Chapter X | Tavern Enjoyment

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Justin and Sierra had walked into the tavern which Sierra said "I cannot believe we were able to lose them that easily" and Justin nodded before he left and sat down with her. Which he then said "Besides, they won't ever expect to look here". Sierra sits down with him, to which she just said "Ugh I needed away from my mother for one night at least". Justin chuckled and he replied "why do you think I come here a lot, I don't want to deal with my siblings at home".

Sierra nodded a bit before she said "Right" as she was mainly doing her own thing, however she felt his arm go around her and all she did was lean into him now. As she held her phone in one hand, she was going through her social media from back home. Although she decided to post an update and by surprising Justin, she had taken a photo of them without him knowing. Until it was all too-late now and she had posted the photo onto her profile.

Justin asked "What was that about" and Sierra replied "Just showing off my friend" she chuckled before she leaned back onto him once more as she asked "Is that a problem now". Justin shrugged before he replied "Not really, just don't be surprised at the comments". Sierra rolled her eyes although she should've believed him now because the comments came in. She went through them, most of them stating how her new boyfriend looked hot.

Sierra then said "Oh my god they're calling you my boyfriend back home" and Justin chuckled a bit before he said "Right, I mean... I wouldn't mind being called that". Sierra had looked at him now which she was quiet now before she said "No... not right now at least". Implying that she would consider it but right now it was too early or so to fully decide the decision. Justin chuckled and he said "Not right now you say, so there's gonna be a when then". 

Sierra replied "Just shut up" as she didn't know what to say to him now, certainly he was starting to embarrass her about her current situation. Yet while the two were sitting together and discussing some of the issues that they shared back home. Especially with the aspect of having siblings to deal with on a daily basis, rather on a constant basis. However, Justin then talked about some of his futures and such and of course he mentioned the ranch.

Sierra asked "What do you mean by ranch?" Justin replied "Well when the time comes, I guess my father told me its tradition to leave the oldest with the ranch". Sierra nodded before she asked "Your family is quite interesting I'll admit that". Justin chuckled and he replied "Well thanks, but it's just a family I suppose, I can't say much until I have my own". Sierra just pushed him away and she said "You know what I mean Justin".

Justin chuckled and he replied "Yeah I do know what you mean" as he continued to place his arm around her before he said "Y'know, when you first came here". Sierra replied "Don't you even say it" which Justin smirked a bit before he said "You looked quite fine". Sierra hits Justin rather playfully before she said "Shut up Justin.. Please". She was getting embarrassed with all the things that he was saying to her, of course Justin found her adorable.

Sierra sighed a bit before she said "I hate you sometimes" and she was wondering when someone would take their order but Justin had looked at her. Justin stated "Remember you have to go up to the counter and actually place an order, this isn't some joint". Sierra sighed and she got up and she went up to the counter now, where Elizabeth was working. Elizabeth said "Yes Sierra" like she knew that she came up to the counter.

Elizabeth then said "Well, what do you need to order?" and Sierra said "Yea I'll take two drinks and whatever to eat really" which Elizabeth nodded a bit. Elizabeth asked "I'll just say two beers and the typical side order of wings" which she put on the order wheel. Sierra went back over to her seat and she sat down once more and she said "Alright it's been ordered". Justin said "Y'know I could've gotten it as well" and Sierra replied "I was the closest".

Justin nodded a bit while the two continued to relax together, when Elizabeth came over with the glasses and she placed them down on the table. All Elizabeth said was "Now you two be smart tonight" which she chuckled a bit now. Justin replied "Oh my god did my parents set you up to be watching over us" and Elizabeth replied "No, but I am still your aunt so". However there was a voice and Elizabeth had gone to look now.

Carrie had walked into the tavern and said "Hello Aunt" which she came over to her now and it seemed like she was visiting the town once more. And once Sierra had seen her, she went quiet and she said "You're... you're..." and Carrie replied "Carrie Underwood". Carrie chuckled before she asked "This your date cousin?" and Justin nodded a bit now. Justin stated "Well I can't say we're dating but it's more like" Carrie replied "she's here with you tonight ain't she".

Justin said "well yeah she is here" and Carrie replied "then she's your date tonight regardless if its a date or your just hanging out together". Carrie said "Anyways, where's your parents kid" she asked her cousin once more and Justin replied "At the ranch, as always". Carrie nodded and she said "Well good luck on your date Cousin, I'll see you at the ranch later then". Carrie walked off now before she said "I'm spending a few weeks in town by the way Elizabeth".

Elizabeth nodded before she went back to work, while Carrie had walked out of the bar and Sierra had looked at Justin now as she said "You didn't tell me". Justin replied "I tend to keep it a secret because people only bug me because of the fact i'm related to her". Justin added "the less that is known about her family, the less vulnerable we are". Sierra nodded a bit before she said "Okay then" and she went to take a drink from her glass now.

While their moment together continued, Elizabeth finally came over with their wings which she said "Enjoy you two love birds" and she went back to work. Elizabeth purposely made the wings in the shape of a heart and with a thing of ranch in the middle of the heart. When Sierra saw the wings all she said was "it's not even valentines day". Justin replied "Sierra, she's doing it because of the fact we're on a date together... I meant we're just hanging out".

Sierra had looked at him now which clearly it obvious that he was rather seeing this more as a date than them hanging out and she sighed a bit now. Before she said "Justin, we both know that it's going to happen eventually" and Justin nodded a bit in agreement. She said "At this point I say we should just accept what's coming and just call it now". Justin looked at her before he said "You sure because I don't want you to like... change your mind later".

Sierra placed her hand on his and she said "Justin, I ain't changing my mind. Besides you've sort of been here for me since I first got here so I'm rather glad you're here". Justin nodded a bit, which it seemed like the two were just giving up on trying to take it slow. Because now it seems like it's easier to just start off and work as they go than to build up a relationship. She said "I mean after all... I am technically speaking, your cheerleader now".

Justin chuckled a bit before he said "Yea I guess you are darling" he smirked as he held her hand now their life was about to change completely entirely now.

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