Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Act One: Dhalia 

I opened my eyes in the morning sun, I blinked a few times trying to wake myself up. The sun was beaming in through the closed window curtains almost blinding me. I can't believe it was already morning, we must have fallen asleep last night after we had sex. I'm surprised Dahl's parents haven't come to her yet. My jacket was the only shirt she had on. She looked cold last night so I gave her my jacket., God she was so beautiful, her body is so beautiful, everything about her is so beautiful.

"Hey beautiful?"

I put my hand on her back caressing it with my pointer finger. Her body was slightly cold which worried me, but I didn't want to come to worse conclusions, and it was too early. I waited patiently praying that she'd respond, praying that she'd say anything but she just stayed silent.


I called with worry filling my voice, panic even. My mind began to race to a million different things. Without even noticing, I pressed my hand onto the mattress, taking it off of her back. No response.


My hands trembled as I placed my hand onto her shoulder laying her on her back. She looked so lifeless. My worst fears started to sink in as I felt cold tears fill up my eyes, cold salty tears fell onto her. I froze, I froze just looking at this girl I'm in love with so lifeless. All I could do was cry as I held her in my arms. My head fell into her neck as tears rolled down her neck from my cheek. She was so cold,


I finally uttered all of my tears, my crying made my screaming cut off because I was so out of breath from crying, I hated myself so much, I hated everything right now except for this girl in my arms. The door swung wide open loudly, but i couldn't move, i couldn't even breath. Everything became disoriented as she laid in my arms. Three bodies surrounded me but I cared so much about Dahlia I didn't even care.Their were so many tears in my eyes, everything was blurry.

Act Two: The Hospital

A million different little things ran through my mind, i wanted to know that e was ok, but at the same time i didn't want to hear that she didn't make it. I couldn't live with myself if she didn't make it , it would be the worst thing ever.Its too early for her to die, they told her she still had a week left. Think happy thoughts Jack. I leaned back in my chair fidgeting my legs already knowing what the doctors would say when they came out from behind those doors. Behind those closed doors. I looked over at Maya in front of me. She was laying her head on their dads chest. His arm was wrapped around Maya's shoulder, squeezing it gently. Her cheeks had tear stains on them. Her eyes looked ready to cry again at any given moment, like if she got bad news they'd already began to fall down. Their mom sat down on the edge of the bench, she had a warm cup of coffee in her hand, her head was facing down on the floor, I think she was praying. I could hear her mumbling something under her breath but I wasn't fully sure what she was saying, the only thing I understood was Dahlia. The door flung open and out came two doctors in white coats. Anxiety flushed over me as we all stood up in sync. I was so afraid to hear what they were about to say. Their faces had a look of sorrow which scared me to death. I didn't want to lose the only girl I've ever loved.

"We did everything we could, im sorry"

Those words pressed me down like a billion weights forcing pressure on me.The tears began to fall crazy uncontrollably, cold fell down my eyes in non stop, Maya's pressed herself into her dad wrapping her arms around him as they cried into each other. The love of my life just died.

"Its to soon, my baby"

Maya's mom screamed cupping her mouth with her hand trying to control her crying. I pulled her in and wrapped my arms around her warm body.

"My baby"

She screamed again into my chest letting herself cry. I could feel a million different tears falling down onto her neck, but I didn't care about anything right now, all I cared about was that the girl I was in love with just died. Just like a ticking time bomb she was gone, but I was still so in love with her, and i dont think I'll ever stop loving her.

Dahlia Thompson.

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