Chapter Fifteen

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His hair was a weird shade of dark brown. At first, I couldn't figure out who it was, I squinted my eyes trying to get a better look, trying to figure out who it was. I felt stupid right now at how dumb I currently look squinting my eyes. I'm assuming Maya heard me behind her, or she knew that I hated being curious, it bound to be the second one because she knows me crazy well. Maya turned her head to look at me with a big smile on her face trying to hide the man's face.

"Seriously Maya?"

I huffed at her, but she didn't say anything, instead she took two steps to the right side reveling the mans face right in front of me. There stood the sexiest man on earth Jack stood so perfect in his fuzzy gray sweater, he looked perfect. He wore my favorite cologne.

"I'll go choose a movie."

Maya walked over to me and patted my shoulder with a satisfied grin plastered across her face knowing she did a good job. Jack held had biggest bag so skittles I've ever seen in his left hand, and in his other he had the biggest bouquet of lilies in his hand, they had to be at least 50 in there in total, it looked heavy to, but he remembered my favorite candy and flowers, I knew I did good when we started dating.

"In my defense, I was walking out with the big bag of mixed candy."

He picked up the hand with the skittles in the air, trying to let me see it swinging it around slightly making a low moving sound inside the bag.

"But then I walked past these flowers, and they almost looked as beautiful...almost, nothing is more beautiful than you are."

He put his hand back down to his side with a big smile across his face. This very moment is when I knew I had hit the jackpot, my eyes began to swell with tears as I put my hand right over my stomach feeling the coldness of my tears falling all over again, the tear found its way down to my lips, letting me taste its salty coldness. He noticed that I was crying hard, from instinct, Jack set down the flowers and skittles onto my parent's clean counter, and the bag made a low hitting noise as it smacked up against the counter.

"Hey don't cry Dhal."

He put his hand onto my right cheek letting me feel the warmth of his body, and then he wiped away a tear from my cheek, I felt the warmth of his finger spread across my cheek.

"You're too beautiful to cry."

He smiled, and moved his hand up on my other cheek, so I had the heat of both of his hands on both sides' pf my cheeks. He kissed my nose gently.

"I love you, ok?"

"Why though, I'm dead in a moth Jack."

I know it wasn't the right thing to say in this moment, but I just had to know, I was seriously curious, I just couldn't keep not knowing, I still hated being curious.

"You should be with someone you could grow old with, I'm not that girl."

"Hey, no matter what you say I'm never going to stop loving you Dhal, even when your gone, even if I can't grow old with you it's still always going to be you."

"What about when your 30 Jack?"

He smiled down at me, he gently moved his hands down to my waist, wrapping both hands around my waist.

"Even when I'm 30, even when I'm an old man it's never going to change, it's always going to be you."

I hated that I even asked him that, but I just want him to be happy, that's all I ever wanted was for jack to be happy, and when his happy only then will I be to.

"I love you, your perfect."

He placed a gentle kiss right onto my lips,


Maya shouted from my room at the top of her lungs as loud as she possibly could making me a Jack both burst into laughter.

"we'll be right there."

Jack screamed back in between his laughter.

"Are you prepared to be forced to watch a full hour of romance with two girls."

I fixed the button on his sweater with my two fingers focusing on it, then looking up back to his eyes.

"Your forcing? I love kiss and cry you monster."

He removed his hands and pointed at me. I smiled at his ridiculous comment,

"And plus, if I get to do it with you, anything is fine by me."

He grinned as he picked up the big bag of skittles off the counter and held it in his hand as we began to walk down the hallway. It's funny cause jack knew exactly where my bedroom was at, so I just followed him to where Maya was spread out on my whole bed, smack right in the middle of my bed with her legs and arms somehow diagonal from each other.


Maya yelled as soon as she saw Jack walk in with the big bag of skittles, she rolled right over to the right side of the bed watching him with a humongous smile plastered across her face.


He sides right back with an even happier tone, he jumped on the bed right in the middle and I just watched as Maya snuggled up on Jacks right arm, I'd always admired the way he is with my family.

"You got the package Sargent."

Maya had a firm only halfway joking halfway serious tone in her voice as she spoked.

"I got the package cornel."

Jack tried his best to around like he was talking over a walk talky as he pulled out the big bag of candies and handed it to her.

"Your sacrifice will be remembered forever."

She said as she sat up a bit opening the big bag of candy trying not to get it everywhere. I couldn't help but smile at what I was watching right now, I admire him so much with her.

"there's enough of me to go all the way around, especially for the most beautiful girl on earth."

Jack patted on the empty side to the left of him on the bed,

"Plus, we got mixed candy."

He laughed as he picked up a red M&M from the bag and leaned his head back throwing it into his mouth trying his hardest to impress me.

"I'm so impressed."

I smiled as I walked over to the other side of the bed getting on top of it feeling the softness of the mattress press up against my body reliving all my pain. Jack wrapped his right arm around me resting it on top of my shoulder feeling the bit of pressure added to my body, but not too much because he didn't want to hurt me. With his free right hand, he put the chocolate bag on top of his chest and wrapped his right arm around Maya shoulder to, we laid they're in peace as the movie began.


A familiar deep male's voice woke me up from my slumber. I opened my eyes slightly still trying to wake up, I looked around and noticed that all three of us were still in the same position, I guess we must have fell asleep watching the movie, who would have known that our lives were so exhausting. I turned my head to see as Jack and Maya were slowly waking up to, just as slow as I was. Maya rubbed her eyes tiresome.

"We fell asleep, didn't we?"

Jack said in his sleepy morning voice, which his morning voice was so hot in my opinion.

"Yes, you guys did"

My dad responded in a soft tone.

"We came home last night and saw you guys sleeping, but you guys just looked so comfortable, so we just let you guys' sleep."

"That was the best night's sleep ever."

Maya joked still trying to wake up, yawning after her sentence.

"Well, I'm glad I was comfortable."

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