Chapter XXII | Insight of him

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The very next day, Carrie was working with Sierra on which she was going along with some music that wasn't any of her normal taste, it was due to Sierra's own taste of music. Carrie was mainly working on the makeup aspect of the attire. Meanwhile, Justin was working with Romeo on some stuff and Amethyst had come out to see what the two were doing. It had seemed like everything was going back to normal, with last night's victory.

However that was not the main concern, located in Nashville Tennessee and at Riverbend Maximum Security Institution, there was an inmate who was reading the paper. He said "Crowned Queen and King at Oakheart... Justin Underwood, SIERRA ANDERSON". He looked at the photo of the two and he knew his sister's features. Sierra had those features, and he then said "My fucking sister slept with a damn... Oh I am going to fucking kill her".

One of the guards then said "Sure you are Hunter Anderson, you're just mad that you have a Hispanic niece now" which Hunter stated "Oh shut up you fucking dumbass". He added "That's the end of our clean family, now it's been filled with some disease". However another inmate on the death row wing said "Yea remind me to not get my hands on you". Before another guard said "Ah relax, Hunter's getting the chair for his execution method".

Hunter said "Yeah my sister will be dead before I face the chair and so will Sierra" before the guard said "You still forgot to see how strong the Underwoods become". Hunter replied "I don't care about their family, they made my family lose it all". He added "Stupid Union backing fucktards, they should've supported the Confederacy like a southern person". Which one of the guards just shuts the slot to Hunter's cell pretty much muting him to the outside world.

Hunter had seemed rather pissed off and he ended up cutting the photo out of Justin and Sierra with his razer and he then placed the wall on this made up board he made. And on the title, the board said 'Kill List' and he placed his own niece on the list. But he also had Romeo, Amethyst, Elizabeth, Carrie, Blake and well the entire Underwood family. And those associated with their family as well so that was like a long list of people.

He wanted his sister, his niece and that boyfriend of her's killed first and in the most painful ways just so that he gets the pleasure of watching them suffer. Especially his plan on slowly killing Justin in front of Sierra while doing the same to Sierra and making Justin watch. He was sadistic as hell, but that is why he was on Death Row and well he wasn't escaping. He could not escape either because Romeo would easily kill him.

Meanwhile at the Ranch while Carrie was busy doing something in another room, all Sierra could do was look at herself in the mirror in the dress. She didn't seem to care too much about it but she began to think about the future itself. One of the things she saw herself, was that she could see herself wearing a wedding dress itself. She just pushed those thoughts as she said to herself "That'll never come true" and Carrie said "What won't come true".

And it seemed like Carrie came back into the room as she was stating that, and Carrie said "Speak Sierra, it doesn't help if you keep it all hidden". Sierra replied "It's nothing, I was just thinking about the future and such but it's no big problem really". Sierra didn't really want to tell her because she was rather afraid of what she'd say and such. Carrie nodded before she said "Y'know Sierra, it seems like you and Justin are getting along quite well".

Sierra sighed and she said "I know we are just, I don't know really" before Carrie then said "Thinking about when he'll finally get to that part". Sierra then looked at Carrie like she was surprised a bit, Carrie said "Ah don't act surprised, I knew what you were thinking of". It seemed like obviously she knew what was on her mind now. Carrie stated "Listen Sierra, give it time and when the time comes, it'll happen just don't work yourself over it".

She added "Besides, things like that take time to create the courage to actually admit such a thing, besides... You wouldn't want it to be the worst moment". Sierra replied "it's never the worse with him" and Carrie replied "I meant the timing, you don't want it rushed". She continued to work on her attire before she said "Besides both of you are made". And Sierra replied "Yeah I sort of... knew that the first day that I met him really".

She added "there was something about him that I couldn't describe but he just... I don't know how to explain it really, he was his own unique guy". Carrie chuckled before she said "Sierra, I'm the dude's cousin so like I know much about him". She added "Hell I've been around since he was an infant so like, I know a lot about his past and such". Which she continued before she said "And the best thing that's ever happened to him so far, is meeting you".

Sierra replied "well I mean... I've tried my best to at least make a good impression" Carrie replied "Ever since the shit went down with Kaitlyn, you came in at the right time". Sierra asked "So what really happened between the two? I never got told what happened". Carrie stated "It's a long story but pretty much the bitch sorta cheated on him". She added "Then there was a huge scene in the cafeteria, they called each other names and he got into a fight".

Sierra asked "Who won the fight" and Carrie replied "Justin, but it also ended with him getting suspended for like three weeks because of it". Sierra stated "And what happened?" Carrie replied "yea that's something you're gonna have to ask him". Justin said "Gonna ask me what" and he walked into the room only to see the both of them.

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