so sexy when his sweaty.

"It one foot forward, one step back"

He did it so gracefully and so effortlessly. He honestly made it look so easy, I wondered how it could look so dang easy but be so hard at the same time. I thought about a million different ways trying to figure this thing out, trying to learn how to roller blade. Even little kids know how to roller blade, I'm 16 and I can't even do it. The humid wind hit smack dab into our faces as he tried to show me. Then I realized that I've never actually tried his method of learning how to skate before, so I decided that his method was worth the try, why not. Without hesitation I tried putting my right foot forward. I felt the slight pressure of my foot as I moved it across the dance floor praying that it worked. I put left foot forward and not falling for once.

I did it, the first time I did both legs the biggest smile appeared on my fac, and I felt some victory, even if it was for a tiny little thing but at least I still did something whitecap blading related. Jack laughed as he saw the excitement look on my face, I guess he just couldn't help it could he. It was the best feeling when I finally started getting the hang of it. I thought I could do this forever, be stuck in this moment with Jack, where I'm happy, where I don't die. I was roller blading, I haven't felt prouder of myself since, well ever.
"I'm so proud of you Dhal."

Jack had the biggest grin on his face, probably bigger than mine by this point. I guess Jack just thought he was a great teacher, which in a way I guess he is. I'm not even sure I jack just proud because that is a good teacher, or that I'm a good student. He did a little twirl thing as he soon me around. In this moment I wasn't even afraid to skate anymore, I didn't think I would complete fall on my butt and look complete stupid. Not that Jack would care anyway about the fact that I would look stupid in the first place, had still love me no matter what kind of stupid things I end up doing. The lights from the disco ball up above Shon brightly almost blinding our eyes from its brightness. The floors made a loud screeching sound as he turned me around him. As soon as he turned me all the way, my face was facing his and he pulled me closer to hum wrapping his arms around my waist, His hands were warm at the touch, his body was warm to

He still had a faint smell of cologne that I loved so dang much. I wrapped my arms around his neck getting them Ina comfortable position on his neck, He leaned his head in, so his forehead was touching mine.

"I love you."

He said in a whisper like tone top me.

"I love you more."

He laughed as he leaned on placing a kiss on my nose.

"Not even close"

His head turned form my nose to my lips and placed a perfect kiss on my lips. God, I loved him. The air had a hint of must in it, a hint of humidity but the only thing that I could think about right now was how much I was in love with this guy right here, his so perfect and I'm still trying to figure out how I got so lucky to be able to call him mine. Sweat was coming out of my pores like the beginning of a teenager faze all over again. I felt a gust of hot wind blow through our faces. To be honest, you could say we looked wrecked from any angle from this roller blading in an abandon building. He grabbed my hand with his. His hand was warm from all the heat and his body combined. We moved around in sync as we held hands, connecting almost to perfectly. It was a nice moment, for once all my worry and self-doubt went away, all the baggage I was carrying, all the sadness I had in my life was gone, even if eventually I will have to wake up from my fantasy, even if I do have to face reality at some point.

Sometimes I just wished that I didn't carry such baggage with me, and others I hated myself for what I was going through. I went through a lot of pain, and I was hurting but no one seemed to understand anything I was going through. No one knew I was hurting, I liked being in the moment where I can just forget about everything that I carry with me, but I guess eventually all good things must end at some point right. Sometimes I wished things weren't so real, or that things weren't so complicated with me. We moved and danced doing some neat things. The hot air hitting up against my head made it hot for me, it made my hair stick to my forehead. A bean of sweat tickled down my forehead, caressing my jawbone as it flew down, like a gentle sea wave, meeting up with other gentle sea waves at the top of my forehead. The faint smell of mold flew up my nose, making it slightly hard to breath.

My nose was burning from the heat, but we didn't care, we acted as if we had not a single care in the world but in this very moment. We acted as if I wouldn't have to go back to reality at some point. Draining out the world felt nice, like an old feeling of relaxation, like a feeling like I'm at peace for once.

"I'm such an amazing teacher."

Jack said in a proud tone. It was dint resting to see how happy he looked when he said that.

"Or maybe I'm just the world's best student? Who knows I guess"?

"Or maybe, something like that I guess."

I looked at him as we began roller blading really close to the edge doing a full circle.

"Or maybe?"

He laughed at me with this look on his face. The crazy thing is that he looked so sexy when we he was sweaty and everything,

"you're an among student, happy now?"

He said in a mocking tone, asking me. It was crazy to event hank about how happy we were, and how in love we are, but were just 16 and 19, what do we know about the world? I won't anyway, when I die in a few weeks. Soon ill be nothing more than a memory.

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