Chapter IX | Practice Before the Game

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The evening prior to the big game, it was their last day to practice for the first game of the season against one of their neighboring rivaling districts. Sierra was standing with the Captain of the team and they were discussing their own routines for the big game. Meanwhile, the Coach was talking with the football team about their strategy for tomorrow's game. First time that Justin was going to show off his skills once more.

It was the first time that they had an Underwood play in the team in quite some time because the last time they had someone, it was Romeo back in his days of high school. That was many many years ago, and now his own son was in the team. As their own wide receiver, hopefully their game will go according to plan, but at the same time they can't always assume that. In the words of a famous field marshal, "No Plan survives contact with the enemy".

Meantime while Coach was going through his own briefing, Justin had briefly looked over at the cheer team while he was watching them do some routines. Well he was more focused on Sierra doing her own thing and he just looked back at the board now. He was thinking about something now, right now his main focus was getting through tomorrow's game. If they can make it tomorrow then they have a straight shot.

The Coach then said "Alright so that is the plan for tomorrow's game, any questions so far? No... good let's get the plan to practice, it's gonna be a long night guys". Once practice began, it seemed like it was going to be a long night indeed. However both Sierra and Justin didn't realize that they had some spectators watching them practice. Their parents were watching them like they usually had done, of course Autumn's appearance was shocking for some people.

Although it was the first time that Autumn actually made her own appearance in awhile because she's been busy working on her ranch now. Yet here she was watching her own daughter's routines and such, at least she was there to see her daughter. Meanwhile, Romeo and Amethyst were watching over their son Justin who was working on his practices. It seemed like, tomorrow was set to be a good day now, nothing could go wrong.

Or so that is what they had originally thought so far, while their practice was going on and both Justin's parents were talking with Autumn about something. They heard some commotion going on when they were having a break and such. Justin was fighting with someone, or initially that is what it looked like but really happened is the guy started it instead. They were trying to get Justin removed from the team because they didn't want him on the team.

When the coach got involved with the whole situation, he wanted to know who started it but they blamed it on Justin however Sierra got in and said it was the guy. Now nobody could take anyone's side now because it was all a whole deal of a mess. Coach then got everything under control and he just said "The next one who makes a scene, is being removed got it". It seemed like people were just trying to get Justin out of the team.

However what they hadn't realized is they were probably going to be removing one of their best players, they just didn't take the time to actually give him a chance. They wanted to harass him because of the fact that he was being nice to Sierra. Yet they wouldn't understand at all what Justin was doing, because he actually got a fair detail of the story from her. So he knew what she was going through and he was siding with her the entire way.

Once the practices were finished, Justin was walking to his vehicle when he heard someone come up from behind him which he turned around now. Sierra seemed to be following him, to which he said "So what'cha need" Sierra replied "Well umm, I don't really want to". She said "I don't really want to ride home with my mother, she always brings up the topic". Justin asked "Same topic that my parents always bring up" and Sierra asked "What topic is that".

Justin replied "They always question when am I going to find someone, let alone give them grandchildren" he chuckled a bit before Sierra replied "Yeah same topic then". He went to get into his truck before he said "Alright come on, besides I know a place we can go". Sierra went and got into his truck now and well the two had gone to drive off. Meanwhile their own parents were walking out together as they were talking.

When they saw Justin go off, Rome said "Where is that kid going off to now" Autumn shrugged before she said "I don't know but me and Sierra need to get home". She looked around and she said "Sierra? Where did that woman go" and Amethyst said "I have a hunch". Amethyst added "I saw her talking to Justin a bit earlier before he left". Autumn said "Oh great... your kid just ran off with my daughter" Rome said "What can I say Autumn, Justin's just like that". 

Autumn sighed and she said "God I hope the two don't do something they'll regret" Amethyst replied "Relax, Justin's a good guy beside's I don't think they'll be doing that". Rome said "Amethyst, remember our first date" and Amethyst said "Oh right...". Which Rome added "I doubt that he and sierra are gonna do anything like that". He added "besides they just met each other, it'd be odd for two people to be doing something like that".

Amethyst looked at Romeo once more and Rome said "Okay Amethyst that was different, I was willing to take a chance with you" he chuckled a bit. He added "But besides, where do you think those two could run off two that we don't know about". Rome said "But then again the boy's like me so, he'll find a spot we don't know about". Autumn added "Or he'll pick a place that's too obvious" and that's when they said "The Tavern".

Elizabeth was on the phone and she said "Yea I'll keep an eye out for them when I see them, I mean I know they're coming here cause you guys wouldn't look here". She nodded before she said "Alright Rome I gotta go we're getting swarmed here, I'll talk to y'all later". She then hung up the phone and she said "Crazy kid taking Autumn's daughter out". Now she had to keep a close eye on the two when they got there, that is if they would go there.

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