Chapter Five

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I woke up the next morning to my phone buzzing furiously and irritatingly,

"Shut up"

I woke up the next morning to my phone buzzing furiously and irritatingly,

"Shut up"

I yell at my phone, in my croaky morning voice sounding like I didn't get enough sleep. Yet again I had a whole eight hours of sleep so Idk why I'm complaining in the first place. I pick up my phone ever so lightly with my right hand that now has marks on it from sleeping. I put my phone to my eyes and smiled at the message. With my free left hand I began rubbing my eyes trying to get all of that morning gunk off of them.

"Coffee date at 10pm"

I read the message from Jack over again, savoring each time I said it. I put my phone to my chest and placed it above my heart, being the happiest Ive ever been in my life. I looked down at my clock, next to my bed and start frantically panicking for a split second. Apparently I sleep through the text cause I only had thirty minutes until 10 pm. I sighed loudly releasing the harsh deep air, I hurriedly grabbed my comforter off of me using my pointer and thumb of my left finger, and got myself off of my bed using my hands. Honestly I didn't even have enough time to do my bed, I was already rushing so I just left my bed unmade and everywhere. I darted to my bathroom to take a look at myself. When I finally got in my bathroom I looked at myself in front of my big bathroom, square mirror. For some reason my mirror had wipe marks on it from cleaning it not to long ago. I picked up my right palm, I put it up to my mouth and breathed roughly tyring to smell my breath.

"Great, morning breath super sexy"

I said in a sarcastic tone as I put my hand back down to the freezing cold counter. I looked down at my counter and grabbed the closest rubber band to me. My ruber band was black, and simple but I use it all the time, its one of my favorites. I put the rubber band on my wrist feeling the blood cutting off a tad bit their. I could feel it tight as I stood their. I moved my hand with the rubberband to my head and out my hair into a ponytail. My hair is always in a ponytail which is very interesting. To be honest I never really been a big makeup person, Im more of a tomboy type girl if you know what I mean. I looked in the mirror, and when I was finally satisfied with the way I look, I grew a huge smile on my face when I looked at myself

"You look good Dahlia"

I told myself trying to believe it myself, honestly im not even sure that I did. I took my hands off of the cold counter and walked to my door frame walking out it and heading downstairs.

"Where you going?"

Maya asked me with a curious smirk on her lips as I walked down the stairs. I made sure to put my hands on the rail to hold myself up, so I could guide myself.

"Coffee date"

I walked over to Maya as she stood at the island. In her right hand she held jam, and in her left hand she held toast. The jam was like a red-Ish pink and smelt like berries, I always loved the way that berries smelt. There's just something about berries that brought me back to my childhood. "You should invite jack over for dinner."

My mom suggested from on the table, she was trying to open a tangy orange. Her light hair was permed, she always perms her hairs. She looked like shed been sleeping for years, not a single bag forming under her eyes.

"Tomorrow, for Maya's birthday"

Tomorrow Maya is turning 16, technically she's only a few months younger than me but were obviously really close. My parents wanted Maya to have a huge sweet 16 like I did but she just wanted to do dinner, so that's what we're doing.

"I guess, I'll see if he can come over."

I walked over to the kitchen sink, using my right hand I grabbed a clean glass from the top counter, then trying not to break it I placed it down onto the counter in front of me.

"What time is he coming?"

I turned on the water faucet, making sure to use the cold water. What kind of crazy person drink warm water, if you drink warm water than you are clearly crazy. I picked up my cup feeling the coldness of the cup and putting it under the sink for some cold water. I used my index finger of my left hand to turn the faucet off.

"Don't know, he just said that he'd pick me up at 10pm"

I turned around and leaned on the hard edge of the counter feeling the stabbing pain in my back. I put the cup to my mouth and drank the cold water to fix the fact that i was parched. The coldness that went down my throat was nice, calming even. Thank God my mom had those water cleaner thingies or whatever there called, otherwise I would be gaging right now. Saying that I'm picky is an understatement of the year.  A knock at the front door interrupted my thoughts that were going absolutely nowhere. I put my finished cup into the sink letting it make a loud clanking noise when the glass cup hit the sink. I got off of the edge of the counter finally feeling relief. I walked over to the front door

"Time to embarrass you"

My mom attempted at making a joke, but no one even laughed. Maya just continued making her toast. My dad is currently at the store getting eggs or something, soe it's just me, Maya, and my mom.

"Really mom?"

"Relax, Im joking Dahl,"

Her face had a huge smile on it, she thought it was funny, I supposed thats all that matters I guess. I put my hand on the cold door knob sending shiver down my spine from the coldness, and without hesitation I pulled the door open. Their he was, looking so pure and innocent, with the cologne that i loved so much, the one that drives me crazy. He wore a thick dark coat to hide his body from the cold. He was looking down at his shoes until he saw the door open, he looked up to my eyes and his lips instantly turned into a stupid cheeky smile. God he was perfect.

"you look beautiful as always"

that tiny sentence gsve me butterflied, that tiny sentence drove me crazy, it even mde me blush like crazy, and the fact that I had ligt sking I knew that It was obviosu that i was blushing at that moment.


Maya shouted at loud as she could from inside the kitchen. Her toast was now made so she was just eating it over her plate, trying not to get crumbs everywhere.

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