Chapter VI | The Tryout's

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The next day at school, Justin and his buddies were sitting together at breakfast and they were discussing their usual series of topics that they talked about. They were country guys so they mainly talked about trucks, hunting and sometimes they involved the ladies. Speaking of ladies, a certain someone was entering the Cafeteria. Justin? Well let's say that his friend's lost him again whenever she came around and they didn't know what was with him.

He never acted like this especially when he was in a relationship, he never acted like this yet in this one case and noted before and continuously mentioned. Sierra drew something in him that he could not understand what was causing him to be so interested in her. While they were discussing something that was going on, when one of the staff came in. The person went and placed some stuff onto the bulletin board, which Justin got up now.

It looked like that the Football Team and the Cheer team were holding tryouts for this year's teams and it was coming up on this weekend and he shrugged a bit. He grabbed the flier and he took it now and he went and sat back down once more. Meantime, Sierra was not even interested in trying out for the team because she knew she wouldn't do good. She was poking at her own food because she didn't even feel hungry at all.

However that was when her own phone went off when one of her friends was trying to call her from San Diego and she answered it and she said "What is it". She added "Nah im in lunch, it's a long story Jazmin, like... here it's been rough now". It seemed like she needed to talk to her friend from back home because Jazmin understood a lot about her. It was her own support person she could really go to and release all of her stress to.

Although she briefly mentioned the cheer tryouts and well once she did so, her friend just started to talk about it and such and her friend wouldn't shut up. Yeah Sierra knew that she was quite good at it back in San Diego, but she knew she wouldn't make the team here. It was because of her own last name that disqualified her for trying out. She briefly told her friend she was not trying out for the team at all and there was nothing that could change her mind.

Meantime, Justin was looking at the flier and he was thinking if it was the right idea, but his friends ensured that he could totally pull the team. Besides, if there's one thing that could happen, it's the fact that he could continue his father's legacy. When his father went to school, he had made the team as the quarterback and now Justin was considering trying out. Yet he doubted that he could make the team especially with the recent breakup of his.

But maybe all the thing that he needed was someone to be by his side during the entire process and be there at all the games and well his family he knew would be there. However he needed something else but he couldn't decide on what it was. Yet all Justin said was "Fine then I'll do the tryouts this Saturday but I highly doubt I'll make the team". His friends ensured that he'll make the team, because it was in his family to do it.

It had seemed like the both of them did not want to try out for the team, yet Justin, he still was going to do it only to keep his stance to his friends. He didn't want to prove them otherwise, besides if he made the team then maybe he'll have a chance of proving himself once more. But at the same time, he didn't know how the tryouts would go now. Because both Cheer and Football tryouts had gone out at the same time.

Yet when it came to the tryouts that same Saturday, Sierra only went to the fields only to spectate the tryouts mainly because she didn't want to try out. Justin was walking out onto the field with his own gear and he said "Ugh I hate looking bulky". Yet it was best that he looked like this even if it meant protecting him from most injuries. He noticed Sierra, he was surprised to see her there amongst all people but he wasn't surprised to see his Ex.

See Kaitlyn was also trying out for the Cheer Team which made things a whole lot worse now for Justin because in all people, he had to deal with her now. Yet, at the same time he remembered that Sierra was also so there was a counter-measure. Instead of focusing on his ex, he was gonna be focused on Sierra instead for his good luck now. And with that he smirked to himself and he went to meet with the others for the tryout now.

While Sierra was sitting, she heard some people come up from behind her and it was not surprising to see that Romeo and Amethyst showed up to watch Justin's tryout. Rome stated "Surprising to see that you're here watching as well Sierra". Sierra replied "I couldn't make the team, I ain't good at it" Amethyst asked "Why do you say that". Amethyst added "Surely you got the body to be one" she chuckled a bit now, she would know since she was one.

Sierra replied "I don't see a purpose in being one, that's the point, like all we do is cheer at a stupid game and such, like what's the point of it". Rome stated "Well Sierra, I wasn't really one but one thing I could tell from my sister's perspective". He added "She liked it mainly because it meant that me and her spent more time together hanging out". Sierra rolled her eyes and then she said "And what did people think of two siblings in the team".

Rome stated "I'd rather not talk about what happened in those days because to this day, it makes me and Elizabeth uncomfortable with some of the things they said". Who knows what the people said to Romeo and Elizabeth when they were on the teams. But it gave an idea to Sierra on what happened, and what they had said. During the tryouts Justin wasn't doing quite well, and well his Ex didn't make it better either.

His ex actually kept on discouraging him, telling him how much of an embarrassment that he was making to the team yet Sierra came out of no-where. In fact, Sierra began encouraging Justin to do his best throughout the team and that helped Justin's tryout. Yet for Rome and Amethyst they were just watching and Amethyst was chuckling now. Sierra heard this and she said "What's so funny" and Amethyst replied "Oh nothing".

Sierra said "I don't like secrets" and Rome replied "It seems like Justin's got his own cheerleader now" implying with what she was doing now and well Sierra got embarrassed. Sierra stated "I'm only doing it to help him because of his bitch ex". Amethyst replied "Oh we're not against it" and it was actually helping their son do the tryouts the more Sierra cheers for him. However, the Cheer team liked Sierra's cheering.

What happened next would forever change Sierra's stance, because the Cheer Captain actually came out and invited Sierra to join the team, no need for any tryouts. They needed a person like her as the next Vice Captain, and the woman thought Sierra was perfect. Now was Kaitlyn happy about that? No, no she was in fact rather mad that this happened. Sierra was now able to implant some of her old techniques into the team.

However unexpectedly, Justin was taken down by someone which caught everyone off guard because of how sudden it was and well it wasn't good now. Because with how sudden it was, Justin had rolled against the ground numerous times. The guy that Kaitlyn was seeing, was unhappy to see that Sierra was improving Justin's play. Yet it caused a reaction because Sierra and his parents ran off to Justin now because he was on the ground unconscious.

Hopefully he was alright and that he was safe, only they could find out once they got him out of unconsciousness.

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