Chapter I | Welcome Back

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Sierra was sitting in the backyard of her mothers ranch as she was busy doing some laundry, when she heard something and she looked up. Rather to her surprise or well coincidence that her friend, Justin had showed up in his truck that was as black as the night. She couldn't just leave without any sort of notice so she made a quick note and placed it on the window. Then, she ran off to the truck where her friend was waiting for her.

Although unknown to her, her mother was watching from the second story as she was working on some laundry and she said "Where is that girl running off to". She was hella confused, at the same time she didn't even know that this would be the last time she'd see her daughter. Or at least last time for quite some time, Justin and Sierra were off on their own adventure. Yet she had ended up leaving the laundry out on the line.

However this was their future, and it was one that was determined by the many actions that progressed leading up to this very fateful night that she ran off with her friend. Were they really friends now? The fact that she ends up running off with the dude. Some could say that she was in love with the dude and well with Justin's charm it would be hard to deny. Yet in the present day, Sierra was riding in the passenger side with her mother.

They've been on the road for what felt like a whole week practically, and they were in need to finally get to the location that they were going to. Sierra looked around at the trees that surrounded them until they began to come out into a large valley of opening. In the heart of the valley was a small-community, roughly five to six thousand people in total. The Small Community of Oak heart, one of the most infamous town's in the United States.

Sierra then asked "So this is Oak Heart huh" her mother replied "yeah it is, or at least somewhat what I used to remember but it's been years since I've been here". Sierra sighed as she looked out the window, it seemed like the loveliest town, quiet at best. However the more they drove into the town, the more the city seemed to be full of life, especially at its local bar. Sierra sighed as she said "God I'm starving" and her mother said "I'll figure something out for us".

Sierra sighed once more before she said "Alright" and she continued to look at the people and such, and then she said "It seems quite nice I suppose". Her mother replied "It's a quiet town, which is rather best for us to relocate too at least, besides nobody should remember me". Then she said "Mother... I want a boyfriend" and this caused her mother to spit out her drink. Her mother then said "Sierra, you're like seventeen like... slow down".

Her mother then asked "what happened to the last one anyways" then Sierra replied "cheated on me, the guy regretted it when I destroyed his low-rider". Her mother said "See Sierra, you're a country girl at heart, you just grew up in the wrong environment". Sierra rolled her eyes before she said "I ain't no country girl, I ain't showing my body off for those guys". Her mother replied "Yet you did the same thing back in San Diego at those car shows".

Her mother added "besides who knows maybe you'll find your match here in this small town, there's plenty of guys who'd like a girl like you" she chuckled a bit. Sierra rolled her eyes before she said "Just stop now before I lose any interest now". However she didn't know it but she would later meet the guy who would catch her interest. Yet what she didn't realize is that he was the son of her family's rival, The Underwoods.

Her mother asked "So are you ready for your first day back to school" of course Sierra copped an attitude and she said "mother i'm seventeen, I ain't like four anymore". Her mother replied "Someone's got their mother's attitude" and Sierra argued "Shut up mother". However her mother wasn't wrong, Sierra had her mother's attitude and she hated to actually acknowledge the fact that she had her mother's attitude.

However in the wake of all of this, back at the tavern sat one man who was drinking with his buddies and one just asked him "You doin alright?". Justin replied "Yea im fine, just still hurts a bit... fucking bitch I tell you what" and the guy nodded "Women are just evil". Another one said "hey now, we all knew it was coming like Justin, you gotta be better than that". Justin ignored them which his aunt brought him like his sixth or seventh bottle.

Elizabeth said "Your seventh bottle, I see that you're still trying to drown her name out" which Justin nodded and he said "what does it look like". Elizabeth replied "Listen Justin, drinking ain't gonna solve your pain, it's just gonna make it worse in the morning". She added "Just look at it this way, her loss would make it another woman's gain". While she was trying to encourage him, Justin was admittedly a great guy by his friends and numerous people.

Elizabeth added "besides I called Rome to come get you, besides you gotta get some rest because tomorrow is your first day back to school". Justin groaned and he said "Great im going to have to deal with the bitch and that fucking". Elizabeth replied "If they start anything, just ignore them besides they can't take on our family". His aunt chuckled before she said "It would be a big mistake since your father knows where their parents work".

Implying that if they started any issue, Rome could get their parents in more trouble than Justin could get himself into at school and possibly cease all issues. Yet tomorrow only told another story within this small-growing town of Oakheart Tennessee, and drama to unfold. Only time can truly unfold what happens next for the two unsuspecting people. And for Sierra's own captured past to come up and cause more troubles for her around the county.

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