Chapter VII | Are you alright?

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Water was splashed onto his face and Justin finally snapped out of it as he breathed heavily now, which he then said "Ugh what happened". Sierra however hugged him tightly which he then said "Woah now, I'm alright Sierra" he chuckled a bit. He hugged her back, he looked at his parents and he said "Shit, what happened". Romeo replied "some guy charged at you, and you went flying and then you went unconscious".

Justin replied "Ugh did I at least make the team" then the Coach came in with his clipboard and he was going through the list. The Coach had noticed that Justin was awake, he said "Ah good, so are you doing alright now Justin". Justin shrugged before he asked "Again, did I make the team" the Coach replied "Well despite the guy trying to take you down intentionally". He added, "You made the team's wide receiver, so I think yeah you did make the team".

The Coach added "And in my entire life I've never seen a response that the new girl gave when you went down, and I've been doing this for like many years". Sierra stated "It's nothing, I just wanted to make sure that he wasn't injured now". She denied what happened earlier, even though she was still embarrassed on how she reacted to him. The Coach stated "Speaking of which, in regards to the Cheer team I heard about her recruitment".

Justin asked "Wait what now?" Sierra went dead quiet before she replied "Yea... I was recruited into being the team's vice captain" and Justin stated "Sweet". Justin added "I'll finally get to see you in uniform now" which Sierra hits him in the shoulder now. All she had to say was "I hate the fact that I just agreed to it, don't think it's some special treatment Justin". Justin chuckled before he replied "Alright, but it'll be nice having you on the team though".

Sierra added "I just don't know how I'll tell my mother that I got into the team because" and Romeo said "Ah well... I sort of already told her for you". Sierra screamed "YOU DID WHAT" and well it seemed like it was the end of the world for Sierra now. Rome replied "Ah calm down, your mother was quite glad that you made the team". He added "Besides, she wanted me to tell you that she's proud of you as well for the achievements that you've made". 

Sierra then said "Oh great just what I need now she's going to be showing up to all the games I'll be going to and I don't need her embarrassing me". Justin said "Hey Sierra, if you think that's bad at least you don't have to worry about six different siblings making you look bad". Sierra had looked at Justin now, Justin had six siblings in total most of them were girls. Only him, his father and his brother Luke were the only males in the family.

Sierra sighed then she stated "You don't understand what I have to go through" Justin replied "Sweetheart, I have like... five sisters like, I know a whole lot more than you". Sierra sighed as she sat down now which she had no-idea on what to say now. The fact that his parents told her mother that she made the team, the fact that she overreacted to Justin's knockdown. She didn't know what was becoming of her, she never acted out like this for anyone.

At this moment all Sierra had done was she got up and she went off on her own now, to which Justin said "Sierra, you alright" and Sierra replied "Just leave me alone". Now Justin felt bad and he went and got up now to go after her, he had to go after her now. He looked around for her but he couldn't find her but when he least expected it, he found her. Sierra was remaining to herself, she wasn't aware that someone did follow her.

Justin came up to her and said "Sierra" which Sierra replied "What do you want" and now Justin looked at her and he asked "What's up, I never seen you act out like that before". Sierra sighed and she said "You wouldn't understand Justin, nobody here would understand". Justin replied "Sierra, I've been through enough as it is. I think I would be able to understand". He looked at her before he said "But you can't keep it all pent up inside".

Sierra sighed before she said "there's a reason why we came here, why there was the divorce and such... my father wasn't really the greatest person". She added "the man ran a drug operation right from our own house and the police were getting close". She added "My mother got out of there as soon as she could and me and her fled to start a new life". Justin nodded a bit before he asked "So why do you not want anyone knowing you making the team".

Sierra replied "If my father found out that we live here, he'd come to start more issues with us for the fact that we left him in San Diego even though it was his fault". She added "He had to do that drug operation and we weren't taking the risk of being affiliated". She looked down before she said "My mother also tipped off on the drug operation when we were in Texas". Justin sighed a bit before he asked "You think your own safety is at risk".

Sierra replied "Guaranteed now" she added "It's only long until he shows up to get revenge and Im afraid of what'll happen now... he also tried to... nevermind". She rather kept things unsaid, but Justin placed his arm around her shoulder before he said "I'll protect you Sierra". Sierra just hugged him before she said "I don't know if you'll be able to stand up to him". She added "He's got the Mexican Mafia on his side" Justin replied "And we're a bunch of rednecks".

Justin stated "That motherfucker would be crazy to start a fight with us... plus my father also has an .50 Caliber rifle in his arsenal, so it'd be suicide to start shit with my family". Sierra replied "And my father has a whole army behind his disposal... he acted poor but". Sierra looked down before she said "Why do you think I was wearing all of those expensive brands". She added "He was wealthier than we initially thought he was, and he sort of spent it on us".

Justin nodded a bit before he asked "So are you staying in the team or are you gonna give up" and Sierra sighed then she replied "Can't now, plus my mother would be mad at me". She added "She told me if I'm gonna do something I should at least stick with it". Implying that she really had no choice but to stay with the cheer team, besides things can't get worse now. Or at least that is what she had initially thought and hoped for.

Only god knows what will happen now between these two and their wacky adventures together in this small and remote town.

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