Chapter Six

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"Let's get out of here before she gets to you"

I laughed at my own joke as I grabbed onto Jack's arms with my right fingers, gently holding it in my hand, indicating that we should leave now.

"Probably wise Dhal"

He removed his right arm and slid his hand down to mine, and he placed it inside of mine. Just the thought that we were holding hands made me so happy for some odd reason. I looked down at our hands so admiring the image, innocent, sweet, yet perfect. Then back up my eyes went, all the ways to his eyes, his gorgeous dark eyes that someone could get lost in forever. Is that cheesy? And then, just like that, we walked out of the door frame, hand in hand. It was a cute little moment.

"You should come to my house tonight"

He suggested as we walked down the cold street. Surprisingly the snow wasn't as much today, as it was on our first date. Jack's hands were warm for some odd reason, it was nice though to finally be out again. Whenever I'm with him all of my worries goes away/

"Like preferably at 7"

"Preferably? i see"

I nodded my head insuring him that I knew what he was talking about. I was trying so hard to control my laughter, it was obvious too. Jack was trying not to laugh with that big smile on his face, the pearly one.

"Your not going to regret it"

We started walking into a tiny town. The town was decorated ever so perfectly with a tall green tree with ribbons and sparkly ornaments. The stores had decorations on the windows, Christmas window stickers. I've always loved christmas, it was my favorite holiday, there's just something about the christmas season, the way it makes you feel, and the way it makes everyone so happy.

"Well see about that"

You could see our breath from a million miles away. Breathing the cold air was like crystals on my throat, but in a weird way it was an amazing feeling. With each step down the tiny town, you could hear the crunch from my boots stepping on the floor, the crunch sound was mildly loud. We walked the rest of the way in silence, hand in hand, but it was a comfortable silence, peaceful even. The lights all around us were perfect, glimmering so bright in the sunlight, the sky was a mixture of red and orange on the north side. I guess that on the North side, people were still dead asleep, I don't know. People were talking all around us, just chit chat. Smack in the middle they had a north pole set up, it was cool. They had a Santa clause in a big red suit on a chair, with a small child who had dark hair on her lap. Another child stood in front of the toy shop, dreaming about all of the toys. She had a look of mercerization on her face with her hands clasped in behind her back. Just by looking at her face, you could tell how desperately she wanted it, she was adorable. As we finally arrived at the old 90's themed diner for out coffee date, the little girl finally turned her head to look our way, she smiled a big smile with her missing front teeth, and she skipped away in her little doc martin boots making noise each time she did a little skips from the rubber rubbing all over the floor. A nice old looking man walked over to the door, and before Jack could he put his left hand to the door and opened it for us.

"Thank you"

Jacked let a smile go across his face to the man, letting him know that he was thankful for him.

"Of course"

The old man smiled back as he quietly left. Jack put his left hand on the door making sure that it doesn't close on us.

"After you"

He said in a sweet tone, he let go of my arm for me to go inside first.

"Such a gentleman"

We both smiled as I walked inside. The restaurant smelt so good, like french fries with some ketchup, or even corn beef hash. I love corn beef hash, especially with some ketchup, that's the best in the world. The dinner was playing some old 90' music. The dinner was halfway full with costumes looking happy, eating and talking to people. I was so thankful right now that It wasn't that packed. The people all seemed so happy, food has a tendency of making people happy.

"How many?"

The lady at the front placed her hands onto the counter in front of her, looking at me and Jack with a smile on her face, she was getting ready to take us to our table. She had dark hair, her body was athletic with bright eyes.

"Two please"

Jack smiled as I walked up to me and placed his hands around my shoulders and like a feather, he squeezed my shoulders with the tips of his fingers. To be honest, I think they were playing 'Iris' By the Goo Goo Dolls on the jukebox that was placed to the left of the front entrance door. The booths were very old and rustic looking, but it was a cute setting overall.

"This way"

The lady pulled the ends of her lips smiling at us. The lady was pretty, with her beautiful eyes, and her dark dyed hair. The lady began walking straight down the aisle, with us following her. There were a bunch of people we passed, all of the booths on the sides of the isle we were walking through, it was all full. I guess they have pretty good food here if it's that pact. She finally stopped at the end of the aisle, on the right. The seats were dark teal leather. Even before we sat down I already knew that my legs would get stuck to the booth seat already, but the whole design was nice. As we took our seats I could instantly feel my legs sticking to the chair. The booth seat was cold through my jeans, so it sent a cold spike down the part of my leg that it touched, which is very uncomfortable in my opinion. There were already some vintage looking menus, but they were cool.

"Your server will be right with you guys soon"

The lady said in a really quirky tone before leaving, but I knew that she was just doing her job.

"This place is cool"

I commented, as I picked up the menu from both sides, holding it up with my thumb and index fingers of both hands. As I was looking for something, I noticed that Jack wasn't looking at his menu. Out of curiosity, I look up at his eyes and I catch him staring at me.

"Why are you staring at me"

"Cant I admire my girlfriend, your just so beautiful"

I smiled like a stupid girl when he said that. I was so happy that somehow I managed to be the one to date Jack. Jack was perfect, he could have any other girl in the world, heck he could have even dated a supermodel, and he's dating me. Jack has a way of making me feel so special, unlike any other person does. Not even my parents or sister makes me feel as special as Jack does. I looked back down at my menu, with a goofy smile on my face,

"Read the menu"

I tried my hardest to change the subject, but he just continued to stare at me for a few more seconds, before finally looking down at the menu. The menu had some food grease on it from the last person who looked at the menu I had. A gentle breeze came from the AC, so that way it wasn't too cold.

"I want italian, do you think they have italian?"

I looked up at him with a very serious expression, as his was more of a joking type expression.

"Were at a old 90's themed diner Jack, I don't think they have anything Italian here"

I laughed partially through my sentence. He put his head back down to face the menu, scanning it with his eyes again.

"So like no Alfredo?"

He lifted his head back up to me, furrowing his eyebrows at me, with a thick smile plastered across his face.

"Be serious jack"

"Me, being serious? That's kind of impossible "

I smiled as I continued to scan the menu with my eyes. This place had burgers, french fries, malts and stuff. 

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