Chapter XXIII | The Untold Fight

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Prior to Sierra's arrival, Justin was walking with one of his friends which he was not quite happy at all and the two were walking to one of the tables. Kaitlyn was sitting with her friends when they noticed Justin approaching them now and one of them pushed Kaitlyn now. Her friend said "Oh shit he found out about the situation now". Justin stated "You fucking whore" his friend said "Justin, ease up... now Kaitlyn you better fucking explain yourself".

Kaitlyn replied "Why the fuck do I need to explain myself? I have done nothing wrong" and yet Justin's friend showed her the photos that he had taken of her. Kaitlyn said "You fucking stalked me last weekend?" and Justin asked "Explain yourself". There was a moment of silence now between the group and then Kaitlyn said "I don't need this shit". She added "You've always done this like, and now you're acting all surprised?".

Justin stated "What the fuck are you saying, just get to the fucking point... Answer the question damn it... Yes or No" and Kaitlyn replied "Fine then, Yeah and you know what". Justin replied "That's all I need to hear... fucking bitch" as he walked away now. However Kaitlyn's friends just got up and argued "Hold on now, you can't just call her a bitch". Yet Justin's friend stated "she cheated, she's a bitch for the streets now".

Kaitlyn then said "bring it on you damn asshole" however Justin stated "Do not call my damn friend an asshole" as it seemed like the two were head to head now. However some of the guys, from the guy she was seeing came over to the situation now. One of them said "Now Justin it'd be advised to just walk away before your ass is jumped". Justin only chuckled at this and he said "Bring it on... city folks" and now this was all he needed.

The guys then attacked both Justin and his friend, although this was not a surprise when both Justin and his friend defeated the group of probably five people. It was sorta sad really to see some of the guys on the football team be taken down by two ranchers. But hey that is what happens when you decide to pick a fight with people you mistake. They thought it'd be easy because they were just two farm boys but it wasn't much of an issue for the two.

In the aftermath of this, Justin was suspended due to his initiation of the entire fight but currently in the present day, Sierra stated "So uh that's what". Justin nodded before he said "that's why the guy she's seeing currently is missing a tooth". Sierra replied "Yikes" and she was just having her cosmetic work done by Carrie now. Justin watched her before he said "Y'know, that dress just fits perfectly" and Sierra replied "Yeah I know it does".

Carrie chuckled before she said "You don't know what he was trying to get at Sierra" and Sierra replied "No I do know what he's trying to get at". Justin chuckled before he came over to her and he asked her "So what's the color you got on?". Sierra replied "Black" and Justin asked next "Lace?" and Sierra chuckled a bit now at that question. Carrie realized what they were talking about and she said "Oh god get a room you two".

Justin chuckled and he walked out and he said "Don't worry Carrie, I plan on doing that" and he smirked to himself and Carrie stated "Seems like you're in for it Sierra". Sierra rolled her eyes before she said "That is if he can handle me" and Justin yelled out "OH I CAN". Sierra chuckled a bit now in response to him now, before she said "Oh, well let's see tonight". Carrie said "Oh god, please tell me that you two are going to wear protection".

Justin replied "Ah well, there's one issue about that... I ain't really that type" and Sierra stated "Plus I'm the cleanest freak from San Diego... that and well... I never really did it". Carrie only announced "Too much information guys" and Sierra rolled her eyes. Sierra stated "I mean... my piercings are sort of due to him giving me suggestions and such". Carrie asked, "Piercings?" and Sierra replied "Just some work I had done on my body... his sister helped".

Carrie replied "Oh of course" and that was just one of the many of the things that she was going to have to deal with now, in the meantime, she was finishing up now. She stated "Alright now you're ready to stun the evening tonight" and Sierra chuckled and she said "Thanks". And she went to get up now and she just walked off out of the room now. Carrie wiped her forehead now before she said "Those two are going to be trouble for this town".

Downstairs while Justin and Romeo were talking about some stuff, Rome was just giving his son some sort of talk about something or another. All Justin said was "Father, we both know that a night like this only comes once in a life-time so like really let us enjoy it". Rome stated "I know, just don't make the same mistakes that I have made in my time". He added "Remember I've been in your exact position, so I know the best wisdom to give".

Romeo added "Besides that, I think your date is ready" he chuckled and he went over to his wife, meanwhile Sierra was walking down the steps now to the staircase. Justin stated "Wondering if you'd come down darling" and Sierra replied "Of course I'd come down". As the two stood together now, despite the height difference in them. They both still looked like their own match made, which Romeo chuckled a bit before he said "Well have fun you two".

Justin chuckled and he said "Thanks father" and he went to walk out with his date now, while Sierra rested her head on his shoulder now in the meantime. Now their night was only beginning and their journey was starting to begin this very same night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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