Chapter Sixteen

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Jack laughed, then his face dropped to seriousness not to far after. His hair was bed head, it was messy but not in a bad way.

"Hey what time is it?"


My mom said as she walked through the door putting her old watch onto her right hands. My mom loved her watch, my dad got it for her birthday a few months ago and she never takes it off.

My mom's watch had few chips in the glass and a few chips in the metal part, I see her put it on her wrist every single day, if that's not true love, I don't know what is.


Jack removed his arms from our shoulder's trying not to hurt us.

"I told the group center I would volunteer today; I have to be there at 9:30"

"Well, you better rush jack"

My dad said in a stern serious tone, his face made the same expression to match his tone, of seriousness, his face looked just as serious as his voice.

"I'm sorry, jack said in a sad guilty tone, I leaned back onto the bed, not too much but just enough so he could get off the bed. The squishy softness of the bed was relaxing as I laid back onto it. Jack put his hands on both sides of my body pushing himself off the bed, but he stopped hallway, so he was on top of me for a quick second.

"I love you."

"I love you."

I whispered back at him with stupid grin on my face.

He smiled as I gave me a quick peck on the lips and then pushed himself off me completely.

"The movie night was nice you two."

Jack turned around smiling at both of us.

"We should do it again some time, preferably before next month."

Sadly, I knew what Maya meant by that and then the atmosphere went sad.

"Yea sure"

He gave my parents a quick smile as he walked out of my bedroom, going down the hallway, we could hear his shoes clicking as he walked down the hallway, each step getting lower the further he walked way, and just like that Jack was gone, just fast as we fell asleep last night.

"you guys want to help me make some breakfast?"

"I'll even let you two add the chocolate chips.

My dad added convincing us already, my mom pulled her phone out of her back pant pocket using her left hand and I think she was checking the time or something. Then with the same hand she put it back even faster than she pulled It ours. My dad rested his spilled upon my freshly painted door frame.

"Ok, I need to head to work."

My mom walked over to us and planted a light kiss on my forehead, then she lawned over me resting her arm on the best to kiss Maya's cheek. She picked herself back up and walked over to my door frame placing a light kiss on my dad's lips.

"Ewe, gross"

Maya joked pulling my fluffy bed comforter over her face with her hands trying not to see it.

"ha-ha, I love you guys, clean up after yourselfers."

She pointed at all of us moving her index finger back and forth at all three of us, before she finally left the front door walking out leaving us behind with the only sound left was the sound of her shoes Walkin away.

"Be in the kitchen in 30 minutes, otherwise these chocolate chips are going to be put in by me."

"No, you wouldn't you monster"

Maya pulled her covers back down placing them onto her lap with a solid pouting look on her face.

"Well then you don't know me that well, five second kiddo."

My dad did a mocking expression furrowing his eyebrows at Maya as he pointed words the kitchen. His eyes shined brightly from the morning light that was ever so beautiful. Maya threw my covers onto me hitting my head getting it all static from the type of fabric, then just like that she jumped off making a squeaky sound and like quick silver she was gone faster than turbo. I tried my hardest to use both hands to catch the pillow my now static hair got all into my mouth.


I yelled at her as I failed at attempting to take the hair out with my tongue, the only thing my father did was watch and cracking up at my hair holding his stomach from the hurting I'm assuming.


I said in between laughter, my hair tasted like dove shampoo. I finally gave up and pulled my hair out of my mouth using my hands. My nails were like a chipped color of white.

"You coming to hon?"

My dad finally was able to breath after a few loud dad laughs. The type of laugh that you could hear down a whole block. My dad still had this big smile on his face with his big bushy mustache curving upwards with his mouth.

"Yea sure, I'm just going to use the bathroom real fast."

I winked my eye at him trying to be serious for a quick second, then after that I went back to my laughter face. Understanding what I was doing my father did the same exact thing making us both laugh before he walked out the door walking back to the kitchen. I sighed as I grabbed the nearest rubber band on my desk, the rubber band was a little bit torn, but I never stopped using it. It was blue with weird flary things on it. I used of my hands and struggled to put my morning hair into a ponytail thank God I had thin hair. I put my arms next to me and used them to boost myself up off the bed listening to it making a loaf creaking noise. When I hit the floor suddenly, I lost my breath, and my balance I fell back onto catching myself with the closest dresser next to me. I looked around the room trying to take in wharf just happened trying not to cry.

The room was spinning, and I couldn't breathe, it was an awful feeling. I fanned myself with my hand trying to stop myself from being hot. From instant I used my right hand to remove the sweat on my forehead, my head was hot and burning up. I'm not sure if this is normal, but then again id never had cancer before. I put my hands on my hip trying to catch my breath as much as I possibly could, but I was struggling hard. I took exactly six deep breaths before I declared that I was fine for now at least. I sighed as I put my hips down and began to walk to my bathroom door. I put my hand on the cold doorknob and turned it to the right opening it wide open, so I had a chance to get in. My bathroom was light from the bright window light beaming in. I ran to my bathroom sink and rested both of my hands on both sides of my sink trying to process everything. I held myself up like this, looking at how pale I was currently.

My jawbone was looking weak along with every other part of my body. I had bags under my eyes, and I felt so nauseous. Without thinking the fluid came right up and throw up started coming out all over my sink. It hurt and I couldn't breathe again, the fluid was cold as they came out of my body, I honestly thought my organs would fall out from how much pain I was in. Then just like that it was done as fast as it started. I put my hand onto the cold silver sink held and turned it on using my hands as a cup trying to get the flavor out of my mouth. I held the cold water in my hand doing this a few times until it was finally gone. When I was done. I put my hand to my eyes as the tears came rolling down, cold and salty leaving tear stains as it fell down my cheeks. My arms were weak, and my legs were suddenly feeling weak.


A sudden voice of my dad on the other side of the bathroom scared me for a split second. I sniffled from my nose being so plugged as I looked at myself in the mirror, looking at how ugly I looked right now. I don't think the chemotherapy is working, I'm going to die in a few weeks.

"Are you okay honey?"

He asked knocking on the restroom door using his knuckles on the other side. His knock sounded loud, in a weird type of way. My blond hair stuck to my forehead from how hot it was in here. A droplet of sweat tickled down my forehead, I tried to say something, I opened my mouth and everything. but nothing came out, for once I was speechless. I just didn't want him to see how horrible I looked, like a monster, like something from a scary movie.

"I'm coming in Dhal."

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