Chapter Eighteen

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Jack furrowed his thick brown eyebrows as he looked down at me. His hair was now dry, the gel was coming out a bit from being almost soaking wet before. His grey shirt hugged his body as perfect as ever. There was a big window on the wall and the light was beaming in.

"But what if we get caught Jack, I don't want to get arrested before I die, it's definitely not on my bucket list that's for sure."

I walked closer just enough to wrap my arms around his neck. His body was warm, and our chests were touching as we talked, faces inches apart from each other. His breath smelt like mint and his body smelt like the good cologne small that I adored so much. His eyes glistened from the light, his beautiful eyes.

"You only live once Dhal"

He used his right hand and pulled it up to my cheek tucking a strand of hair behind my ear gracefully yet softly at the same time.

"I'm not going to let you go to jail, but I'm also not going to let you die having regrets Dhal."

I was so thankful that Jack was here with me on this journey honestly, I don't know what I would do if he wasn't. Jack's dark skin looked perfect in the light facing on him.

"Promise jack"

He giggled as he placed a quick kiss on my cheek leaving the sudden feeling as he released the kiss from my cheek.

"I swear my love."

Was all he said before he rested his hands onto my waist giving me butterflies. I felt like my stomach and heart were doing jump rope together in my body every time I was near him. He was perfect, I was completely in love with him, and I was supposed to die in a few weeks.

"Fine, but the last one there is a rotten egg."

I laughed as I pulled away from jack's grip leaving him in the dust as I ran to the are where you get roller skates. The wind was cool this time like a soft summer breeze in the wintertime.

"Not fair,"

He reached his hands out on the sides of his body stretching them in a weird way smiling but I just laughed and left.

"I hate anything rotten; I can't get rusty now, can I?

Like quick silver he began to chase after me zooming almost catching up to me at the beginning. Yes, I had a head start, but yes, he was a million times faster than me. 'Men are always faster, it's just nature.' Nature was cruel and irritating, I should know I'm dying in a few weeks. The light from the window Shon upon us as we ran through the old roller rink all the way to the other side. Who would of knows that this place would be that huge. The sad thing there was no ac left on, I think whoever owned this place shut down water and electricity a long time ago. The minute we finally hit the are where the roller skates are I get a sense of victory since I got here first.

"I beat you, you lost."

I said in a sort of a singing way pointing at Jack who arrived just three second before me. I did some stupid victory dance, and I felt a sense of normality for a split second, it felt like a cheesy scene from a book where the girl is about to die, but it was real. A rush of excitement ran over me as I stood waiting for him to catch up with me. I held onto my stomach trying to catch my breath but failing awfully. My legs felt weak and limb from all the running that we just did. It felt like I did a marathon, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Jack finally caught up to me, he was in worse shape then me panting like crazy with all his brown hair stuck to his forehead. I swore you could have seen the sweat on his pit from the light shirt he just insisted on wearing this morning.

"Whoa, what a workout"

His words were spoken in between loud panting. I couldn't help but laugh at how stupid he looked putting my hand up to my mouth and everything trying to contain my laughter.

"You think this is funny?"

He asked in a mocking tone as he walked up to me without saying anything, fast and quickly to, he pulled me in for a hug with his whole sweaty body smack dab around me. At first, I froze trying to process what was happening until I finally did.


I screamed from his chest the minutage I realized. I was so thankful he wore deodorant because it would have been a nightmare, like the ones you can't wake up from, it would have been awful. It was quick hug, but the hug was still awful. I stood in the same place once he finally let go of me, I was petrified, but I will survive. It took me a few seconds before I was able to move and turned to him with the purple roller blades in his hand, they were a bit faded, but they were still usable. ninth wheels looked a little broken and the laces looked old. He held them by the part where you have your ankle in usually.

"Hmm... I think I'm going to use some purple ones today."

His eyes twinkled from the sunlight coming in in shining to make his eyes look so perfect. His hair with the gel in it looked so good even though I kind of wanted to kill him for what he just did to me with the skated.

"Not fair, that's cheating."

I looked over at him with a jokingly frown on my face. He didn't even look up from the roller skates the whole time, he just kept spinning them in his hand. The skates were a bit faded, and the wheel were a little bit rusty, but they weren't unusable.

"And plus, purples not a man color"

"Not yet but it could be... I mean. There is one other option."

His eyes rolled up to look at me with a smile, but his head still faced the skates in his hands. His last sentence interested me with curiosity.

"Name your price, 3 kisses? 4 kisses? or the worse. five kisses?"

I couldn't help but laugh at my jokingly response. I thought it was funny at least but I don't know about him.

"Or worse? You monster"

His voice spoke in a jokingly matter in his sentence. head went up all the way this time smiling his perfect teeth stepping into the sunlight once more. His sweat was starting to go away, slowly but it was almost gone. I just still can't believe he really insisted on wearing that dang light gray t shirt that I said he shouldn't wear. I thought for a second earlier he was going to become puddle of gross sweat.

"You should have known to double cross me like that, taking my dang purple skates who do u think you are sir?"

He furrowed his thick eyebrows at me looking at me with a weird look. The cologne smell from his body started to fade which I despised the fact that my favorite cologne started to fade away. I loved that cologne it was so perfect.

"All I wanted was just for you to finally admit that I'm cool."

I scoffed at his request. Instead, I ran up to him vastly trying to grab the purple skates from his hand, but he noticed what I was doing and putting his hand back just in time for our faces to be inches apart, nothing else expect for our faces and the air. He smiled at me placing a gentle place on my lips.

"Fine, but only because I love you."

He said as his right hand moved forward and opened my hand with his left and places the skates win my hand with his right one. They were lighter than I expected, practically weightless. I looked down at the skates trying to process what just happened for a second. I put my hand down with the purple skates as fast as I could trying to get them as far away from him as possible.

"I will remember this day forever sir, I now know where your loyalty stands sir."

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