Chapter VIII | Another Day, Another Hassle

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In the aftermath of them making the team, Justin was arriving at school and although he was running a bit late, he was not the only one who was running late. Sierra was also running late as well because she missed her bus so now she had to have had her mother take her instead. He saw her and all he said was "Mornin Sierra" as he continued to walk. Sierra on the other hand shutted the door and she ran over to Justin now while her mother chuckled from the car.

The two were walking into the main building which Sierra said "I cannot believe I'm late" and well Justin replied "Relax, I've been late numerous times so you're not alone". He said "Besides it could be a whole lot worse than being only a few minutes late". Sierra sighed and she said "Right but I've never been late before in my life". Justin looked at her surprised and he said "I thought you lived in San Diego" Sierra replied "I did but I didn't live far from the school".

Sierra added "I lived like fifteen minutes or so from the school so I always left fifteen minutes early so I got to the place on time" which Justin chuckled a bit now. He replied "Y'know maybe instead of taking the bus, I should just pick you up instead". Sierra replied "We both know my mother won't allow you to do that" and Justin replied "You sure about that?". Sierra nodded and she said "Yeah I am sure about that, besides I'm fine figuring out my own way".

Only then once they made it to their class, they walked into the class and the two had gone to take their seat in the back of the class, they were being looked at. Of course one of them said "Seems like Justin and his girlfriend finally decided to show up". Some of the class chuckled at the statement, however Justin walked to his seat now. He just said "Well at least she'll be an upgrade from most of the women here" and he sits down now.

Of course the two weren't dating but he did imply if they were to date then Sierra would be a complete upgrade from the people he had had to deal with. Sierra had sat down with Justin now, which the word only began to go around that the two were dating. Even though the two were just merely friends with each other, after all Justin had stood up for her. Yet the people still couldn't help but merely discuss the fact that Underwood was with an Anderson.

One of the unholiest pairings ever imagined and it was right before their own eyes, it was rather forbidden to happen because of the pairing of the families. Yet at the same time, it was a wonder that her own uncle, Hunter, had not found out about Sierra at all. But then again Hunter had been shutted out from the outside world and confined to his cell. He was not even allowed to have any letters of some sort, his best deal of news he heard was from the guards talking.

It really shows you on how fucked up Hunter was in the mind when he finally was caught, now he's sitting on a life sentence waiting to be put to the chair now. But anyways, back with these two, the two were discussing something when Justin's ex came into the class. It was odd because she wasn't a part of the class but here she was anyway. Although it seemed like something was up because she was in quite a good mood.

Justin and Sierra on the other hand knew this was bad because ever since yesterday, something must've changed or something happened. Of course at this point, Justin placed his arm around Sierra and held her close as Sierra was surprised when he did this. Although she didn't really protest either, instead she just let him and she just leaned her head against his shoulder. Now, when his ex saw them together, it seemed like her expression dropped now.

Yet Sierra seemed like this just boosted her own confidence, which she just asked "What's wrong Kaitlyn, surprised to see that im treating him better than you ever could". Some of the students were surprised to see this side of Sierra which they liked. They just looked at Kaitlyn to see what her response to Sierra would be now. Kaitlyn replied "It's him lowering his standards for some disease ridden mongrel from the streets".

The students looked back at Sierra now, to which Sierra replied "Sorry to hurt your weird fantasies, but I'm more clean than any of you guys could ever imagine". She added "Besides Kaitlyn, I heard you slept with the entire team last year". Kaitlyn looked at her like she saw what was coming next and all she said was "You better not say it". Sierra smirked and she said "If anything I think you're more ridden with a disease then I am, and I come from a city".

Which was the fatal nail in the board and the class began chuckling at Kaitlyn now because this was much more insulating than what she could come up with for Sierra. Justin rested his hand on hers now which Sierra allowed it to happen. Besides if anything, she originally thought that they were just faking the relationship to rather get through with the rumors of them. But then again there was something about this that felt different alright.

She didn't want to call it early so she acted like that this was just all for their pretend show, besides if it meant they could get through the year without any more problems. Then she would be happy and that also meant they could move into their Senior year with a better start. That is if she can make it long enough with the pretending. Because maybe by their senior year instead of pretending, they could end up being rather... more official.

Right imagine dating someone who was supposed to be your sworn enemy, yet in the unprecedented circumstances what was supposed to be a rivalry. It ends up into being something else than head-to-head clashing but rather a friendship. And now due to the rumors a fake relationship designed to mute the rumors out early. With the first game of the season coming up, it was going to be quite a week and they had a lot of practices coming up.

Time can only tell what happens next now for these two fake-love birds, if anything maybe their fake relationship could turn into something a whole lot more.

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