Chapter XIV | Hard times, together once more

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When Justin entered her room, all Sierra then said was "What do you want? I already told you" however Justin came over to her and he placed his hand on hers. Before he said "I don't care Sierra, we both know that this is something we don't want to happen". He added "Just listen alright, please that is all I'm asking you darling". Sierra sighed and she said "What do you want now Justin, like... I already like" however Justin shutted her up by kissing her.

Sierra went speechless for a brief second although she placed her hand on his cheek and she kissed him back because clearly all she needed was that kiss. She then said to him "I hate you Justin" and Justin replied "And I love you too Sierra". As he held her hand before he said "Now are you still listening to what my father has to say and decide on our relationship". Sierra replied "No but I thought it was my fault that you were being yelled at".

Justin replied "Darling, I don't care what happens to me. As long as you're having a good time" he chuckled and he then said "That's all that matters to me". He added "There ain't anything in this damn world that would be able to replace a beauty like you, Sierra". Sierra replied "Shut up Justin" and she just covered her face with her own pillow now. Justin chuckled before he said "Besides if anything, my siblings actually like you well as far as I think they do". 

Justin added "They haven't really said anything about you, they just find it quite interesting how two technically-supposed to be rivals are in some relationship with each other". Sierra sighed a bit, she said "Yeah I know, I get that comment a lot when I tell my friends back home". She added "They find it quite interesting as well, and they've commented on the photo". Justin replied "Which photo exactly" and Sierra stated "Us together at one of the practices".

Justin then said "So what now, where do we really stand Sierra" which Sierra had looked at him now before she said "What do you mean Justin?". Justin replied "I meant like, what's the circumstance of our own relationship, I mean after earlier today". Sierra replied "I don't really know Justin, everything's been rough since I've gotten here". She added "Yet at the same time, it seems like It's easier to face anything with you by my side".

Sierra sighed a bit before she said "But at the same time, I can't really say I'll be able to handle myself if we were to split apart because I think they're looking for a weakness in us". Justin nodded before he said "Yeah I know they're waiting to do something on me as well". Sierra looked down at her knees now before she said "Justin, I don't know what to do now". She added "like now, it's gotten to the point that I have to rely on you to protect me". 

Justin replied "I mean... as a male I have to protect you" and Sierra replied "I know but it's embarrassing because I should be able to fight for myself". She sighed now because she was just having a rough time but Justin was rubbing her back and he managed to hit something. All Sierra said was "Mnmm RIght there..." Justin chuckled as he continued to rub the spot. Justin then said "Ah I see your back is bit tensed up, I say the routines".

Sierra nodded before she said "Trying to be ready for the next game" she chuckled a bit before she said "Anything for you darling" Justin smirked a bit before he continued to massage her. Yet, Justin eventually stopped and he said "Now are you better". Sierra nodded and she replied "Much better now, my back feels better and more untensed". Justin nodded a bit before he said "Well that's good babe" and he sits down with her now on her bed.

Sierra chuckled a bit before she said "What are you doing" and Justin said "Getting comfortable with you" as then he leaned down before he kissed her neck. Sierra said "Oh this is new... I like it very much" and it seemed like the two were getting more intimate. Yet right as when things were getting good, her mother Autumn ends up walking in. Well now Justin was standing near the bed, he was in the middle of taking his shirt off.

A moment of silence had occurred and all Sierra said was "GET OUT MOTHER" and well Autumn then didn't even know what to say now because she's never encountered this before. Well she didn't know how to approach the situation because she wasn't gonna be like her mother. If it were her mother than Sierra would've been getting screamed at. Autumn walked out of the room rather not-knowing how to understand how to approach this now.

Both Sierra and Justin were left alone and well Justin said "Y'know we should find a spot to have our own privacy, I don't want to like you know be like in the middle and she walks in". Sierra replied "I know we need to find our own spot, I don't want that embarrassing moment". She didn't know what to say now but she certainly was looking at Justin now. Justin chuckled a bit before he said "I see you've got a thing for what I've been working on before we met".

Sierra replied "Yeah, I see that your routines are quite the attraction" she grinned a bit now before she said "Y'know we can continue if you'd like". Justin chuckled and he said "I'd love too but, Y'know... I don't want your mother barging in on us in the middle of it". He added "I rather have the moment be something that's you know, between us". Sierra sighed a bit as she seemed a bit disappointed now but Justin said "Don't worry darling".

Justin added "I promise you, next time will be more special between us" and he kissed her a bit before he said "Anyways I need to get home before my parents question". Sierra replied "Hopefully my mother didn't already snitch on what we were doing". Justin stated "Unlikely, darling besides, there's somethings that are best unsaid". And he fixed his clothing now before he said "I'll see you tomorrow alright" and Sierra nodded a bit.

Now Justin had departed from the house, of course Sierra had walked out with him but then she ended up going back inside into the house, where her mother was drinking coffee. Sierra then said "Just don't start" and Autumn was just keeping quiet now. All Autumn said was "What you do, is on your own responsibility. The only thing I ask you". She added "All I ask you, please don't get pregnant before you graduate, besides you're both young to be parents".

Yet alone it seemed like Autumn's moment with her daughter was the lenient side of it, hopefully just hopefully when Justin got home he'll be able to go to his room. Only he could hope that no word got home about what happened between him and Sierra.

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