Chapter Fourteen

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He spoke at the speed of lighting trying to get out before Maya complained, which lucky for him he made it out just in time.

"But dad"

But he was already gone, zooming down our long hallway trying to leave as quickly as possible.

"So, this is what it come down to, this suck."

Maya crossed her arms looking around, she looked upset.

"Come on Maya, I'm older you actually thought that u would be in charge."

"Yeah, by only one year"

She got up off my bed and it made a big creaking sound as she stood up.

"And just where do u think you're going "

"Hey, we got money I want some wings, ooh and we can watch a movie like we used to do when we were younger."

I smiled at that thought, of how we used to watch The Fault In our Stars while eating some buffalo wild wings or something. It was a nice memory, but the sad thing is that in a month, we'll never get to do this again, cause ill be dead. Suddenly the happy thought I had just before turned sad, and fille with guilt and sorrow, and so did my face. I'm going to miss her so much, I'm going to miss them all so much, I was so thankful that I got to spend so many amazing moments and got to make so many amazing memories with everyone I love and cherish.

"Hey what kind of sauce do you want on your wings?"

Maya asked me to snap me out of all my different emotional thoughts.

"Wait, let me guess honey barbeque?"

She asked with a smirk on my face already knowing what I was going to say in the first place. I guess Maya just really knew me that well. She leaned her shoulder onto my wall waiting for an answer.

"With a large coke"

"Stop reading my mind."

I smiled brightly at her.

"Hey, I just know you that well."

I picked up the closest pillow next to me, feeling the fluffiness of the white pillow. The pillow was smashed in from me sleeping on it for months now, but it was the closest pillow to me. Without saying anything I threw it at her hitting her directly on target, hitting her smack dab on her face.

"Did you know I was going to do that."

"Hey, no fair I was unprepared."

"Guess you should have been more prepared, traitor."

She picked up the pillow next to her on the floor as fast as she could so I couldn't process what was happening and before I knew it, I had been hit in the stomach with a pillow. She quickly shut the door so I couldn't throw it back.


I yelled to her through the closed door as loud as I could. Surprisingly I didn't really feel that much pain, but then again how much pain can you feel from a soft pillow hitting you in the stomach. I was so hungry, but I already knew that she was ordering so instead I decided to wait and find a movie for us to watch. I picked up my tv remote from my nightstand right next to my bed. The remote was cold from how long it's been since I've used it. I could feel the coldness spreading across my palm as I turned my tv on with the click of a simple button. I waited quietly for the tv to turn on, when I remembered I had some skittles in my nightstand from the other night that Jack bought me that I haven't eaten yet, I loved skittles, I do believe that the skittles were my favorite type of candy.

As sneaky as possible and trying to be quiet as possible I pulled my dresser open at a slow pace trying not to make too much noise, thankfully the bag was right on top of the pile. I stuck my hand down the madness and the mess of a jawar feeling random things poking me the deeper my hand got I have, and I pulled out the bag of skittles that were still full thankfully. I opened the bag listening to it make a loud ripping noise as I opened it. I dug my hand in trying to get one, I felt all the tiny balls pressing up against my hand, it felt oddly relaxing and nice. I looked at the color of the first skittle I pulled out, it was like a nice mustard yellow, but I didn't care what color it was. I opened my mouth and chucked it in feeling the sweet sensation go through my whole mouth spreading with the help of my saliva. Suddenly my door bust open with a loud bang scaring the living life out of me, and there she stood in the door frame, Maya had caught me with a whole new skittle bag in my hand. I have been caught rainbowed handed. 'Taste The Rainbow'

"And somehow I'm the traitor?"

She pointed at herself aggressively as possible kind of like a coffee addict who hasn't had any coffee today. I tried to think of something to say to explain so I just said the first thing that came to mind.

"you're seeing things."

I said it in a very questionable tone, not even sure if that was the right thing to say in the first place.

"Oh year, real smooth "

She chuckled as she ran up to my bed and did a loud belly flop onto my bed, making my bed release a loud making noise the minutage she hit the bed.

"Gosh you're going to break my bed with your big stomach, what have you been feeding yourself Maya."

Her head was still faced down onto the front part of my mattress and without saying anything she picked up her right finger and flipped me off with her sparkly gray nail polish on her middle finger.,


I chuckled at my response.

"Foods going to be here in twenty."

She finally lifted herself up pushing herself with both of her hands on each side. Then a sudden loud ringing of the doorbell caught both of our attention to the way of the door


My voice was filled with curiosity and starkness.

"Also, I invited someone so."

She kicked herself up off my bed leaving me to die with curiosity. I hated being curious, and most important I hated being interrupted on a movie night, it was awful. Just like when Damon Salvator died. Eventually I got tired of waiting to figure out who she had invited, so I jumped right up out of my bed and walked down our long narrow hallway, going past tons of baby pictures of me and my sister in big bulky picture frames. Until I got to where I can see the front door and Maya. She was standing in front of someone with the door open. It was a guy, he had big bulky shoulder, and his skin was a darker skin tone.

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