Chapter Ten

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I was so nervous, I've never been this nervous before, my whole body was shaking with fear, and I didn't even realize how tight I was holding onto Jacks hand until he finally said something.

"Breath Dhal"

He whispered into my ears, soothing me in one sentence. His breath on my ear sent shivers down my spine from the coldness.

"It's going to be fine, and plus I won't leave your side. I'm going to be here for you the whole entire time."

Hearing him say things like this make me wonder why he's even with me, after all I'm not going to be able to grow old with him, but I just pushed down my negative thoughts and tried to focus on my chemotherapy.

"Yea, I know"

I did a small quick smile trying to get him to buy that I was ok, I even prayed to the gods that he wouldn't notice. As my lips curved to form a smile, I felt awful knowing that I wasn't telling him.

"what's wrong?"

He whispered to me as we got into the line, he knew about my deep thoughts, sometimes I hate how well this man knows me. We were last in line, behind some blond older lady, she had 4 kids and they all looked like they were from different dads. The air was cold in here from the AC, like it would probably be cold enough to freeze ice that's been in here for only ten minutes. I didn't know what so say or do, I didn't want to ruin the moment right now, I just wanted to focus on my chemotherapy. I squeezed his hand before and turned my head to face him, as he looked down at me with his perfectly gelled hair. His hands were warm, in a comforting fort of way, it was nice.

"Do you trust me jack?"

"of course, I trust you."

His lips formed into a small smile to the left of his cheek,

"Then trust me that I'm fine right now, I just want to focus on chemo."

He placed a small kiss on my cheek trying his hardest to forget about it, but I knew deep down that he would never truly get over it until I'm over it, because that's the kind of person he is, the perfect boyfriend.

"of course,"

He turned his head slightly to face forward, it waw silent now, but not in a bad way.

"I'm happy you're here with me Jack, I don't want to go through this alone."

He smiled with glee not losing his eye contact in the way in front of him.

"I would do anything for you, you know that right."

Just the thought of that made me heart do cartwheels, I had tiny little butterflies in it from the crazy happy I felt right now.


He removed his hand from mine leaving my hand to fend with the cold air, and he slid his hands down to my waist holding me from behind placing his head on my neck, it was a sudden warmth changing positions from my hand to my neck, like a desert fire.

"Oh yea"

He planted a soft kiss of my neck making me let out a stupid giggle. The crazy thing is that the waiting room was practically filled with people, it was packed with a bunch of people, but we didn't even care, we were just to into the moment. Before I knew it the lady with the four kids had finally finished talking to the lady at the desk, the lady looked nice she looked in her early twenties, but she had the most beautiful eyes.

"where's your sister Billy?"

The lady spoke in a southern accent looking down to one of her kids, she had a furious look on her face. The kids were running around this whole time. Billy had chocolate all over his face and on his hands.

"I don't know, stop accusing me."

The kid said with a full-on attitude, he stomped his foot onto the ground with his tiny cowboy boots crossing his hands getting chocolate all over his body.

"I think, he's about to be in trouble."

Jack laughed in my ear kissing it leaving a sensation on the part of my ear that he kissed once he removed his lips. The lady turned around den her face instantly turned from an angry expression to a smile once she noticed there were people waiting behind her. I guess she must have been so distracted with dealing with her kids that she didn't even notice.

"I am so sorry, kids are crazy."

"Your fine, take as much time as you need
I smiled at the lady who smiled right back.

"Come on kids, we need to go find your sister."

The lady looked down at the tiny old benches, some of the metal was already chipping. Two little kids sat on the bench, one was a tiny Asian girl, and the other was a white kid with red hair, but they were both dressed the same as Billy, they were all dressed in southern clothes, I guess they were just visiting Canda or something. The little kids both boosted themselves off the tall bench using their hands, their legs weren't even close to touching the floor they were just dangling as each kid was playing games on their own tablets. The minute their shoes touched the floor it made a loud sound from the heels of the boots smacking onto the floor.

"Thanks again, sorry for the trouble again"

The lady had a sweet tone in her voice, and a little bit of sincerity, like she meant it, I believed her I mean I don't know what it's like to have kids, but I can only imagine having four kids must be hard on one lady.

"Its fine, we get it."

The lady did a head tilt at Jack before leaving with three little kids following not to far behind. It was like a little army of children, like the mom was the cornel and the kids were the military solders, I guess.

"I can take you guys over here."

The lady spoke in a gently tone, trying to sound as sweet as possible and succeeding at it. She looked very nice in her professional skirt, her bright eyes sparkled from the window light beaming on her and her dangling silver earrings made nose every time she moved her head to do anything. I know technically it was mandatory but still. The lady finally looked up from her computer the minute we got to the front counter. I rested my right hand onto the counter, it was cold through my arm, a cold sensation. The light was very bright on the roof, they were the rectangle shaped lights.

"How can I help you guys today?"

"Um... I have an appointment for chemotherapy today."

She looked back down and began to scroll using her silver mouse with her left hand. She was silent for a quick moment not saying anything, I'm assuming she was typing something in the computer because she was just clicking away at that keyboard.

"Name please?"

She stopped typing for a moment keeping her hand on the mouse. The mouse was old looking, like she's probably had it for a while. Her blue eyes twinkled, she was very beautiful I can't imagine she doesn't have a boyfriend with her long wavy dark hair and her beautiful light eyes.

"Um. Dhalia Thompson"

I stumbled over my words at the beginning, how embarrassing. I picked at my thumb cuticle with my right hand as it was still on the counter. The weird things are that picking at my cuticle sort of

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